 * Menu Effects: A collection of CSS3 menu effects (degrades gracefully in IE8).
 * This file make the animation run "progressively" and is optionnal
 * (by introducing a small delay between the animation of each item)
 * latest version and complete README available on Github:
 * https://github.com/louisremi/menu-effects
 * Copyright 2012 @louis_remi
 * Licensed under the MIT license.
 * Are you using this in a paid work?
 * Send me music http://www.amazon.co.uk/wishlist/HNTU0468LQON

(function(document) {

	// feature detection
	var div = document.createElement("div"), divStyle = div.style, suffix = "ransition", prefixes = [
			"WebkitT", "MozT", "msT", "0T", "t" ], i = prefixes.length, prop, style = document
			.createElement("style"), inner = "", menus, i, longest = 0, items, j, nbItems;

	// feature detection
	while (i--) {
		if ((prefixes[i] + suffix) in divStyle) {
			prop = "-" + prefixes[i].replace(/T/, "-t").toLowerCase() + suffix;

	if (!prop) {

	window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {

		menus = document.querySelectorAll(".submenu");
		i = menus.length;

		// loop on menus
		while (i--) {
			// finding the child items of this list is actually tricky
			c(menus[i], "add", "meTemp");
			items = menus[i].parentNode.querySelectorAll(".meTemp>li");
			c(menus[i], "remove", "meTemp");
			nbItems = j = items.length;
			c(menus[i], "add", "meL" + j);

			// search for the longest menu of the page
			if (j > longest) {
				longest = j;

			// loop on items
			while (j--) {
				// forward class
				c(items[j], "add", "meF" + j);
				// backward class
				c(items[j], "add", "meB" + (nbItems - j - 1));

		// It's now time to generate the css
		i = longest;
		while (i--) {
			inner +=
			// The transition-delay prevents the menu to disappear before the
			// transition is run backward
			".meL" + (i + 1) + "{" + prop + ":max-height 1ms linear "
					+ (600 + i * 66) + "ms}\n" +
					// these are the delay that make the animation progressive
					".menu>li:hover .meF" + i + ",.menu>li:focus .meF" + i
					+ "{" + prop + "-delay:" + (i * 66) + "ms}\n" + "li.meB"
					+ (longest - i - 1) + "{" + prop + "-delay:"
					+ ((longest - i - 1) * 66) + "ms}\n";

		style.innerHTML = inner;



	// c, an expressive className manipulation library
	// (because classList still appear to be unavailable in IE10)
	function c(e, v, n, c, r) {
		r = e[c = 'className'].replace(RegExp(' *\\b' + n + '\\b', 'g'), '');
		return 'has' == v ? r != e[c] : e[c] = {
			add : 1,
			toggle : r == e[c]
		}[v] ? r + ' ' + n : r
