import { EventType, EventJson, FileEventJson, MassTextEventJson } from '@ucap-webmessenger/protocol-event'; import { FileType } from '@ucap-webmessenger/protocol-file'; export class StringUtil { /** * linefeed >
*/ public static linefeedtohtml(str: string): string { return str .replace(/\r\n/g, '
') .replace(/\r/g, '
') .replace(/\n/g, '
'); } /** *
> linefeed */ public static htmltolinefeed(str: string): string { return str.replace(/<(\/br)([^>]*)/gi, '\n'); } /** * prefix zero fill * @param str target string * @param len fill in length */ public static zeroFill(str: any, len: number): string { if (typeof str === 'string') { let fillin = ''; for (let i = 0; i < len - str.length; i++) { fillin += '0'; } return fillin + str; } else if (typeof str === 'number') { return StringUtil.zeroFill(str.toString(), len); } } /** * Json String Analization. * @description Editing with json.util.ts */ public static receiveAnalization(jsonStr: string): any { const startJson = jsonStr.indexOf('{'); const endJson = jsonStr.lastIndexOf('}'); if (startJson >= 0 && startJson < endJson) { jsonStr = jsonStr .substring(startJson, endJson + 1) .replace(/\n"/gi, '"') .replace(/\n}/gi, '}') .replace(/\n/gi, '\\n'); return JSON.parse(jsonStr); } else { throw new Error('Invalid Json String'); } } /** * date formater */ public static dateFormat(date: Date, f: string): string { if (!date) { return ''; } else if (!f) { return date.toDateString(); } const weekKorName = [ '일요일', '월요일', '화요일', '수요일', '목요일', '금요일', '토요일' ]; const weekKorShortName = ['일', '월', '화', '수', '목', '금', '토']; const weekEngName = [ 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ]; const weekEngShortName = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat']; return f.replace(/(yyyy|yy|MM|dd|KS|KL|ES|EL|HH|hh|mm|ss|a\/p)/gi, $1 => { switch ($1) { case 'yyyy': return date.getFullYear().toString(); // 년 (4자리) case 'yy': return StringUtil.zeroFill(date.getFullYear() % 1000, 2); // 년 (2자리) case 'MM': return StringUtil.zeroFill(date.getMonth() + 1, 2); // 월 (2자리) case 'dd': return StringUtil.zeroFill(date.getDate(), 2); // 일 (2자리) case 'KS': return weekKorShortName[date.getDay()]; // 요일 (짧은 한글) case 'KL': return weekKorName[date.getDay()]; // 요일 (긴 한글) case 'ES': return weekEngShortName[date.getDay()]; // 요일 (짧은 영어) case 'EL': return weekEngName[date.getDay()]; // 요일 (긴 영어) case 'HH': return StringUtil.zeroFill(date.getHours(), 2); // 시간 (24시간 기준, 2자리) case 'hh': return StringUtil.zeroFill(date.getHours() % 12, 2); // 시간 (12시간 기준, 2자리) case 'mm': return StringUtil.zeroFill(date.getMinutes(), 2); // 분 (2자리) case 'ss': return StringUtil.zeroFill(date.getSeconds(), 2); // 초 (2자리) case 'a/p': return date.getHours() < 12 ? '오전' : '오후'; // 오전/오후 구분 default: return $1; } }); } public static convertFinalEventMessage( eventType: EventType, finalEventMessage: EventJson ): string | null { let eventMessage: string = null; switch (eventType) { case EventType.Join: case EventType.Exit: case EventType.RenameRoom: case EventType.NotificationForTimerRoom: case EventType.GuideForRoomTimerChanged: { /** * 해당 타입은 메시지를 갱신하지 않는다. * @description Edit with ui-chat > messages.component.ts */ } break; case EventType.Sticker: eventMessage = '스티커'; break; case EventType.File: { const m = finalEventMessage as FileEventJson; if (FileType.Image === m.fileType) { eventMessage = '이미지'; } else { eventMessage = '첨부파일'; } } break; case EventType.VideoConference: eventMessage = '화상회의'; break; case EventType.MassText: { const m = finalEventMessage as MassTextEventJson; eventMessage = m.content; } break; default: { const m = finalEventMessage as string; eventMessage = m; } break; } return eventMessage; } }