2018-05-03 20:45:49 +09:00
import { Component, OnInit, AfterContentInit, Output, EventEmitter, Input, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { Store, select, StateObservable } from '@ngrx/store';
2018-05-24 15:44:13 +09:00
import { RPCClientError } from '@loafer/ng-rpc';
2018-05-03 20:45:49 +09:00
import {
} from '@overflow/commons-typescript/model/discovery';
import * as CIDR from 'ip-cidr';
import * as DiscoveredStore from '../../store/setting';
import { SettingSelector, DiscoverSelector } from '../../store';
import * as DiscoverStore from '../../store/discover';
import * as RegistStore from '../../store/regist';
import { Host } from '@overflow/commons-typescript/model/discovery';
import { Port } from '@overflow/commons-typescript/model/discovery';
import { Service } from '@overflow/commons-typescript/model/discovery';
2018-05-24 15:44:13 +09:00
import * as ProbeDetailStore from '@overflow/probe/store';
2018-05-03 20:45:49 +09:00
import { Probe } from '@overflow/commons-typescript/model/probe';
import { TreeNode } from 'primeng/primeng';
2018-05-24 15:44:13 +09:00
import { ListSelector as ProbeListSelector } from '@overflow/probe/store';
import * as ProbeListStore from '@overflow/probe/store/list';
import { AuthSelector } from '@overflow/member/store';
2018-05-03 20:45:49 +09:00
import { Domain } from '@overflow/commons-typescript/model/domain';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription';
selector: 'of-discovery-setting',
templateUrl: './setting.component.html',
export class SettingComponent implements OnInit, AfterContentInit, OnDestroy {
@Input() probe: Probe; /* To determine valid range. */
@Output() close = new EventEmitter();
settingSucceed$: any;
discoveryResult$: any;
discoveryReq$: any;
discoveryStart$: any;
discoveryEnd$: any;
started = false;
hostChecked = ['host'];
portChecked = [];
serviceChecked = [];
tcpChecked = true;
udpChecked = true;
includeServices = [];
treeNodes = [];
selectedNodes = [];
zones: Map<string, Zone> = null;
checkedSet = new Set();
testObj: any[] = testDiscovery;
selectedDiscoveryResult: TreeNode[];
private discoverdstore: Store<DiscoveredStore.State>,
private discoverstore: Store<DiscoverStore.State>,
private registStore: Store<RegistStore.State>,
private probeListStore: Store<ProbeListStore.State>
) {
this.settingSucceed$ = discoverdstore.pipe(select(SettingSelector.select('isStart')));
this.discoveryResult$ = discoverstore.pipe(select(DiscoverSelector.select('zones')));
this.discoveryReq$ = discoverstore.pipe(select(DiscoverSelector.select('isReq')));
this.discoveryStart$ = discoverstore.pipe(select(DiscoverSelector.select('isStart')));
this.discoveryEnd$ = discoverstore.pipe(select(DiscoverSelector.select('isEnd')));
ngOnInit() {
// this.settingSucceed$.subscribe(
// (succeed: boolean) => {
// if (succeed) {
// this.started = true;
// }
// },
// (error: RPCClientError) => {
// console.log(error.response.message);
// }
// );
// this.discoveryResult$.subscribe(
// (zones: Map<string, Zone>) => {
// if (zones !== undefined && zones !== null) {
// console.log('ZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZone');
// // console.log(JSON.stringify(zones));
// this.treeNodes = this.convertTreeViewZone(zones);
// this.zones = zones;
// }
// },
// (error: RPCClientError) => {
// console.log(error.response.message);
// }
// );
// this.discoveryReq$.subscribe(
// (isReq: boolean) => {
// if (isReq !== undefined && isReq !== null) {
// console.log('isReqisReqisReqisReq');
// }
// },
// (error: RPCClientError) => {
// console.log(error.response.message);
// }
// );
// this.discoveryStart$.subscribe(
// (isStart: boolean) => {
// if (isStart !== undefined && isStart !== null) {
// console.log('isStartisStartisStart');
// }
// },
// (error: RPCClientError) => {
// console.log(error.response.message);
// }
// );
// this.discoveryEnd$.subscribe(
// (isEnd: boolean) => {
// if (isEnd !== undefined && isEnd !== null) {
// console.log('isEndisEndisEndisEnd');
// }
// },
// (error: RPCClientError) => {
// console.log(error.response.message);
// }
// );
ngAfterContentInit() {
if (this.probe === undefined || this.probe === null) {
} else {
ngOnDestroy() {
onProbeSelect(event) {
this.probe = event.value;
closeDialog() {
isZone(zone: Zone): boolean {
// for (let i = 0; i < this.treeNodes.length; ++i) {
// if (zone.iface === this.treeNodes[i].iface) {
// return true;
// }
// }
return false;
hostRange() {
const cidr = new CIDR(this.probe.cidr);
if (!cidr.isValid()) {
alert('Invalid cidr : ' + this.probe.cidr);
this.startIP = cidr.addressStart.address;
this.endIP = cidr.addressEnd.address;
portRange() {
this.startPort = '1';
this.endPort = '1024';
handleHostCheckChange(e: any) {
this.hostChecked = ['host'];
handlePortCheckChange(e: any) {
this.serviceChecked = [];
handleServiceCheckChange(e: any) {
if (e) {
this.portChecked = ['port'];
handleServiceChange(list: any) {
this.includeServices = list;
discovery() {
let discoverPort: DiscoverPort = null;
let discoverService: DiscoverService = null;
if (this.serviceChecked.length > 0) {
const services = new Array();
for (const service of this.includeServices) {
discoverService = {
includeServices: services,
if (this.portChecked.length > 0) {
discoverPort = {
firstScanRange: this.startPort,
lastScanRange: this.endPort,
includeTCP: this.tcpChecked,
includeUDP: this.udpChecked,
excludePorts: null,
discoverService: discoverService
const discoverZone: DiscoverZone = {
discoverHost: {
firstScanRangev4: this.startIP,
lastScanRangev4: this.endIP,
discoverPort: discoverPort,
// console.log('start discovery - ' + this.probe.probeKey);
this.discoverstore.dispatch(new DiscoverStore.DiscoverZone(
{ probeID: this.probe.probeKey, discoverZone: discoverZone }));
this.started = true;
checkDiscoveryResult(node) {
if (node.isActive) {
if (node.data.obj !== undefined) {
node.data.obj.target = true;
} else {
if (node.data.obj !== undefined) {
node.data.obj.target = false;
convertMapToList(map: Map<any, any>): Array<any> {
if (undefined === map || null === map || map.size < 0) {
return null;
const retArr = new Array();
map.forEach((v: any, k: any) => {
return retArr;
discoveryResultSave() {
// console.log(this.checkedSet);
// send discovery save this.zones;
// this.registStore.dispatch(new DiscoverStore.DiscoverZone(
// {probeID: '52abd6fd57e511e7ac52080027658d13', discoveryZone: discoveryZone}));
// console.log(this.zones);
// isTarget Check
for (const sn of this.selectedNodes) {
if (sn.obj !== undefined && sn.obj !== null) {
if (sn.obj.target !== undefined && sn.obj.target !== null) {
sn.obj.target = true;
this.zones.forEach((zone: Zone, key: string) => {
if (zone.hosts !== undefined && zone.hosts !== null && zone.hosts.size > 0) {
// FIXME: getHosts
const hosts: Host[] = [];
zone.hosts.forEach((h: Host, hKey: string) => {
h.zone = null;
if (h.ports !== undefined && h.ports !== null) {
h.portList = [];
h.ports.forEach((p: Port, pKey: number) => {
p.host = null;
if (p.services !== undefined && p.services !== null) {
p.serviceList = [];
p.services.forEach((s: Service, sKey: string) => {
s.port = null;
if (hosts.length > 0) {
const sd: any = { hosts: hosts, probe: { id: 1 } };
this.registStore.dispatch(new RegistStore.DiscoverySaveAllTarget(sd));
handleClick(event) {
// console.log(this.filesTree4);
checkTarget(treeList: any[]) {
if (treeList === undefined || treeList === null) {
for (let i = 0; i < treeList.length; ++i) {
treeList[i].obj.target = true;
convertTreeViewZone(zones: Map<string, Zone>) {
if (zones === undefined || zones === null) {
// console.log('convertTreeViewZone');
const treeNodes: any[] = [];
zones.forEach((value: Zone, key: string, map) => {
if (this.isZone(value)) {
const jZone: any = {
label: 'Zone - ' + value.iface,
// className: 'cn' + value.ip,
expandedIcon: 'fa-folder-open',
collapsedIcon: 'fa-folder',
jZone.obj = value;
jZone.children = this.convertViewHost(value.hosts);
return treeNodes;
convertViewHost(hosts): any[] {
if (hosts === undefined || hosts === null) {
return null;
const hostNodes: any[] = [];
hosts.forEach((host, hostKey) => {
const jHost: any = {
label: 'Host - ' + host.ipv4,
// className: 'cn' + host.ip
expandedIcon: 'fa-folder-open',
collapsedIcon: 'fa-folder',
jHost.obj = host;
jHost.children = this.convertViewPort(host.ports);
return hostNodes;
convertViewPort(ports): any[] {
if (ports === undefined || ports === null || ports.size < 0) {
return null;
const portChildren: any[] = [];
ports.forEach((port, portKey) => {
const jPort: any = {
label: 'Port - ' + port.portNumber,
// className: 'cn' + port.portNumber,
expandedIcon: 'fa-folder-open',
collapsedIcon: 'fa-folder',
jPort.obj = port;
jPort.children = this.convertViewService(port.services);
return portChildren;
convertViewService(services): any[] {
if (services === undefined || services === null || services.size <= 0) {
return null;
const serviceChildren: any[] = [];
services.forEach((service, serviceKey) => {
const jService: any = {
label: 'Service - ' + service.serviceName,
// className: 'cn' + service.serviceName,
jService.obj = service;
return serviceChildren;
const testDiscovery: any[] = [
id: 0,
ip: '',
mac: '64:e5:99:63:e7:80',
os: null,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
target: false,
zone: null,
ports: [
id: 0,
portType: 'UDP',
portNumber: 53,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
host: null,
services: [
id: 0,
cryptoType: null,
serviceName: 'DNS',
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
port: null,
target: false
id: 0,
ip: '',
mac: '00:25:b3:fa:ca:9b',
os: null,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
target: false,
zone: null,
ports: [
id: 0,
portType: 'UDP',
portNumber: 161,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
host: null,
services: [
id: 0,
cryptoType: null,
serviceName: 'SNMP_V2',
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
port: null,
target: false
id: 0,
portType: 'TCP',
portNumber: 7,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
host: null,
services: null
id: 0,
ip: '',
mac: '30:9c:23:15:a3:09',
os: null,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
target: false,
zone: null,
ports: null
id: 0,
ip: '',
mac: '6c:f0:49:7a:60:68',
os: null,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
target: false,
zone: null,
ports: [
id: 0,
portType: 'TCP',
portNumber: 22,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
host: null,
services: [
id: 0,
cryptoType: 'TCP',
serviceName: 'SSH',
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
port: null,
target: false
id: 0,
ip: '',
mac: '00:19:b9:35:8e:a6',
os: null,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
target: false,
zone: null,
ports: [
id: 0,
portType: 'TCP',
portNumber: 22,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
host: null,
services: null
id: 0,
portType: 'TCP',
portNumber: 25,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
host: null,
services: null
id: 0,
ip: '',
mac: '00:17:08:8d:cf:f7',
os: null,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
target: false,
zone: null,
ports: [
id: 0,
portType: 'UDP',
portNumber: 161,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
host: null,
services: [
id: 0,
cryptoType: null,
serviceName: 'SNMP_V2',
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
port: null,
target: false
id: 0,
portType: 'TCP',
portNumber: 23,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
host: null,
services: null
id: 0,
portType: 'TCP',
portNumber: 21,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
host: null,
services: null
id: 0,
ip: '',
mac: '00:19:b9:19:7e:c7',
os: null,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
target: false,
zone: null,
ports: [
id: 0,
portType: 'TCP',
portNumber: 22,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
host: null,
services: null
id: 0,
ip: '',
mac: '44:8a:5b:f1:3a:7d',
os: null,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
target: false,
zone: null,
ports: [
id: 0,
portType: 'UDP',
portNumber: 161,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
host: null,
services: [
id: 0,
cryptoType: null,
serviceName: 'SNMP_V2',
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
port: null,
target: false
id: 0,
portType: 'TCP',
portNumber: 21,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
host: null,
services: null
id: 0,
ip: '',
mac: '44:8a:5b:f1:f1:f3',
os: null,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
target: false,
zone: null,
ports: null
id: 0,
ip: '',
mac: '44:8a:5b:f1:f2:d3',
os: null,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
target: false,
zone: null,
ports: null
id: 0,
ip: '',
mac: '40:98:ad:7b:d0:43',
os: null,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
target: false,
zone: null,
ports: null
id: 0,
ip: '',
mac: '44:8a:5b:44:8c:e8',
os: null,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
target: false,
zone: null,
ports: [
id: 0,
portType: 'TCP',
portNumber: 21,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
host: null,
services: null
id: 0,
ip: '',
mac: 'd0:50:99:97:5d:99',
os: null,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
target: false,
zone: null,
ports: [
id: 0,
portType: 'TCP',
portNumber: 22,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
host: null,
services: null
id: 0,
ip: '',
mac: 'a8:e5:39:5b:c9:62',
os: null,
discoveredDate: -62135596800000,
target: false,
zone: null,
ports: null