import { resolve } from 'path' import sourceMaps from 'rollup-plugin-sourcemaps' import nodeResolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve' import json from 'rollup-plugin-json' import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs' import replace from 'rollup-plugin-replace' import { uglify } from 'rollup-plugin-uglify' import { terser } from 'rollup-plugin-terser' import { getIfUtils, removeEmpty } from 'webpack-config-utils' import pkg from '../package.json' const { pascalCase, normalizePackageName, getOutputFileName, } = require('./helpers') /** * @typedef {import('./types').RollupConfig} Config */ /** * @typedef {import('./types').RollupPlugin} Plugin */ const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development' const { ifProduction } = getIfUtils(env) const LIB_NAME = pascalCase(normalizePackageName( const ROOT = resolve(__dirname, '..') const DIST = resolve(ROOT, 'dist') /** * @type {{entry:{esm5: string, esm2015: string},bundles:string}} */ const PATHS = { entry: { esm5: resolve(DIST, 'esm5'), esm2015: resolve(DIST, 'esm2015'), }, bundles: resolve(DIST, 'bundles'), } /** * @type {string[]} */ const external = Object.keys(pkg.peerDependencies) || [] /** * @type {Plugin[]} */ const plugins = /** @type {Plugin[]} */ ([ // Allow json resolution json(), // Allow bundling cjs modules (unlike webpack, rollup doesn't understand cjs) commonjs(), // Allow node_modules resolution, so you can use 'external' to control // which external modules to include in the bundle // nodeResolve(), // Resolve source maps to the original source sourceMaps(), // properly set process.env.NODE_ENV within `./environment.ts` replace({ exclude: 'node_modules/**', 'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(env), }), ]) /** * @type {Config} */ const CommonConfig = { input: {}, output: {}, inlineDynamicImports: true, // Indicate here external modules you don't wanna include in your bundle (i.e.: 'lodash') external, } /** * @type {Config} */ const UMDconfig = { ...CommonConfig, input: resolve(PATHS.entry.esm5, 'index.js'), output: { file: getOutputFileName( resolve(PATHS.bundles, 'index.umd.js'), ifProduction() ), // file: getOutputFileName('dist/bundles/index.umd.js', ifProduction()), format: 'umd', name: LIB_NAME, sourcemap: true, }, plugins: /** @type {Plugin[]} */ (removeEmpty([ ...plugins, ifProduction(uglify()), ])), } /** * @type {Config} */ const FESMconfig = { ...CommonConfig, input: resolve(PATHS.entry.esm2015, 'index.js'), output: [ { file: getOutputFileName( resolve(PATHS.bundles, 'index.esm.js'), ifProduction() ), format: 'es', sourcemap: true, }, ], plugins: /** @type {Plugin[]} */ (removeEmpty([ ...plugins, ifProduction(terser()), ])), } export default [UMDconfig, FESMconfig]