'use strict'; /** * jquery.gDialog.js * @version: v0.1.0 * @author: ogilvieira * * The MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory(require('jquery')); } else { factory(jQuery || Zepto); } }(function($){ var m = {}; var g = {}; m.OPENING = false; m._OPTIONS = { title: false, animateIn : false, animateOut : false, onSubmit : false, onCancel : false, required: false, }; m.tplBase = "<div class=\"gdialog-wrap\">"; m.tplBase += "<div class=\"gdialog-container\">"; m.tplBase += "{{HEADER}}"; m.tplBase += "<div class=\"gdialog-content\">{{message}}{{INPUT}}</div>"; m.tplBase += "<div class=\"gdialog-button-group\">{{BUTTON_CANCEL}} <button class=\"button button-ok\">Ok</button></div>"; m.tplBase += "</div>"; m.tplBase += "</div>"; m.tplHeader = "<div class=\"gdialog-header\">{{title}}</div>"; m.tplInput = "<div class=\"gdialog-field\"><input type=\"text\"></div>"; m.getTeplate = function(type, message, options){ var t = m.tplBase; if( type !== 'alert' ){ t = t.replace("{{BUTTON_CANCEL}}", "<button class=\"button button-cancel\">Cancel</button>"); } else { t = t.replace("{{BUTTON_CANCEL}}", ""); } if( type == 'prompt' ){ t = t.replace("{{INPUT}}", m.tplInput); } else { t = t.replace("{{INPUT}}", ""); } if( options.title ){ t = t.replace("{{HEADER}}", m.tplHeader.replace("{{title}}", options.title) ); } else { t = t.replace("{{HEADER}}", ""); } t = t.replace("{{message}}", message ); return t; }; m.clear = function(){ $('.gdialog-shadow').length ? $('.gdialog-shadow').remove() : ''; $('.gdialog-wrap').length ? $('.gdialog-wrap').remove() : ''; }; m.Dialog = function(){ var that = this; that.close = function(){ $('.gdialog-shadow').addClass("animated fadeOut"); if( that.options.animateOut ){ if( that.options.animateIn ){ that.container.find('.gdialog-container').removeClass(that.options.animateIn) } that.container.find('.gdialog-container').addClass('animated '+that.options.animateOut); setTimeout(function(){ that.container.removeClass('is-active'); that.container.remove(); m.OPENING = false; $('.gdialog-shadow').remove(); }, 800); }else { that.container.remove(); m.OPENING = false; $('.gdialog-shadow').remove(); } }; that.addEvents = function(){ that.btnOk.on("click", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var res = false; if( that.field.length ){ if( that.options.required == true && !that.field.val().length ){ that.field.addClass('is-invalid'); return false; } else { that.field.removeClass('is-invalid'); res = that.field.val(); } } else { res = true; } if( typeof that.options.onSubmit == 'function' ){ that.options.onSubmit(res); } that.close(); }); that.btnCancel.on("click", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var res = false; if( that.field.length && that.field.val().length !== 0 ){ res = that.field.val(); } if( typeof that.options.onCancel == 'function' ){ that.options.onCancel(res); } that.close(); }); } this.init = function(type, message, options, defaultValue){ if( m.OPENING ){ $('.gdialog-shadow, .gdialog-wrap').remove(); } m.clear(); that.options = m.getOptions(options); $('body').append("<div class=\"gdialog-shadow\"></div> "+m.getTeplate(type, message, that.options) ); that.container = $('body').find('.gdialog-wrap'); that.btnOk = that.container.find('.button-ok'); that.btnCancel = that.container.find('.button-cancel'); that.field = that.container.find('input'); if( defaultValue && that.field.length ){ that.field.val(defaultValue); }; that.container.addClass('is-active').css({'top': $(window).scrollTop()+50}); if( that.options.animateIn ){ that.container.find('.gdialog-container').addClass('animated '+that.options.animateIn); } m.OPENING = true; that.addEvents(); }; }; m.getOptions = function(options){ var o = $.extend({}, m._OPTIONS); if( typeof options == 'object' ){ $.each(options, function(key, val){ o[key] !== undefined ? o[key] = val : console.error("The option \""+key+"\" not exist."); }); } return o; }; //global functions g.alert = function(message, userOptions){ var message = message || ""; var userOptions = userOptions || {}; var dialog = new m.Dialog; dialog.init('alert', message, userOptions); }; g.confirm = function(message, userOptions){ var message = message || ""; var userOptions = userOptions || {}; var dialog = new m.Dialog; dialog.init('confirm', message, userOptions); }; g.prompt = function(message, defaultValue, userOptions){ var message = message || ""; var userOptions = userOptions || {}; var dialog = new m.Dialog; dialog.init('prompt', message, userOptions, defaultValue); }; g.config = function(options){ if( typeof options !== 'object' ){ return false; } $.each(options, function(key, val){ m._OPTIONS[key] !== undefined ? m._OPTIONS[key] = val : console.error("The option \""+key+"\" not exist."); }); }; $.gDialog = $.gDialog || g; }));