import { UserSelectDialogType } from './../../../../types/userselect.dialog.type'; import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, Inject, EventEmitter, ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core'; import { FormGroup, FormBuilder, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA, MatTabChangeEvent } from '@angular/material'; import { NGXLogger } from 'ngx-logger'; import { Observable, combineLatest, Subscription, of } from 'rxjs'; import { map, tap, catchError } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { Store, select } from '@ngrx/store'; import * as AppStore from '@app/store'; import * as QueryStore from '@app/store/messenger/query'; import * as StatusStore from '@app/store/messenger/status'; import { SessionStorageService } from '@ucap-webmessenger/web-storage'; import { Company } from '@ucap-webmessenger/api-external'; import { VersionInfo2Response } from '@ucap-webmessenger/api-public'; import { LoginInfo, KEY_LOGIN_INFO } from '@app/types'; import { KEY_VER_INFO } from '@app/types/ver-info.type'; import { LoginResponse } from '@ucap-webmessenger/protocol-authentication'; import { UserInfo, GroupDetailData, RoomUserDetailData, RoomUserData } from '@ucap-webmessenger/protocol-sync'; import { DeptSearchType, UserInfoSS, UserInfoF, UserInfoDN, QueryProtocolService, SSVC_TYPE_QUERY_DEPT_USER_DATA, DeptUserData, SSVC_TYPE_QUERY_DEPT_USER_RES } from '@ucap-webmessenger/protocol-query'; import { RoomInfo, UserInfoShort, UserInfo as RoomUserInfo } from '@ucap-webmessenger/protocol-room'; import { ConfirmDialogComponent, ConfirmDialogResult, ConfirmDialogData, DialogService } from '@ucap-webmessenger/ui'; export interface CreateChatDialogData { type?: string; title: string; /** CASE :: EditMember */ group?: GroupDetailData; /** CASE :: EventForward */ ignoreRoom?: RoomInfo[]; /** CASE :: EditCharMember */ curRoomUser?: ( | UserInfo | UserInfoSS | UserInfoF | UserInfoDN | RoomUserInfo )[]; } export interface CreateChatDialogResult { choice: boolean; selectedUserList?: ( | UserInfo | UserInfoSS | UserInfoF | UserInfoDN | RoomUserInfo )[]; selectedRoom?: RoomInfo; groupName?: string; oldGroup?: GroupDetailData; } @Component({ selector: 'app-layout-messenger-create-chat', templateUrl: './create-chat.dialog.component.html', styleUrls: ['./create-chat.dialog.component.scss'] }) export class CreateChatDialogComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { constructor( public dialogRef: MatDialogRef< CreateChatDialogData, CreateChatDialogResult >, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: CreateChatDialogData, private store: Store, private sessionStorageService: SessionStorageService, private queryProtocolService: QueryProtocolService, private formBuilder: FormBuilder, private logger: NGXLogger, private dialogService: DialogService, private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef ) { this.sessionVerinfo = this.sessionStorageService.get( KEY_VER_INFO ); } currentTabIndex: number; UserSelectDialogType = UserSelectDialogType; loginRes: LoginResponse; loginResSubscription: Subscription; sessionVerinfo: VersionInfo2Response; // 검색 isShowSearch = false; searchProcessing = false; searchUserInfos: UserInfoSS[] = []; // 그룹 companyList$: Observable; companyCode: string; groupBuddyList$: Observable< { group: GroupDetailData; buddyList: UserInfo[] }[] >; favoritBuddyList$: Observable; // 대화방 roomList: RoomInfo[]; roomUserList: RoomUserDetailData[]; roomUserShortList: RoomUserData[]; roomSubscription: Subscription; // 수집 데이터 selectedUserList: ( | UserInfo | UserInfoSS | UserInfoF | UserInfoDN | RoomUserInfo )[] = []; isShowSelectedUserList = true; selectedRoom: RoomInfo; inputForm: FormGroup; ngOnInit() { const loginInfo = this.sessionStorageService.get(KEY_LOGIN_INFO); this.companyCode = loginInfo.companyCode; this.companyList$ = select(AppStore.SettingSelector.CompanySelector.companyList) ); this.loginResSubscription = .pipe( select(AppStore.AccountSelector.AuthenticationSelector.loginRes), tap(loginRes => { this.loginRes = loginRes; }) ) .subscribe(); this.groupBuddyList$ = combineLatest([ select(AppStore.MessengerSelector.SyncSelector.selectAllBuddy2) ), select(AppStore.MessengerSelector.SyncSelector.selectAllGroup2) ) ]).pipe( map(([buddyList, groupList]) => { const groupBuddyList: { group: GroupDetailData; buddyList: UserInfo[]; }[] = []; for (const group of groupList) { const data = { group, buddyList: buddyList.filter(buddy => { return group.userSeqs.indexOf(buddy.seq) > -1; }) }; groupBuddyList.push(data); /** 그룹 멤버 변경일 경우 그룹원을 기본 셀렉트 한다. */ if ( === UserSelectDialogType.EditMember && !! && === group.seq ) { this.selectedUserList = []; } } return groupBuddyList; }) ); this.favoritBuddyList$ = .pipe(select(AppStore.MessengerSelector.SyncSelector.selectAllBuddy2)) .pipe( map(buddyInfoList => { return buddyInfoList .filter(buddy => buddy.isFavorit) .sort((a, b) => ( < ? -1 : > ? 1 : 0)); }) ); this.roomSubscription = combineLatest([ select(AppStore.MessengerSelector.SyncSelector.selectAllRoom) ), select(AppStore.MessengerSelector.SyncSelector.selectAllRoomUser) ), select(AppStore.MessengerSelector.SyncSelector.selectAllRoomUserShort) ) ]) .pipe( tap(([room, roomUser, roomUserShort]) => { this.roomList = room; this.roomUserList = roomUser; this.roomUserShortList = roomUserShort; }) ) .subscribe(); this.inputForm ={ groupName: ['', [Validators.required]] }); if ( === UserSelectDialogType.EditChatMember) { this.selectedUserList =; } this.currentTabIndex = 0; } ngOnDestroy(): void { if (!!this.roomSubscription) { this.roomSubscription.unsubscribe(); } if (!!this.loginResSubscription) { this.loginResSubscription.unsubscribe(); } } getRoomUserList(roomInfo: RoomInfo): RoomUserInfo[] | UserInfoShort[] { if (!!this.roomUserList && 0 < this.roomUserList.length) { const i = this.roomUserList.findIndex( value => roomInfo.roomSeq === value.roomSeq ); if (-1 < i) { return this.roomUserList[i].userInfos; } } if (!!this.roomUserShortList && 0 < this.roomUserShortList.length) { const i = this.roomUserShortList.findIndex( value => roomInfo.roomSeq === value.roomSeq ); if (-1 < i) { return this.roomUserShortList[i].userInfos; } } } getChipsRemoveYn(userInfo: UserInfo | UserInfoSS | UserInfoF | UserInfoDN) { if ( === UserSelectDialogType.EditChatMember && !! && > 0 ) { return !( => user.seq === userInfo.seq).length > 0 ); } else { return true; } } onSelectedTabChange(tabChangeEvent: MatTabChangeEvent): void { this.currentTabIndex = tabChangeEvent.index; if (tabChangeEvent.index === 2) { this.selectedUserList = []; this.isShowSelectedUserList = false; } else { this.selectedRoom = null; this.isShowSelectedUserList = true; } } /** 유저검색 */ onKeyDownEnterOrganizationTenantSearch(params: { companyCode: string; searchWord: string; }) { if (params.searchWord.trim().length > 1) { this.isShowSearch = true; this.searchProcessing = true; const searchUserInfos: UserInfoSS[] = []; this.queryProtocolService .deptUser({ divCd: 'GRP', companyCode: params.companyCode, searchRange: DeptSearchType.All, search: params.searchWord, senderCompanyCode: params.companyCode, senderEmployeeType: this.loginRes.userInfo.employeeType }) .pipe( map(res => { switch (res.SSVC_TYPE) { case SSVC_TYPE_QUERY_DEPT_USER_DATA: searchUserInfos.push(...(res as DeptUserData).userInfos); break; case SSVC_TYPE_QUERY_DEPT_USER_RES: { // 검색 결과 처리. this.searchUserInfos = searchUserInfos; this.searchProcessing = false; // 검색 결과에 따른 프레즌스 조회. const userSeqList: number[] = []; => userSeqList.push(user.seq)); if (userSeqList.length > 0) { StatusStore.bulkInfo({ divCd: 'groupSrch', userSeqs: userSeqList }) ); } } break; } }), catchError(error => { this.searchProcessing = false; return of(this.logger.error(error)); }) ) .subscribe(); } } /** 검색 취소 */ onClickCancel() { this.isShowSearch = false; this.searchUserInfos = []; } /** 동료그룹 :: 그룹의 checkbox 의 이벤트를 받아 선택된 유저리스트를 수집. */ onCheckGroup(params: { isChecked: boolean; groupBuddyList: { group: GroupDetailData; buddyList: UserInfo[] }; }) { if (params.isChecked) { params.groupBuddyList.buddyList.forEach(item => { if ( this.selectedUserList.filter(user => user.seq === item.seq).length === 0 ) { this.selectedUserList = [...this.selectedUserList, item]; } }); } else { this.selectedUserList = this.selectedUserList.filter( item => params.groupBuddyList.buddyList.filter(del => del.seq === item.seq) .length === 0 ); } this.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(); } /** 조직도 > 부서원 전체 선택 */ onCheckAllUser(params: { isChecked: boolean; userInfos: (UserInfo | UserInfoSS | UserInfoF | UserInfoDN)[]; }) { params.userInfos.forEach(userInfo => { if (params.isChecked) { if ( this.selectedUserList.filter(user => user.seq === userInfo.seq) .length === 0 ) { this.selectedUserList = [...this.selectedUserList, userInfo]; } } else { this.selectedUserList = this.selectedUserList.filter( user => user.seq !== userInfo.seq ); } }); } /** 동료그룹>부서원, 조직도>부서원 :: 리스트의 checkbox 의 이벤트를 받아 선택된 유저리스트를 수집. */ onCheckUser(params: { isChecked: boolean; userInfo: UserInfo | UserInfoSS | UserInfoF | UserInfoDN; }) { if (params.isChecked) { if ( this.selectedUserList.filter(user => user.seq === params.userInfo.seq) .length === 0 && params.userInfo ) { this.selectedUserList = [...this.selectedUserList, params.userInfo]; } } else { this.selectedUserList = this.selectedUserList.filter( item => item.seq !== params.userInfo.seq ); } this.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(); } onToggleUser(userInfo: UserInfo | UserInfoSS | UserInfoF | UserInfoDN) { if ( this.selectedUserList.filter(user => user.seq === userInfo.seq).length === 0 ) { this.selectedUserList = [...this.selectedUserList, userInfo]; } else { this.selectedUserList = this.selectedUserList.filter( item => item.seq !== userInfo.seq ); } } /** 대화방 > 대화방 선택 */ onCheckRoom(params: { isChecked: boolean; roomInfo: RoomInfo }) { if (params.isChecked) { this.selectedRoom = params.roomInfo; } else { this.selectedRoom = null; } } onToggleRoom(roomInfo: RoomInfo) { if (!!this.selectedRoom) { if (this.selectedRoom.roomSeq === roomInfo.roomSeq) { this.selectedRoom = null; } else { this.selectedRoom = roomInfo; } } else { this.selectedRoom = roomInfo; } } /** 그룹>부서원 리스트의 ischecked 를 판단. */ getCheckedUser(userInfo: UserInfo | UserInfoSS | UserInfoF | UserInfoDN) { if (!!this.selectedUserList && this.selectedUserList.length > 0) { return ( this.selectedUserList.filter(item => item.seq === userInfo.seq).length > 0 ); } return false; } getCheckableRoom(roomInfo: RoomInfo) { // // 현재 방도 체크 전달 할수 있도록 수정. (끌어올리기 개념.) // if (!! && > 0) { // return !( // => room.roomSeq === roomInfo.roomSeq) // .length > 0 // ); // } return true; } getCheckedRoom(roomInfo: RoomInfo) { if (!!this.selectedRoom) { return this.selectedRoom.roomSeq === roomInfo.roomSeq; } return false; } /** 선택된 사용자 취소 */ onClickDeleteUser(userInfo: UserInfo | UserInfoSS | UserInfoF | UserInfoDN) { this.selectedUserList = this.selectedUserList.filter( item => item.seq !== userInfo.seq ); } getBtnValid() { if ( === UserSelectDialogType.NewGroup) { return this.inputForm.invalid; } else { return false; } } /** 팝업의 선택 이벤트 전달. */ async onClickChoice(choice: boolean): Promise { if ( === UserSelectDialogType.NewGroup) { if (!choice) { this.dialogRef.close(); return; } let cfmMsg = `새로운 그룹을 추가하시겠습니까?`; if (this.selectedUserList.length === 0) { cfmMsg += `
빈 그룹으로 생성됩니다.`; } const result = await< ConfirmDialogComponent, ConfirmDialogData, ConfirmDialogResult >(ConfirmDialogComponent, { width: '400px', data: { title: 'Confirm', html: cfmMsg } }); if (!!result && !!result.choice && result.choice) { this.doAction(choice); } } else { this.doAction(choice); } } doAction(choice: boolean) { this.dialogRef.close({ choice, selectedUserList: this.selectedUserList, selectedRoom: this.selectedRoom, groupName: === UserSelectDialogType.NewGroup ? this.inputForm.get('groupName').value : '', oldGroup: === UserSelectDialogType.EditMember ? : undefined }); } }