import { createAction, props } from '@ngrx/store'; import { Info, InfoRequest as EventInfoRequest, InfoResponse as EventInfoResponse, SendRequest as SendEventRequest, SendResponse as SendEventResponse, ReadRequest, DelRequest, DelResponse, CancelRequest, CancelResponse, SendNotification, ReadNotification, CancelNotification, DelNotification, EventJson, ReadResponse, SendRequest } from '@ucap/protocol-event'; import { InfoRequest as FileInfoRequest, InfoResponse as FileInfoResponse, FileDownloadInfo, FileInfo } from '@ucap/protocol-file'; /** * retrieve list of event */ export const events = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] events', props<{ req: EventInfoRequest }>() ); /** * Success of events request */ export const eventsSuccess = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] events Success', props<{ eventInfoList: Info<EventJson>[]; res: EventInfoResponse; remainEvent: boolean; }>() ); /** * Failure of events request */ export const eventsFailure = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] events Failure', props<{ roomId: string; error: any }>() ); /** * retrieve list of event */ export const moreEvents = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] events more', props<{ roomId: string }>() ); /** * retrieve list of file information */ export const fileInfos = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] fileInfos', props<{ req: FileInfoRequest }>() ); /** * Success of fileInfos request */ export const fileInfosSuccess = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] fileInfos Success', props<{ fileInfoList: FileInfo[]; fileInfoCheckList: FileDownloadInfo[]; res: FileInfoResponse; }>() ); /** * Failure of fileInfos request */ export const fileInfosFailure = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] fileInfos Failure', props<{ roomId: string; error: any }>() ); /** * add new event */ export const addEvent = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] addEvent', props<{ roomId: string; info: Info<EventJson>; SVC_TYPE?: number; SSVC_TYPE?: number; }>() ); /** * add new event Success. */ export const addEventSuccess = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] addEvent Success', props<{ roomId: string; info: Info<EventJson>; }>() ); export const read = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] read', props<ReadRequest>() ); export const readSuccess = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] read Success', props<ReadResponse>() ); // export const readNotification = createAction( // '[ucap::chat::chatting] Read Notification', // props<ReadNotification>() // ); export const readFailure = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] read Failure', props<{ error: any }>() ); export const send = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] Send', props<{ senderSeq: string; req: SendEventRequest }>() ); export const sendSuccess = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] Send Success', props<{ senderSeq: string; res: SendEventResponse; }>() ); export const sendFailure = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] Send Failure', props<{ error: any }>() ); export const sendNotification = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] Send Notification', props<{ noti: SendNotification }>() ); /** 대화 삭제 */ export const del = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] Delete', props<DelRequest>() ); export const delFailure = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] Delete Failure', props<{ error: any }>() ); export const delNotification = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] Delete Notification || Response', props<{ noti: DelNotification | DelResponse }>() ); /** 대화 삭제시 열린 대화방의 대화 내용 갱신 */ export const delEventList = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] Delete InfoList', props<{ roomId: string; eventSeqs: number[]; }>() ); /** forward */ export const forward = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] Forward', props<{ senderSeq: string; req: SendRequest; trgtUserSeqs?: string[]; trgtRoomSeq?: string; }>() ); /** chat forward failure */ export const forwardFailure = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] Forward failure', props<{ error: any }>() ); export const forwardAfterRoomOpen = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] Forward after room open', props<{ senderSeq: string; req: SendRequest; trgtUserSeqs?: string[]; trgtRoomSeq?: string; }>() ); export const roomOpenAfterForward = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] Room open after forward', props<{ senderSeq: string; req: SendRequest; trgtUserSeqs?: string[]; trgtRoomSeq?: string; }>() ); /** 대화 회수 */ export const cancel = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] Cancel', props<CancelRequest>() ); export const cancelFailure = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] Cancel Failure', props<{ error: any }>() ); export const cancelNotification = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] Cancel Notification || Response', props<{ noti: CancelNotification | CancelResponse }>() ); /** 대화 회수시 열린 대화방의 대화 내용 갱신 */ export const updateEventList = createAction( '[ucap::chat::chatting] Update InfoList', props<{ roomId: string; eventSeq: number; sentMessage: string; }>() );