import { of } from 'rxjs'; import { catchError, exhaustMap, map, withLatestFrom, switchMap, tap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { Injectable, Inject } from '@angular/core'; import { Store, select } from '@ngrx/store'; import { Actions, ofType, createEffect } from '@ngrx/effects'; import { AddResponse as BuddyAddResponse, DelResponse as BuddyDelResponse, UpdateResponse as BuddyUpdateResponse } from '@ucap/protocol-buddy'; import { SyncProtocolService } from '@ucap/ng-protocol-sync'; import { BuddyProtocolService } from '@ucap/ng-protocol-buddy'; import { DepartmentSelector } from '@ucap/ng-store-organization'; import { LoginActions } from '@ucap/ng-store-authentication'; import * as groupActions from '../group/actions'; import { buddy2, buddy2Success, buddy2Failure, add, addFailure, del, delFailure, delSuccess, update, updateSuccess, updateFailure, delAndClear } from './actions'; import { BuddySelector, GroupSelector } from '../state'; import { ModuleConfig } from '../../config/module-config'; import { _MODULE_CONFIG } from '../../config/token'; @Injectable() export class Effects { postLoginSuccessForBuddy2$ = createEffect(() => { return this.actions$.pipe( ofType(LoginActions.loginSuccess), map(action => action.loginRes), map(req => buddy2()) ); }); buddy2$ = createEffect(() => { return this.actions$.pipe( ofType(buddy2), withLatestFrom(, switchMap(([action, syncDate]) => { return this.syncProtocolService.buddy2({ syncDate }).pipe( map(res => buddy2Success({ buddyList: res.buddyInfos, syncDate: res.res.syncDate }) ), catchError(error => of(buddy2Failure({ error }))) ); }) ); }); add$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe( ofType(add), map(action => action.req), exhaustMap(req => this.buddyProtocolService.add(req).pipe( map((res: BuddyAddResponse) => { return buddy2(); }), catchError(error => of(addFailure({ error }))) ) ) ) ); del$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe( ofType(del), map(action => action.req), exhaustMap(req => this.buddyProtocolService.del(req).pipe( map((res: BuddyDelResponse) => { return delSuccess({ res }); }), catchError(error => of(delFailure({ error }))) ) ) ) ); delAndClear$ = createEffect( () => { return this.actions$.pipe( ofType(delAndClear), withLatestFrom(, // 내 부서원 비교. ), tap(([req, groupList, myDeptUserList]) => { for (const group of groupList) { if (group.userSeqs.indexOf(String(req.seq)) > -1) { // 소속부서(내부서) 고정그룹 사용시 소속부서원을 삭제하지 않는다. if ( !!this.moduleConfig.useMyDeptGroup && this.moduleConfig.useMyDeptGroup && !!this.moduleConfig.fixedGroupSeqs && this.moduleConfig.fixedGroupSeqs.filter( fixedGroupSeq => fixedGroupSeq === group.seq ).length > 0 ) { // skip;; } else { // Group Clear.. groupActions.update({ req: { groupSeq: group.seq, groupName:, userSeqs: group.userSeqs.filter( userSeq => userSeq !== String(req.seq) ) } }) ); } } } // 소속부서(내부서) 고정그룹 사용시 소속부서원을 삭제하지 않는다. if ( !!this.moduleConfig.useMyDeptGroup && this.moduleConfig.useMyDeptGroup && myDeptUserList.filter(deptUser => deptUser.seq === String(req.seq)) .length > 0 ) { // skip;; } else { // Favorit Clear.. update({ req: { seq: req.seq, isFavorit: false } }) ); // Buddy Clear..{ req: { userSeqs: [String(req.seq)] } })); } }) ); }, { dispatch: false } ); update$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe( ofType(update), map(action => action.req), exhaustMap(req => this.buddyProtocolService.update(req).pipe( map((res: BuddyUpdateResponse) => { return updateSuccess({ res }); }), catchError(error => of(updateFailure({ error }))) ) ) ) ); groupCreateSuccess$ = createEffect( () => { return this.actions$.pipe( ofType(groupActions.createSuccess), withLatestFrom(, tap(([action, buddyList]) => { const targetUserSeqs = action.targetUserSeqs; if (!!targetUserSeqs && 0 < targetUserSeqs.length) { const addBuddyList: string[] = []; targetUserSeqs.forEach(userSeq => { if (!buddyList) { addBuddyList.push(userSeq); return; } const index = buddyList.findIndex(b => String(b.seq) === userSeq); if (-1 < index) { addBuddyList.push(userSeq); return; } }); if (addBuddyList.length > 0) {{ req: { userSeqs: addBuddyList } })); } } }) ); }, { dispatch: false } ); groupUpdateMemberSuccess$ = createEffect( () => { return this.actions$.pipe( ofType(groupActions.updateMemberSuccess), withLatestFrom(, tap(([action, buddyList]) => { const targetUserSeqs = action.targetUserSeqs; const userSeqsForDelete = action.userSeqsForDelete; if (!!targetUserSeqs && 0 < targetUserSeqs.length) { const addBuddyList: string[] = []; targetUserSeqs.forEach(userSeq => { if (!buddyList) { addBuddyList.push(userSeq); return; } const index = buddyList.findIndex(b => String(b.seq) === userSeq); if (-1 < index) { addBuddyList.push(userSeq); return; } }); if (addBuddyList.length > 0) {{ req: { userSeqs: addBuddyList } })); } } if (!!userSeqsForDelete && 0 < userSeqsForDelete.length) { userSeqsForDelete.forEach(userSeq => { update({ req: { seq: Number(userSeq), isFavorit: false } }) ); });{ req: { userSeqs: userSeqsForDelete } })); } }) ); }, { dispatch: false } ); constructor( private actions$: Actions, private store: Store, @Inject(_MODULE_CONFIG) private moduleConfig: ModuleConfig, private syncProtocolService: SyncProtocolService, private buddyProtocolService: BuddyProtocolService ) {} }