file upload is modified

This commit is contained in:
병준 박 2019-10-31 17:09:38 +09:00
parent 89ab43892d
commit 15121bceff
7 changed files with 310 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
#messageBoxContainer #messageBoxContainer
ucapUiFileUploadFor ucapUiFileUploadFor
(fileSelected)="onFileSelected($event)" (fileSelected)="onFileSelected($event)"
(fileDragEnter)="onFileDragEnter()" (fileDragEnter)="onFileDragEnter($event)"
(fileDragOver)="onFileDragOver()" (fileDragOver)="onFileDragOver()"
(fileDragLeave)="onFileDragLeave()" (fileDragLeave)="onFileDragLeave()"
> >
@ -85,11 +85,6 @@
</ucap-chat-messages> </ucap-chat-messages>
</perfect-scrollbar> </perfect-scrollbar>
<!-- / CHAT CONTENT -->
<!-- CHAT FOOTER -->
<div fxFlex="0 0 auto" fxLayout="column">
<div <div
*ngIf="fileDragOver || (files && 0 < files.length)" *ngIf="fileDragOver || (files && 0 < files.length)"
class="file-drop-zone-container" class="file-drop-zone-container"
@ -97,10 +92,15 @@
<div class="file-drop-zone"> <div class="file-drop-zone">
<ucap-ui-file-upload-queue <ucap-ui-file-upload-queue
[(files)]="files" [(files)]="files"
></ucap-ui-file-upload-queue> ></ucap-ui-file-upload-queue>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<!-- / CHAT CONTENT -->
<!-- CHAT FOOTER -->
<div fxFlex="0 0 auto" fxLayout="column">
<!-- REPLY FORM --> <!-- REPLY FORM -->
<ucap-chat-form <ucap-chat-form
(send)="onSendMessage($event)" (send)="onSendMessage($event)"

View File

@ -55,24 +55,27 @@ $line-basic: 1px solid #dddddd;
} }
.chat-content { .chat-content {
position: relative;
background: transparent; background: transparent;
overflow: auto; overflow: auto;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
.file-drop-zone-container { .file-drop-zone-container {
position: relative; position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95);
.file-drop-zone { .file-drop-zone {
position: absolute; position: absolute;
border: 2px solid gray;
background-color: white; top: 10%;
width: 600px; left: 10%;
height: 150px; width: 80%;
bottom: 0px; height: 80%;
margin: auto; }
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
} }
} }
} }

View File

@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ export class MessagesComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterViewChecked {
fileDragOver = false; fileDragOver = false;
files: File[]; files: File[];
fileItems: DataTransferItemList;
constructor( constructor(
private store: Store<any>, private store: Store<any>,
@ -281,9 +282,10 @@ export class MessagesComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterViewChecked {
this.logger.debug('fileSave', value); this.logger.debug('fileSave', value);
} }
onFileDragEnter() { onFileDragEnter(items: DataTransferItemList) {
this.logger.debug('onFileDragEnter'); this.logger.debug('onFileDragEnter', items);
this.fileDragOver = true; this.fileDragOver = true;
this.fileItems = items;
} }
onFileDragOver() { onFileDragOver() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
const MimeExtensions: {
[param: string]: string;
} = {
'application/envoy': 'evy',
'application/fractals': 'fif',
'application/futuresplash': 'spl',
'application/hta': 'hta',
'application/internet-property-stream': 'acx',
'application/mac-binhex40': 'hqx',
'application/msword': 'doc',
'application/msword': 'dot',
'application/octet-stream': '*',
'application/octet-stream': 'bin',
'application/octet-stream': 'class',
'application/octet-stream': 'dms',
'application/octet-stream': 'exe',
'application/octet-stream': 'lha',
'application/octet-stream': 'lzh',
'application/oda': 'oda',
'application/olescript': 'axs',
'application/pdf': 'pdf',
'application/pics-rules': 'prf',
'application/pkcs10': 'p10',
'application/pkix-crl': 'crl',
'application/postscript': 'ai',
'application/postscript': 'eps',
'application/postscript': 'ps',
'application/rtf': 'rtf',
'application/set-payment-initiation': 'setpay',
'application/set-registration-initiation': 'setreg',
'application/': 'xla',
'application/': 'xlc',
'application/': 'xlm',
'application/': 'xls',
'application/': 'xlt',
'application/': 'xlw',
'application/': 'msg',
'application/': 'sst',
'application/': 'cat',
'application/': 'stl',
'application/': 'pot',
'application/': 'pps',
'application/': 'ppt',
'application/': 'mpp',
'application/': 'wcm',
'application/': 'wdb',
'application/': 'wks',
'application/': 'wps',
'application/winhlp': 'hlp',
'application/x-bcpio': 'bcpio',
'application/x-cdf': 'cdf',
'application/x-compress': 'z',
'application/x-compressed': 'tgz',
'application/x-cpio': 'cpio',
'application/x-csh': 'csh',
'application/x-director': 'dcr',
'application/x-director': 'dir',
'application/x-director': 'dxr',
'application/x-dvi': 'dvi',
'application/x-gtar': 'gtar',
'application/x-gzip': 'gz',
'application/x-hdf': 'hdf',
'application/x-internet-signup': 'ins',
'application/x-internet-signup': 'isp',
'application/x-iphone': 'iii',
'application/x-javascript': 'js',
'application/x-latex': 'latex',
'application/x-msaccess': 'mdb',
'application/x-mscardfile': 'crd',
'application/x-msclip': 'clp',
'application/x-msdownload': 'dll',
'application/x-msmediaview': 'm13',
'application/x-msmediaview': 'm14',
'application/x-msmediaview': 'mvb',
'application/x-msmetafile': 'wmf',
'application/x-msmoney': 'mny',
'application/x-mspublisher': 'pub',
'application/x-msschedule': 'scd',
'application/x-msterminal': 'trm',
'application/x-mswrite': 'wri',
'application/x-netcdf': 'cdf',
'application/x-netcdf': 'nc',
'application/x-perfmon': 'pma',
'application/x-perfmon': 'pmc',
'application/x-perfmon': 'pml',
'application/x-perfmon': 'pmr',
'application/x-perfmon': 'pmw',
'application/x-pkcs12': 'p12',
'application/x-pkcs12': 'pfx',
'application/x-pkcs7-certificates': 'p7b',
'application/x-pkcs7-certificates': 'spc',
'application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp': 'p7r',
'application/x-pkcs7-mime': 'p7c',
'application/x-pkcs7-mime': 'p7m',
'application/x-pkcs7-signature': 'p7s',
'application/x-sh': 'sh',
'application/x-shar': 'shar',
'application/x-shockwave-flash': 'swf',
'application/x-stuffit': 'sit',
'application/x-sv4cpio': 'sv4cpio',
'application/x-sv4crc': 'sv4crc',
'application/x-tar': 'tar',
'application/x-tcl': 'tcl',
'application/x-tex': 'tex',
'application/x-texinfo': 'texi',
'application/x-texinfo': 'texinfo',
'application/x-troff': 'roff',
'application/x-troff': 't',
'application/x-troff': 'tr',
'application/x-troff-man': 'man',
'application/x-troff-me': 'me',
'application/x-troff-ms': 'ms',
'application/x-ustar': 'ustar',
'application/x-wais-source': 'src',
'application/x-x509-ca-cert': 'cer',
'application/x-x509-ca-cert': 'crt',
'application/x-x509-ca-cert': 'der',
'application/': 'pko',
'application/zip': 'zip',
'audio/basic': 'au',
'audio/basic': 'snd',
'audio/mid': 'mid',
'audio/mid': 'rmi',
'audio/mpeg': 'mp3',
'audio/x-aiff': 'aif',
'audio/x-aiff': 'aifc',
'audio/x-aiff': 'aiff',
'audio/x-mpegurl': 'm3u',
'audio/x-pn-realaudio': 'ra',
'audio/x-pn-realaudio': 'ram',
'audio/x-wav': 'wav',
'image/bmp': 'bmp',
'image/cis-cod': 'cod',
'image/gif': 'gif',
'image/ief': 'ief',
'image/jpeg': 'jpe',
'image/jpeg': 'jpeg',
'image/jpeg': 'jpg',
'image/pipeg': 'jfif',
'image/svg+xml': 'svg',
'image/tiff': 'tif',
'image/tiff': 'tiff',
'image/x-cmu-raster': 'ras',
'image/x-cmx': 'cmx',
'image/x-icon': 'ico',
'image/x-portable-anymap': 'pnm',
'image/x-portable-bitmap': 'pbm',
'image/x-portable-graymap': 'pgm',
'image/x-portable-pixmap': 'ppm',
'image/x-rgb': 'rgb',
'image/x-xbitmap': 'xbm',
'image/x-xpixmap': 'xpm',
'image/x-xwindowdump': 'xwd',
'message/rfc822': 'mht',
'message/rfc822': 'mhtml',
'message/rfc822': 'nws',
'text/css': 'css',
'text/h323': '323',
'text/html': 'htm',
'text/html': 'html',
'text/html': 'stm',
'text/iuls': 'uls',
'text/plain': 'bas',
'text/plain': 'c',
'text/plain': 'h',
'text/plain': 'txt',
'text/richtext': 'rtx',
'text/scriptlet': 'sct',
'text/tab-separated-values': 'tsv',
'text/webviewhtml': 'htt',
'text/x-component': 'htc',
'text/x-setext': 'etx',
'text/x-vcard': 'vcf',
'video/mpeg': 'mp2',
'video/mpeg': 'mpa',
'video/mpeg': 'mpe',
'video/mpeg': 'mpeg',
'video/mpeg': 'mpg',
'video/mpeg': 'mpv2',
'video/mp4': 'mp4',
'video/quicktime': 'mov',
'video/quicktime': 'qt',
'video/x-la-asf': 'lsf',
'video/x-la-asf': 'lsx',
'video/x-ms-asf': 'asf',
'video/x-ms-asf': 'asr',
'video/x-ms-asf': 'asx',
'video/x-msvideo': 'avi',
'video/x-sgi-movie': 'movie',
'x-world/x-vrml': 'flr',
'x-world/x-vrml': 'vrml',
'x-world/x-vrml': 'wrl',
'x-world/x-vrml': 'wrz',
'x-world/x-vrml': 'xaf',
'x-world/x-vrml': 'xof'
export class MimeUtil {}

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<div <div
fxLayout="column" fxLayout="column"
fxFlex="100" fxFlex="100""50""100""25""25"
*ngFor="let file of uploadFiles" *ngFor="let file of uploadFiles"
> >
@ -23,4 +23,19 @@
<mat-progress-bar mode="determinate" value="40"> </mat-progress-bar> <mat-progress-bar mode="determinate" value="40"> </mat-progress-bar>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<div *ngIf="uploadItems" fxLayout="column">
<div>여기에 파일을 Drop하시면 업로드 됩니다.</div>
*ngFor="let item of uploadItems"
</div> </div>

View File

@ -10,12 +10,23 @@ import { NGXLogger } from 'ngx-logger';
export class FileUploadQueueComponent implements OnInit { export class FileUploadQueueComponent implements OnInit {
@Output() @Output()
filesChange = new EventEmitter<File[]>(); filesChange = new EventEmitter<File[]>();
@Input() set files(files: File[]) { @Input() set files(files: File[]) {
this.uploadFiles = files; this.uploadFiles = files;
this.uploadItems = undefined;
} }
uploadFiles: File[]; uploadFiles: File[];
@Input() set items(items: DataTransferItemList) {
const uploadItems: DataTransferItem[] = [];
// tslint:disable-next-line: prefer-for-of
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
this.uploadItems = [...uploadItems];
uploadItems: DataTransferItem[];
constructor(private logger: NGXLogger) {} constructor(private logger: NGXLogger) {}
ngOnInit() {} ngOnInit() {}

View File

@ -13,37 +13,53 @@ import { NGXLogger } from 'ngx-logger';
}) })
export class FileUploadForDirective { export class FileUploadForDirective {
@Output() @Output()
public fileDragEnter: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter(); public fileDragEnter = new EventEmitter<DataTransferItemList>();
@Output() @Output()
public fileDragOver: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter(); public fileDragOver = new EventEmitter<void>();
@Output() @Output()
public fileDragLeave: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter(); public fileDragLeave = new EventEmitter<void>();
@Output() @Output()
public fileSelected: EventEmitter<File[]> = new EventEmitter<File[]>(); public fileSelected = new EventEmitter<File[]>();
dragOver = false; dragOver = false;
constructor(private elementRef: ElementRef, private logger: NGXLogger) {} constructor(private elementRef: ElementRef, private logger: NGXLogger) {}
@HostListener('window:dragenter', ['$event']) @HostListener('window:dragenter', ['$event'])
public onDragEnter(event: any): any { public onDragEnter(event: DragEvent): any {
const files = event.dataTransfer.files; if (!this.isFileDrag(event.dataTransfer)) {
if (!this.dragOver) { if (!this.dragOver) {
this.fileDragEnter.emit(files); this.fileDragEnter.emit(event.dataTransfer.items);
this.dragOver = true; this.dragOver = true;
} }
} }
@HostListener('window:dragover', ['$event']) @HostListener('window:dragover', ['$event'])
public onDragOver(event: any): any { public onDragOver(event: DragEvent): any {
if (!this.isFileDrag(event.dataTransfer)) {
if (this.isEventInElement(event)) {
event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy';
} else {
event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none';
event.preventDefault(); event.preventDefault();
} }
@HostListener('window:dragleave', ['$event']) @HostListener('window:dragleave', ['$event'])
public onDragLeave(event: any): any { public onDragLeave(event: DragEvent): any {
if (!this.isFileDrag(event.dataTransfer)) {
if (event && event.pageX === 0 && event.pageY === 0) { if (event && event.pageX === 0 && event.pageY === 0) {
this.fileDragLeave.emit(); this.fileDragLeave.emit();
this.dragOver = false; this.dragOver = false;
@ -59,6 +75,9 @@ export class FileUploadForDirective {
@HostListener('window:drop', ['$event']) @HostListener('window:drop', ['$event'])
public onDrop(event: any): any { public onDrop(event: any): any {
if (!this.isFileDrag(event.dataTransfer)) {
const files = event.dataTransfer.files; const files = event.dataTransfer.files;
this.fileSelected.emit(files); this.fileSelected.emit(files);
event.preventDefault(); event.preventDefault();
@ -66,4 +85,34 @@ export class FileUploadForDirective {
this.elementRef.nativeElement.value = ''; this.elementRef.nativeElement.value = '';
this.dragOver = false; this.dragOver = false;
} }
private isFileDrag(dataTransfer: DataTransfer): boolean {
if (0 >= dataTransfer.items.length) {
return false;
// tslint:disable-next-line: prefer-for-of
for (let i = 0; i < dataTransfer.items.length; i++) {
const element = dataTransfer.items[i];
if ('file' !== element.kind) {
return false;
return true;
private isEventInElement(event: DragEvent): boolean {
const rect: DOMRect = this.elementRef.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
if (
event.pageX >= rect.left &&
event.pageX <= rect.left + rect.width &&
event.pageY >= &&
event.pageY <= + rect.height
) {
return true;
return false;
} }