import { exit } from './../../../../store/messenger/room/actions'; import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, ViewChild, AfterViewChecked, Input, ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core'; import { ucapAnimations, DialogService, ConfirmDialogComponent, ConfirmDialogResult, ConfirmDialogData } from '@ucap-webmessenger/ui'; import { NGXLogger } from 'ngx-logger'; import { Store, select } from '@ngrx/store'; import { Subscription, combineLatest, Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { RoomInfo, UserInfoShort, UserInfo as RoomUserInfo } from '@ucap-webmessenger/protocol-room'; import * as AppStore from '@app/store'; import * as ChatStore from '@app/store/messenger/chat'; import * as RoomStore from '@app/store/messenger/room'; import { tap, debounceTime, delay, take } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { RoomUserDetailData, RoomUserData } from '@ucap-webmessenger/protocol-sync'; import { VersionInfo2Response } from '@ucap-webmessenger/api-public'; import { SessionStorageService } from '@ucap-webmessenger/web-storage'; import { KEY_VER_INFO } from '@app/types'; import { LoginResponse } from '@ucap-webmessenger/protocol-authentication'; import { MatMenuTrigger } from '@angular/material'; import { FormGroup, FormBuilder } from '@angular/forms'; import { CdkVirtualScrollViewport } from '@angular/cdk/scrolling'; import { PerfectScrollbarDirective } from 'ngx-perfect-scrollbar'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-layout-chat-left-sidenav-chat', templateUrl: './chat.component.html', styleUrls: ['./chat.component.scss'], animations: ucapAnimations }) export class ChatComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterViewChecked { @Input() isVisible = true; @ViewChild('cvsvChatList', { static: false }) cvsvChatList: CdkVirtualScrollViewport; @ViewChild(PerfectScrollbarDirective, { static: false }) psDirectiveRef?: PerfectScrollbarDirective; @ViewChild('chatContextMenuTrigger', { static: true }) chatContextMenuTrigger: MatMenuTrigger; chatContextMenuPosition = { x: '0px', y: '0px' }; roomList: RoomInfo[]; roomUserList: RoomUserDetailData[]; roomUserShortList: RoomUserData[]; sessionVerinfo: VersionInfo2Response; loginRes: LoginResponse; loginResSubscription: Subscription; roomSubscription: Subscription; isSearch = false; searchRoomList: RoomInfo[] = []; fgSearch: FormGroup; recommendedWordList: string[]; filteredRecommendedWordList: string[]; /** 채팅 리스트에 virture scroll의 size check */ isInitList = false; constructor( private store: Store, private formBuilder: FormBuilder, private logger: NGXLogger, private dialogService: DialogService, private sessionStorageService: SessionStorageService, private translateService: TranslateService, private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef ) { this.sessionVerinfo = this.sessionStorageService.get( KEY_VER_INFO ); this.recommendedWordList = []; } ngOnInit() { this.fgSearch ={ searchInput: null }); this.fgSearch .get('searchInput') .valueChanges.pipe(debounceTime(100)) .subscribe(value => { if (value !== null && value.length > 0) { this.filteredRecommendedWordList = this.recommendedWordList.filter( v => { return v.includes(value); } ); } else { this.filteredRecommendedWordList = []; } }); this.roomSubscription = combineLatest([ select(AppStore.MessengerSelector.SyncSelector.selectAllRoom) ), select(AppStore.MessengerSelector.SyncSelector.selectAllRoomUser) ), select(AppStore.MessengerSelector.SyncSelector.selectAllRoomUserShort) ) ]) .pipe( tap(([room, roomUser, roomUserShort]) => { this.roomList = room; this.searchRoomList = room; this.roomUserList = roomUser; this.roomUserShortList = roomUserShort; const recommendedWordList = []; for (const r of room) { if (!!r.roomName && '' !== r.roomName.trim()) { recommendedWordList.push(r.roomName); } } for (const ru of roomUser) { for (const u of ru.userInfos) { if (u.seq !== this.loginRes.userSeq) { if (!! && '' !== { recommendedWordList.push(; } } } } for (const ru of roomUserShort) { for (const u of ru.userInfos) { if (u.seq !== this.loginRes.userSeq) { if (!! && '' !== { recommendedWordList.push(; } } } } this.recommendedWordList = [...recommendedWordList]; if (!!this.psDirectiveRef) { this.psDirectiveRef.update(); } // this.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(); }) ) .subscribe(); this.loginResSubscription = .pipe( select(AppStore.AccountSelector.AuthenticationSelector.loginRes), tap(loginRes => { this.loginRes = loginRes; }) ) .subscribe(); } ngOnDestroy(): void { if (!!this.roomSubscription) { this.roomSubscription.unsubscribe(); } if (!!this.loginResSubscription) { this.loginResSubscription.unsubscribe(); } } ngAfterViewChecked(): void { if ( !!this.cvsvChatList && !!this.roomList && this.roomList.length > 0 && !this.isInitList && this.isVisible ) { this.isInitList = true; this.cvsvChatList.checkViewportSize(); } } onClickSearchCancel() { this.isSearch = false; this.searchRoomList = []; this.filteredRecommendedWordList = []; } onKeyDownEnter(event: KeyboardEvent, search: string) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (search.trim().length >= 1) { this.isSearch = true; this.searchRoomList = this.roomList.filter(room => { if (room.roomName.indexOf(search) >= 0) { return true; } else if ( this.getRoomUserList(room).filter(user => user.seq !== this.loginRes.userSeq ? >= 0 : false ).length > 0 ) { return true; } else { return false; } }); } else { this.isSearch = false; this.searchRoomList = []; } setTimeout(() => (this.filteredRecommendedWordList = []), 200); } onContextMenuChat(event: MouseEvent, roomInfo: RoomInfo) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); this.chatContextMenuPosition.x = event.clientX + 'px'; this.chatContextMenuPosition.y = event.clientY + 'px';'mouse'); this.chatContextMenuTrigger.menuData = { roomInfo }; this.chatContextMenuTrigger.openMenu(); } onClickContextMenu(type: string, roomInfo: RoomInfo) { switch (type) { case 'SELECT_ROOM': ChatStore.selectedRoom({ roomSeq: roomInfo.roomSeq }) ); break; case 'TOGGLE_ALARM':{ roomInfo })); break; case 'EXIT_ROOM': { this.translateService .get(['chat.exitFromRoom', 'chat.confirmExitFromRoom']) .pipe(take(1)) .subscribe(async values => { const result = await< ConfirmDialogComponent, ConfirmDialogData, ConfirmDialogResult >(ConfirmDialogComponent, { data: { title: values['chat.exitFromRoom'], html: values['chat.confirmExitFromRoom'] } }); if (!!result && !!result.choice && result.choice) { RoomStore.exit({ roomSeq: roomInfo.roomSeq }) ); } }); } break; } } getRoomUserList(roomInfo: RoomInfo): (RoomUserInfo | UserInfoShort)[] { if (!!this.roomUserList && 0 < this.roomUserList.length) { const i = this.roomUserList.findIndex( value => roomInfo.roomSeq === value.roomSeq ); if (-1 < i) { return this.roomUserList[i].userInfos; } } if (!!this.roomUserShortList && 0 < this.roomUserShortList.length) { const i = this.roomUserShortList.findIndex( value => roomInfo.roomSeq === value.roomSeq ); if (-1 < i) { return this.roomUserShortList[i].userInfos; } } } }