import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { FuseNavigationItem } from '@fuse/components/navigation/navigation.types'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class FuseNavigationService { private _componentRegistry: Map = new Map(); private _navigationStore: Map = new Map(); /** * Constructor */ constructor() { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @ Public methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Register navigation component * * @param name * @param component */ registerComponent(name: string, component: any): void { this._componentRegistry.set(name, component); } /** * Deregister navigation component * * @param name */ deregisterComponent(name: string): void { this._componentRegistry.delete(name); } /** * Get navigation component from the registry * * @param name */ getComponent(name: string): T { return this._componentRegistry.get(name); } /** * Store the given navigation with the given key * * @param key * @param navigation */ storeNavigation(key: string, navigation: FuseNavigationItem[]): void { // Add to the store this._navigationStore.set(key, navigation); } /** * Get navigation from storage by key * * @param key */ getNavigation(key: string): FuseNavigationItem[] { return this._navigationStore.get(key) ?? []; } /** * Delete the navigation from the storage * * @param key */ deleteNavigation(key: string): void { // Check if the navigation exists if ( !this._navigationStore.has(key) ) { console.warn(`Navigation with the key '${key}' does not exist in the store.`); } // Delete from the storage this._navigationStore.delete(key); } /** * Utility function that returns a flattened * version of the given navigation array * * @param navigation * @param flatNavigation */ getFlatNavigation(navigation: FuseNavigationItem[], flatNavigation: FuseNavigationItem[] = []): FuseNavigationItem[] { for ( const item of navigation ) { if ( item.type === 'basic' ) { flatNavigation.push(item); continue; } if ( item.type === 'aside' || item.type === 'collapsable' || item.type === 'group' ) { if ( item.children ) { this.getFlatNavigation(item.children, flatNavigation); } } } return flatNavigation; } /** * Utility function that returns the item * with the given id from given navigation * * @param id * @param navigation */ getItem(id: string, navigation: FuseNavigationItem[]): FuseNavigationItem | null { for ( const item of navigation ) { if ( === id ) { return item; } if ( item.children ) { const childItem = this.getItem(id, item.children); if ( childItem ) { return childItem; } } } return null; } /** * Utility function that returns the item's parent * with the given id from given navigation * * @param id * @param navigation * @param parent */ getItemParent( id: string, navigation: FuseNavigationItem[], parent: FuseNavigationItem[] | FuseNavigationItem ): FuseNavigationItem[] | FuseNavigationItem | null { for ( const item of navigation ) { if ( === id ) { return parent; } if ( item.children ) { const childItem = this.getItemParent(id, item.children, item); if ( childItem ) { return childItem; } } } return null; } }