import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Actions, createEffect, ofType } from '@ngrx/effects'; import { Store } from '@ngrx/store'; import { NGXLogger } from 'ngx-logger'; import * as SyncStore from '@app/store/messenger/sync'; import * as AuthStore from '@app/store/account/authentication'; import { bulkInfo, bulkInfoSuccess, bulkInfoFailure, status, statusFailure, statusSuccess, messageUpdate, messageUpdateFailure } from './actions'; import { tap, switchMap, map, catchError, exhaustMap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { StatusProtocolService, SSVC_TYPE_STATUS_BULK_INFO_DATA, SSVC_TYPE_STATUS_BULK_INFO_RES, BulkInfoData, StatusBulkInfo, StatusResponse, MessageUpdateResponse } from '@ucap-webmessenger/protocol-status'; import { of } from 'rxjs'; @Injectable() export class Effects { buddy2SuccessPostBulk$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe( ofType(SyncStore.buddy2Success), map(params => { const userSeqList: number[] = []; for (const buddy of params.buddyList) { userSeqList.push(buddy.seq); } return bulkInfo({ divCd: 'bulk', userSeqs: userSeqList }); }) ) ); bulkInfo$ = createEffect( () => { let statusBulkInfoList: StatusBulkInfo[]; return this.actions$.pipe( ofType(bulkInfo), tap(() => { statusBulkInfoList = []; }), switchMap(req => { return this.statusProtocolService.bulkInfo(req).pipe( map(res => { switch (res.SSVC_TYPE) { case SSVC_TYPE_STATUS_BULK_INFO_DATA: statusBulkInfoList.push( ...(res as BulkInfoData).statusBulkInfos ); break; case SSVC_TYPE_STATUS_BULK_INFO_RES: bulkInfoSuccess({ statusBulkInfoList }) ); break; } }), catchError(error => of(bulkInfoFailure({ error }))) ); }) ); }, { dispatch: false } ); // statusNotification$ = createEffect( // () => { // return this.actions$.pipe( // ofType(statusNotification), // map(action => action.noti), // tap(noti => {}) // ); // }, // { dispatch: false } // ); status$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe( ofType(status), map(action => action.req), exhaustMap(req => { return this.statusProtocolService.status(req).pipe( map((res: StatusResponse) => { return statusSuccess({ res }); }), catchError(error => of(statusFailure({ error }))) ); }) ) ); messageUpdate$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe( ofType(messageUpdate), exhaustMap(action => { return this.statusProtocolService.messageUpdate(action).pipe( map((res: MessageUpdateResponse) => { return AuthStore.updateStatusMessageSuccess({ res }); }), catchError(error => of(messageUpdateFailure({ error }))) ); }) ) ); myStatusCheck$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe( ofType(AuthStore.loginSuccess), map(action => action.loginRes), map(loginRes => { return bulkInfo({ divCd: 'bulk', userSeqs: [loginRes.userSeq] }); }) ) ); constructor( private actions$: Actions, private store: Store, private statusProtocolService: StatusProtocolService, private logger: NGXLogger ) {} }