mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 02:43:33 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/demo' into starter
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
selector : 'academy',
templateUrl : './academy.component.html',
encapsulation : ViewEncapsulation.None,
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class AcademyComponent
* Constructor
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router';
import { MatButtonModule } from '@angular/material/button';
import { MatFormFieldModule } from '@angular/material/form-field';
import { MatIconModule } from '@angular/material/icon';
import { MatInputModule } from '@angular/material/input';
import { MatProgressBarModule } from '@angular/material/progress-bar';
import { MatSelectModule } from '@angular/material/select';
import { MatSidenavModule } from '@angular/material/sidenav';
import { MatSlideToggleModule } from '@angular/material/slide-toggle';
import { MatTooltipModule } from '@angular/material/tooltip';
import { FuseFindByKeyPipeModule } from '@fuse/pipes/find-by-key';
import { SharedModule } from 'app/shared/shared.module';
import { academyRoutes } from 'app/modules/admin/apps/academy/academy.routing';
import { AcademyComponent } from 'app/modules/admin/apps/academy/academy.component';
import { AcademyDetailsComponent } from 'app/modules/admin/apps/academy/details/details.component';
import { AcademyListComponent } from 'app/modules/admin/apps/academy/list/list.component';
import { MatTabsModule } from '@angular/material/tabs';
declarations: [
imports: [
export class AcademyModule
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRouteSnapshot, Resolve, Router, RouterStateSnapshot } from '@angular/router';
import { Observable, throwError } from 'rxjs';
import { catchError } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Category, Course } from 'app/modules/admin/apps/academy/academy.types';
import { AcademyService } from 'app/modules/admin/apps/academy/academy.service';
providedIn: 'root'
export class AcademyCategoriesResolver implements Resolve<any>
* Constructor
constructor(private _academyService: AcademyService)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Public methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Resolver
* @param route
* @param state
resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<Category[]>
return this._academyService.getCategories();
providedIn: 'root'
export class AcademyCoursesResolver implements Resolve<any>
* Constructor
constructor(private _academyService: AcademyService)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Public methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Resolver
* @param route
* @param state
resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<Course[]>
return this._academyService.getCourses();
providedIn: 'root'
export class AcademyCourseResolver implements Resolve<any>
* Constructor
private _router: Router,
private _academyService: AcademyService
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Public methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Resolver
* @param route
* @param state
resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<Course>
return this._academyService.getCourseById(route.paramMap.get('id'))
// Error here means the requested task is not available
catchError((error) => {
// Log the error
// Get the parent url
const parentUrl = state.url.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/');
// Navigate to there
// Throw an error
return throwError(error);
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
import { Route } from '@angular/router';
import { AcademyComponent } from 'app/modules/admin/apps/academy/academy.component';
import { AcademyListComponent } from 'app/modules/admin/apps/academy/list/list.component';
import { AcademyDetailsComponent } from 'app/modules/admin/apps/academy/details/details.component';
import { AcademyCategoriesResolver, AcademyCourseResolver, AcademyCoursesResolver } from 'app/modules/admin/apps/academy/academy.resolvers';
export const academyRoutes: Route[] = [
path : '',
component: AcademyComponent,
resolve : {
categories: AcademyCategoriesResolver
children : [
path : '',
pathMatch: 'full',
component: AcademyListComponent,
resolve : {
courses: AcademyCoursesResolver
path : ':id',
component: AcademyDetailsComponent,
resolve : {
course: AcademyCourseResolver
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { BehaviorSubject, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Category, Course } from 'app/modules/admin/apps/academy/academy.types';
providedIn: 'root'
export class AcademyService
// Private
private _categories: BehaviorSubject<Category[] | null> = new BehaviorSubject(null);
private _course: BehaviorSubject<Course | null> = new BehaviorSubject(null);
private _courses: BehaviorSubject<Course[] | null> = new BehaviorSubject(null);
* Constructor
constructor(private _httpClient: HttpClient)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Accessors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Getter for categories
get categories$(): Observable<Category[]>
return this._categories.asObservable();
* Getter for courses
get courses$(): Observable<Course[]>
return this._courses.asObservable();
* Getter for course
get course$(): Observable<Course>
return this._course.asObservable();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Public methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get categories
getCategories(): Observable<Category[]>
return this._httpClient.get<Category[]>('api/apps/academy/categories').pipe(
tap((response: any) => {
* Get courses
getCourses(): Observable<Course[]>
return this._httpClient.get<Course[]>('api/apps/academy/courses').pipe(
tap((response: any) => {
* Get course by id
getCourseById(id: string): Observable<Course>
return this._httpClient.get<Course>('api/apps/academy/courses/course', {params: {id}}).pipe(
tap((response: any) => {
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
export interface Category
id?: string;
title?: string;
slug?: string;
export interface Course
id?: string;
title?: string;
slug?: string;
description?: string;
category?: string;
duration?: number;
steps?: {
order?: number;
title?: string;
subtitle?: string;
content?: string;
totalSteps?: number;
updatedAt?: number;
featured?: boolean;
progress?: {
currentStep?: number;
completed?: number;
@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
<div class="absolute inset-0 flex flex-col min-w-0 overflow-hidden">
<mat-drawer-container class="flex-auto h-full">
<!-- Drawer -->
class="w-90 dark:bg-gray-900"
<div class="flex flex-col items-start p-8 border-b">
<!-- Back to courses -->
class="inline-flex items-center leading-6 text-primary hover:underline"
<span class="inline-flex items-center">
class="icon-size-5 text-current"
<span class="ml-1.5 font-medium leading-5">Back to courses</span>
<!-- Course category -->
<ng-container *ngIf="(course.category | fuseFindByKey:'slug':categories) as category">
class="mt-7 py-0.5 px-3 rounded-full text-sm font-semibold"
[ngClass]="{'text-blue-800 bg-blue-100 dark:text-blue-50 dark:bg-blue-500': category.slug === 'web',
'text-green-800 bg-green-100 dark:text-green-50 dark:bg-green-500': category.slug === 'android',
'text-pink-800 bg-pink-100 dark:text-pink-50 dark:bg-pink-500': category.slug === 'cloud',
'text-amber-800 bg-amber-100 dark:text-amber-50 dark:bg-amber-500': category.slug === 'firebase'}">
<!-- Course title & description -->
<div class="mt-3 text-2xl font-semibold">{{course.title}}</div>
<div class="text-secondary">{{course.description}}</div>
<!-- Course time -->
<div class="mt-6 flex items-center leading-5 text-md text-secondary">
class="icon-size-5 text-hint"
<div class="ml-1.5">{{course.duration}} minutes</div>
<!-- Steps -->
<div class="py-2 px-8">
<ng-container *ngFor="let step of course.steps; let last = last">
<li class="relative group py-6"
[class.current-step]="step.order === currentStep">
<ng-container *ngIf="!last">
class="absolute top-6 left-4 w-0.5 h-full -ml-px"
[ngClass]="{'bg-primary': step.order < currentStep,
'bg-gray-300 dark:bg-gray-600': step.order >= currentStep}"></div>
class="relative flex items-start cursor-pointer"
class="flex flex-0 items-center justify-center w-8 h-8 rounded-full ring-2 ring-inset ring-transparent bg-card dark:bg-default"
[ngClass]="{'bg-primary dark:bg-primary text-on-primary group-hover:bg-primary-800': step.order < currentStep,
'ring-primary': step.order === currentStep,
'ring-gray-300 dark:ring-gray-600 group-hover:ring-gray-400': step.order > currentStep}">
<!-- Check icon, show if the step is completed -->
<ng-container *ngIf="step.order < currentStep">
class="icon-size-5 text-current"
<!-- Step order, show if the step is the current step -->
<ng-container *ngIf="step.order === currentStep">
<div class="text-md font-semibold text-primary dark:text-primary-500">{{step.order + 1}}</div>
<!-- Step order, show if the step is not completed -->
<ng-container *ngIf="step.order > currentStep">
<div class="text-md font-semibold text-hint group-hover:text-secondary">{{step.order + 1}}</div>
<div class="ml-4">
<div class="font-medium leading-4">{{step.title}}</div>
<div class="mt-1.5 text-md leading-4 text-secondary">{{step.subtitle}}</div>
<!-- Drawer content -->
<mat-drawer-content class="flex flex-col overflow-hidden">
<!-- Header -->
<div class="lg:hidden flex flex-0 items-center py-2 pl-4 pr-6 sm:py-4 md:pl-6 md:pr-8 border-b lg:border-b-0 bg-card dark:bg-transparent">
<!-- Title & Actions -->
<mat-icon [svgIcon]="'heroicons_outline:arrow-sm-left'"></mat-icon>
<h2 class="ml-2.5 text-md sm:text-xl font-medium tracking-tight truncate">
class="hidden lg:block flex-0 h-0.5 w-full"
[value]="100 * (currentStep + 1) / course.totalSteps"></mat-progress-bar>
<!-- Main -->
class="flex-auto overflow-y-auto"
<!-- Steps -->
<ng-container *ngFor="let step of course.steps">
<ng-template matTabContent>
class="prose prose-sm max-w-3xl mx-auto sm:my-2 lg:mt-4 p-6 sm:p-10 sm:py-12 rounded-2xl shadow overflow-hidden bg-card"
<!-- Navigation - Desktop -->
<div class="z-10 sticky hidden lg:flex bottom-4 p-4">
<div class="flex items-center justify-center mx-auto p-2 rounded-full shadow-lg bg-primary">
<span class="mr-1">Prev</span>
<div class="flex items-center justify-center mx-2.5 font-medium leading-5 text-on-primary">
<span>{{currentStep + 1}}</span>
<span class="mx-0.5 text-hint">/</span>
<span class="ml-1">Next</span>
<!-- Progress & Navigation - Mobile -->
<div class="lg:hidden flex items-center p-4 border-t bg-card">
<mat-icon [svgIcon]="'heroicons_outline:view-list'"></mat-icon>
<div class="flex items-center justify-center ml-1 lg:ml-2 font-medium leading-5">
<span>{{currentStep + 1}}</span>
<span class="mx-0.5 text-hint">/</span>
class="flex-auto ml-6 rounded-full"
[value]="100 * (currentStep + 1) / course.totalSteps"></mat-progress-bar>
<mat-icon [svgIcon]="'heroicons_outline:arrow-narrow-left'"></mat-icon>
<mat-icon [svgIcon]="'heroicons_outline:arrow-narrow-right'"></mat-icon>
@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ElementRef, Inject, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common';
import { MatTabGroup } from '@angular/material/tabs';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { FuseMediaWatcherService } from '@fuse/services/media-watcher';
import { Category, Course } from 'app/modules/admin/apps/academy/academy.types';
import { AcademyService } from 'app/modules/admin/apps/academy/academy.service';
selector : 'academy-details',
templateUrl : './details.component.html',
encapsulation : ViewEncapsulation.None,
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class AcademyDetailsComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy
@ViewChild('courseSteps', {static: true}) courseSteps: MatTabGroup;
categories: Category[];
course: Course;
currentStep: number = 0;
drawerMode: 'over' | 'side' = 'side';
drawerOpened: boolean = true;
private _unsubscribeAll: Subject<any> = new Subject<any>();
* Constructor
@Inject(DOCUMENT) private _document: Document,
private _academyService: AcademyService,
private _changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef,
private _elementRef: ElementRef,
private _fuseMediaWatcherService: FuseMediaWatcherService
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Lifecycle hooks
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* On init
ngOnInit(): void
// Get the categories
.subscribe((categories: Category[]) => {
// Get the categories
this.categories = categories;
// Mark for check
// Get the course
.subscribe((course: Course) => {
// Get the course
this.course = course;
// Go to step
// Mark for check
// Subscribe to media changes
.subscribe(({matchingAliases}) => {
// Set the drawerMode and drawerOpened
if ( matchingAliases.includes('lg') )
this.drawerMode = 'side';
this.drawerOpened = true;
this.drawerMode = 'over';
this.drawerOpened = false;
// Mark for check
* On destroy
ngOnDestroy(): void
// Unsubscribe from all subscriptions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Public methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Go to given step
* @param step
goToStep(step: number): void
// Set the current step
this.currentStep = step;
// Go to the step
this.courseSteps.selectedIndex = this.currentStep;
// Mark for check
* Go to previous step
goToPreviousStep(): void
// Return if we already on the first step
if ( this.currentStep === 0 )
// Go to step
this.goToStep(this.currentStep - 1);
// Scroll the current step selector from sidenav into view
* Go to next step
goToNextStep(): void
// Return if we already on the last step
if ( this.currentStep === this.course.totalSteps - 1 )
// Go to step
this.goToStep(this.currentStep + 1);
// Scroll the current step selector from sidenav into view
* Track by function for ngFor loops
* @param index
* @param item
trackByFn(index: number, item: any): any
return item.id || index;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Private methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Scrolls the current step element from
* sidenav into the view. This only happens when
* previous/next buttons pressed as we don't want
* to change the scroll position of the sidebar
* when the user actually clicks around the sidebar.
* @private
private _scrollCurrentStepElementIntoView(): void
// Wrap everything into setTimeout so we can make sure that the 'current-step' class points to correct element
setTimeout(() => {
// Get the current step element and scroll it into view
const currentStepElement = this._document.getElementsByClassName('current-step')[0];
if ( currentStepElement )
behavior: 'smooth',
block : 'start'
@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
class="absolute inset-0 flex flex-col min-w-0 overflow-y-auto"
<!-- Header -->
<div class="relative flex-0 py-8 px-4 sm:p-16 overflow-hidden bg-gray-800 dark">
<!-- Background - @formatter:off -->
<!-- Rings -->
<svg class="absolute inset-0 pointer-events-none"
viewBox="0 0 960 540" width="100%" height="100%" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMax slice" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<g class="text-gray-700 opacity-25" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="100">
<circle r="234" cx="196" cy="23"></circle>
<circle r="234" cx="790" cy="491"></circle>
<!-- @formatter:on -->
<div class="z-10 relative flex flex-col items-center">
<h2 class="text-xl font-semibold">FUSE ACADEMY</h2>
<div class="mt-1 text-4xl sm:text-7xl font-extrabold tracking-tight leading-tight text-center">
What do you want to learn today?
<div class="max-w-2xl mt-6 sm:text-2xl text-center tracking-tight text-secondary">
Our courses will step you through the process of a building small applications, or adding new features to existing applications.
<!-- Main -->
<div class="flex flex-auto p-6 sm:p-10">
<div class="flex flex-col flex-auto w-full max-w-xs sm:max-w-5xl mx-auto">
<!-- Filters -->
<div class="flex flex-col sm:flex-row items-center justify-between w-full max-w-xs sm:max-w-none">
<mat-form-field class="fuse-mat-no-subscript w-full sm:w-36">
<mat-option [value]="'all'">All</mat-option>
<ng-container *ngFor="let category of categories">
<mat-option [value]="category.slug">{{category.title}}</mat-option>
class="fuse-mat-no-subscript w-full sm:w-72 mt-4 sm:mt-0 sm:ml-4"
placeholder="Search by title or description"
class="mt-8 sm:mt-0 sm:ml-auto"
Hide completed
<!-- Courses -->
<ng-container *ngIf="this.filteredCourses.length; else noCourses">
<div class="grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-8 mt-8 sm:mt-10">
<ng-container *ngFor="let course of filteredCourses">
<!-- Course -->
<div class="flex flex-col h-96 shadow rounded-2xl overflow-hidden bg-card">
<div class="flex flex-col p-6">
<div class="flex items-center justify-between">
<!-- Course category -->
<ng-container *ngIf="(course.category | fuseFindByKey:'slug':categories) as category">
class="py-0.5 px-3 rounded-full text-sm font-semibold"
[ngClass]="{'text-blue-800 bg-blue-100 dark:text-blue-50 dark:bg-blue-500': category.slug === 'web',
'text-green-800 bg-green-100 dark:text-green-50 dark:bg-green-500': category.slug === 'android',
'text-pink-800 bg-pink-100 dark:text-pink-50 dark:bg-pink-500': category.slug === 'cloud',
'text-amber-800 bg-amber-100 dark:text-amber-50 dark:bg-amber-500': category.slug === 'firebase'}">
<!-- Completed at least once -->
<div class="flex items-center">
<ng-container *ngIf="course.progress.completed > 0">
class="icon-size-5 text-green-600"
[matTooltip]="'You completed this course at least once'"></mat-icon>
<!-- Course title & description -->
<div class="mt-4 text-lg font-medium">{{course.title}}</div>
<div class="mt-0.5 line-clamp-2 text-secondary">{{course.description}}</div>
<div class="w-12 h-1 my-6 border-t-2"></div>
<!-- Course time -->
<div class="flex items-center leading-5 text-md text-secondary">
class="icon-size-5 text-hint"
<div class="ml-1.5">{{course.duration}} minutes</div>
<!-- Course completion -->
<div class="flex items-center mt-2 leading-5 text-md text-secondary">
class="icon-size-5 text-hint"
<ng-container *ngIf="course.progress.completed === 0">
<div class="ml-1.5">Never completed</div>
<ng-container *ngIf="course.progress.completed > 0">
<div class="ml-1.5">
<span class="ml-1">
<!-- Once -->
<ng-container *ngIf="course.progress.completed === 1">once</ng-container>
<!-- Twice -->
<ng-container *ngIf="course.progress.completed === 2">twice</ng-container>
<!-- Others -->
<ng-container *ngIf="course.progress.completed > 2">{{course.progress.completed}}
{{course.progress.completed | i18nPlural: {
'=0' : 'time',
'=1' : 'time',
'other': 'times'
} }}
<!-- Footer -->
<div class="flex flex-col w-full mt-auto">
<!-- Course progress -->
<div class="relative h-0.5">
class="z-10 absolute inset-x-0 h-6 -mt-3"
[matTooltip]="course.progress.currentStep / course.totalSteps | percent"
[value]="(100 * course.progress.currentStep) / course.totalSteps"></mat-progress-bar>
<!-- Course launch button -->
<div class="px-6 py-4 text-right bg-gray-50 dark:bg-transparent">
<span class="inline-flex items-center">
<!-- Not started -->
<ng-container *ngIf="course.progress.currentStep === 0">
<!-- Never completed -->
<ng-container *ngIf="course.progress.completed === 0">
<!-- Completed before -->
<ng-container *ngIf="course.progress.completed > 0">
<span>Start again</span>
<!-- Started -->
<ng-container *ngIf="course.progress.currentStep > 0">
class="ml-1.5 icon-size-5"
<!-- No courses -->
<ng-template #noCourses>
<div class="flex flex-auto flex-col items-center justify-center bg-gray-100 dark:bg-transparent">
<div class="mt-6 text-2xl font-semibold tracking-tight text-secondary">No courses found!</div>
@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router';
import { MatSelectChange } from '@angular/material/select';
import { MatSlideToggleChange } from '@angular/material/slide-toggle';
import { BehaviorSubject, combineLatest, Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { AcademyService } from 'app/modules/admin/apps/academy/academy.service';
import { Category, Course } from 'app/modules/admin/apps/academy/academy.types';
selector : 'academy-list',
templateUrl : './list.component.html',
encapsulation : ViewEncapsulation.None,
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class AcademyListComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy
categories: Category[];
courses: Course[];
filteredCourses: Course[];
filters: {
categorySlug$: BehaviorSubject<string>;
query$: BehaviorSubject<string>;
hideCompleted$: BehaviorSubject<boolean>;
} = {
categorySlug$ : new BehaviorSubject('all'),
query$ : new BehaviorSubject(''),
hideCompleted$: new BehaviorSubject(false)
private _unsubscribeAll: Subject<any> = new Subject<any>();
* Constructor
private _activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute,
private _changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef,
private _router: Router,
private _academyService: AcademyService
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Lifecycle hooks
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* On init
ngOnInit(): void
// Get the categories
.subscribe((categories: Category[]) => {
this.categories = categories;
// Mark for check
// Get the courses
.subscribe((courses: Course[]) => {
this.courses = this.filteredCourses = courses;
// Mark for check
// Filter the courses
combineLatest([this.filters.categorySlug$, this.filters.query$, this.filters.hideCompleted$])
.subscribe(([categorySlug, query, hideCompleted]) => {
// Reset the filtered courses
this.filteredCourses = this.courses;
// Filter by category
if ( categorySlug !== 'all' )
this.filteredCourses = this.filteredCourses.filter((course) => course.category === categorySlug);
// Filter by search query
if ( query !== '' )
this.filteredCourses = this.filteredCourses.filter((course) => {
return course.title.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase())
|| course.description.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase())
|| course.category.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase());
// Filter by completed
if ( hideCompleted )
this.filteredCourses = this.filteredCourses.filter((course) => course.progress.completed === 0);
* On destroy
ngOnDestroy(): void
// Unsubscribe from all subscriptions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Public methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Filter by search query
* @param query
filterByQuery(query: string): void
* Filter by category
* @param change
filterByCategory(change: MatSelectChange): void
* Show/hide completed courses
* @param change
toggleCompleted(change: MatSlideToggleChange): void
* Track by function for ngFor loops
* @param index
* @param item
trackByFn(index: number, item: any): any
return item.id || index;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user