(Colors) Improved the color generators

This commit is contained in:
Sercan Yemen 2018-07-09 16:29:46 +03:00
parent a6c91dd744
commit 59d53ba0b9

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ i {
// Material colors map
$matColorsMap: (
$matPalettes: (
primary: $primary,
accent: $accent,
warn: $warn,
@ -43,13 +43,16 @@ $matColorsMap: (
// Material color hues list
$matColorHues: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, A100, A200, A400, A700;
$matHues: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, A100, A200, A400, A700;
// Text color levels generator mixin
@mixin generateTextColorLevels($baseTextColor) {
@mixin generateTextColorLevels($classes, $contrast) {
// If the base text color is black...
@if (rgba(black, 1) == rgba($baseTextColor, 1)) {
// If the contrast is dark...
@if ($contrast == 'dark') {
// Put down the color classes
#{$classes} {
.icon {
@ -76,11 +79,15 @@ $matColorHues: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, A100, A200, A400
.mat-ripple-element {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
// If the base text color is white...
@else {
// Put down the color classes
#{$classes} {
.icon {
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
@ -107,11 +114,12 @@ $matColorHues: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, A100, A200, A400
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
@mixin generateMaterialElementColors($contrastColor) {
@mixin generateMaterialElementColors($classes, $contrast) {
// If the contrast color is white...
// If the contrast color is light...
$fuseForeground: (
base: white,
text: white,
@ -119,8 +127,8 @@ $matColorHues: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, A100, A200, A400
divider: rgba(white, 0.12),
// If the contrast color is black...
@if (rgba(black, 1) == rgba($contrastColor, 1)) {
// If the contrast color is dark...
@if ($contrast == 'dark') {
$fuseForeground: (
base: black,
@ -129,6 +137,9 @@ $matColorHues: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, A100, A200, A400
// Put down the color classes
#{$classes} {
// Native Input
input[type="text"] {
color: map_get($fuseForeground, base);
@ -167,6 +178,7 @@ $matColorHues: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, A100, A200, A400
.mat-select-value {
color: map_get($fuseForeground, text);
// Color classes generator mixin
@ -180,14 +192,6 @@ $matColorHues: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, A100, A200, A400
background-color: $color !important;
color: $contrastColor !important;
// Generate text color levels
// based on current contrast color
@include generateTextColorLevels($contrastColor);
// Generate material element colors
// based on current contrast color
@include generateMaterialElementColors($contrastColor);
&[disabled] {
background-color: rgba($color, .12) !important;
color: rgba($contrastColor, .26) !important;
@ -196,14 +200,6 @@ $matColorHues: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, A100, A200, A400
.#{$colorName}#{$hue}-fg {
color: $color !important;
// Generate text color levels
// based on current contrast color
@include generateTextColorLevels($color);
// Generate material element colors
// based on current contrast color
@include generateMaterialElementColors($color);
.#{$colorName}#{$hue}-border {
@ -229,49 +225,126 @@ $matColorHues: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, A100, A200, A400
@mixin generateFuseColorClasses($primary, $accent, $warn) {
$colorMap: (
$palettes: (
primary: $primary,
accent: $accent,
warn: $warn
// Define contrast lists
$light-contrasting-classes: ();
$dark-contrasting-classes: ();
// Generate the color classes...
@each $name, $map in $colorMap {
@each $paletteName, $palette in $palettes {
@each $hue in $matColorHues {
// Get the contrasts map
$contrasts: map-get($palette, 'contrast');
$color: map-get($map, $hue);
$contrastColor: map-get(map-get($map, 'contrast'), $hue);
@each $hue in $matHues {
@if ($color != null and $contrastColor != null) {
// Get the color and the contrasting color
$color: map-get($palette, $hue);
$contrast: map-get($contrasts, $hue);
@include generateColorClasses($name, $color, $contrastColor, '-#{$hue}');
@if ($color != null and $contrast != null) {
// Generate color classes
@include generateColorClasses($paletteName, $color, $contrast, '-#{$hue}');
// If the contrast color is dark
@if (rgba(black, 1) == rgba($contrast, 1)) {
$dark-contrasting-classes: append($dark-contrasting-classes, unquote('.mat-#{$paletteName}-#{$hue}-bg'), 'comma');
// if the contrast color is light
@else {
$light-contrasting-classes: append($light-contrasting-classes, unquote('.mat-#{$paletteName}-#{$hue}-bg'), 'comma');
// Run the generator one more time for default values (500)
@if ($hue == 500) {
@include generateColorClasses($name, $color, $contrastColor, '');
// Generate color classes
@include generateColorClasses($paletteName, $color, $contrast, '');
// Add color to the correct list depending on the contrasting color
// If the contrast color is dark
@if (rgba(black, 1) == rgba($contrast, 1)) {
$dark-contrasting-classes: append($dark-contrasting-classes, unquote('.mat-#{$paletteName}-bg'), 'comma');
// if the contrast color is light
@else {
$light-contrasting-classes: append($light-contrasting-classes, unquote('.mat-#{$paletteName}-bg'), 'comma');
// Generate contrasting colors
@include generateTextColorLevels($dark-contrasting-classes, 'dark');
@include generateTextColorLevels($light-contrasting-classes, 'light');
@include generateMaterialElementColors($dark-contrasting-classes, 'dark');
@include generateMaterialElementColors($light-contrasting-classes, 'light');
// Generate the color classes...
@each $colorName, $colorMap in $matColorsMap {
@each $hue in $matColorHues {
// Define contrast lists
$light-contrasting-classes: ();
$dark-contrasting-classes: ();
$color: map-get($colorMap, $hue);
$contrastColor: map-get(map-get($colorMap, 'contrast'), $hue);
@each $paletteName, $palette in $matPalettes {
@if ($color != null and $contrastColor != null) {
// Get the contrasts map
$contrasts: map-get($palette, 'contrast');
@include generateColorClasses($colorName, $color, $contrastColor, '-#{$hue}');
@each $hue in $matHues {
// Get the color and the contrasting color
$color: map-get($palette, $hue);
$contrast: map-get($contrasts, $hue);
@if ($color != null and $contrast != null) {
// Generate color classes
@include generateColorClasses($paletteName, $color, $contrast, '-#{$hue}');
// Add color to the correct list depending on the contrasting color
// If the contrast color is dark
@if (rgba(black, 1) == rgba($contrast, 1)) {
$dark-contrasting-classes: append($dark-contrasting-classes, unquote('.mat-#{$paletteName}-#{$hue}-bg'), 'comma');
// if the contrast color is light
@else {
$light-contrasting-classes: append($light-contrasting-classes, unquote('.mat-#{$paletteName}-#{$hue}-bg'), 'comma');
// Run the generator one more time for default values (500)
@if ($hue == 500) {
@include generateColorClasses($colorName, $color, $contrastColor, '');
// Generate color classes
@include generateColorClasses($paletteName, $color, $contrast, '');
// Add color to the correct list depending on the contrasting color
// If the contrast color is dark
@if (rgba(black, 1) == rgba($contrast, 1)) {
$dark-contrasting-classes: append($dark-contrasting-classes, unquote('.mat-#{$paletteName}-bg'), 'comma');
// if the contrast color is light
@else {
$light-contrasting-classes: append($light-contrasting-classes, unquote('.mat-#{$paletteName}-bg'), 'comma');
// Generate contrasting colors
@include generateTextColorLevels($dark-contrasting-classes, 'dark');
@include generateTextColorLevels($light-contrasting-classes, 'light');
@include generateMaterialElementColors($dark-contrasting-classes, 'dark');
@include generateMaterialElementColors($light-contrasting-classes, 'light');