using System; using System.Text; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Collections; using Cosmos.BaseFrame; using Cosmos.UserFrame; using Cosmos.ServiceProvider; using Cosmos.Common; using Cosmos.CommonManager; using Cosmos.UI; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // 설 명 : 사은품 등록 // 작 성 자 : // 변경 이력 : /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ namespace Cosmos.Service { public partial class frmCampPresent : Form { #region 변수 선언 private SManager sManager = new SManager(); // 이 객체를 통해 업무 Service 호출 private StateServer StateObject = (StateServer)StateServer.GetInstance(); // StateObject : StateServer Object (객체) private PosStatus m_cPosStatus = new PosStatus(); // 기본정보 참조 private TranStatus m_cTrnStatus = new TranStatus(); // 거래정보 참조 private DeviceStatus m_cDevStatus = new DeviceStatus(); // 디바이스 관리 private IDataProcessUs m_cDataService = null; private IDataCommonUs m_cDataCommon = null; // POS 공통함수 인터페이스 private IMasterUs m_cMstService = null; private bool bNotDoubleClik = false; // 더블 클릭 방지용 private string m_sCampaignCode; /// /// 캠페인코드 /// public string CampaignCode { set { m_sCampaignCode = value; } get { return m_sCampaignCode; } } private string m_sCampaignName; /// /// 캠페인명 /// public string CampaignName { set { m_sCampaignName = value; } get { return m_sCampaignName; } } private string m_sCampaignPreQty; /// /// 캠페인 사은수량 /// public string CampaignPreQty { set { m_sCampaignPreQty = value; } get { return m_sCampaignPreQty; } } private string m_sCampaignAddSaleYn; /// /// 캠페인 사은품 추가판매가능여부 /// public string CampaignAddSaleYn { set { m_sCampaignAddSaleYn = value; } get { return m_sCampaignAddSaleYn; } } private string m_sCampaignPosOpInputDiv; /// /// 캠페인 사은품 등록 위치(상품,HP) /// public string CampaignPosOpInputDiv { set { m_sCampaignPosOpInputDiv = value; } get { return m_sCampaignPosOpInputDiv; } } /// /// 지급사은품 리스트 데이터 /// private DataTable m_dtGridPresentDst; #endregion 변수 선언 #region 생성자 & 소멸자 & 폼초기화 public frmCampPresent() { InitializeComponent(); base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true); //this.UpdateStyles(); m_cPosStatus = (PosStatus)StateObject.POS; // POS 기본정보 m_cTrnStatus = (TranStatus)StateObject.TRAN; // POS 거래정보 m_cDataService = (IDataProcessUs)sManager.InitServiceInstance(ServiceLists.ASV_DATA_PROCESS.DLL, ServiceLists.ASV_DATA_PROCESS.DATA_SERVICE); m_cDataCommon = (IDataCommonUs)sManager.InitServiceInstance(ServiceLists.ASV_DATA_PROCESS.DLL, ServiceLists.ASV_DATA_PROCESS.DATA_COMMON); m_cMstService = (IMasterUs)sManager.InitServiceInstance(ServiceLists.ASV_MASTER.DLL, ServiceLists.ASV_MASTER.POS_MASTER); } private void frmCampPresent_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserLog.WriteLogFile(UserCom.LOG_IOS, System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ManifestModule.Name, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + "()", ""); InitControl(); InitializeGrid(); DisplayGridSrc(); } private void frmCampPresent_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void frmCampPresent_Deactivate(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void frmCampPresent_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { UserLog.WriteLogFile(UserCom.LOG_IOS, System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ManifestModule.Name, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + "()", lblTitle.Text); } /// /// 폼 컨트롤 초기화 /// private void InitControl() { try { // 이미지 로딩 처리 this.Size = new Size(800, 578); picBack.Image = ImageManager.GetImage(BaseCom.NxImgPath, ImageManager.POP_SIZE_800X578); picBack.Location = new Point(0, 0); FormManager.SetFormAllControlFont(this, m_cPosStatus.Base.FONT); FormManager.MovePopUpForm(this, false, m_cPosStatus.Sale.ScreenSizeUser); btnComplete.BackColor = CmUtil.GetColorToString(m_cPosStatus.ScnMst.ThemeColor); btnExit.Image = ImageManager.GetImage(BaseCom.NxImgPath, ImageManager.BTN_CLOSE); if (btnExit.Image != null) btnExit.Text = ""; // 타이틀 lblTitle.Text = MessageManager.GetLabelMessage(POS_MESSAGE.LABEL.MSG_0749); lblCampName.Text = MessageManager.GetLabelMessage(POS_MESSAGE.LABEL.MSG_0399); lblPresentQty.Text = MessageManager.GetLabelMessage(POS_MESSAGE.LABEL.MSG_0750); lblAddSaleYn.Text = m_sCampaignAddSaleYn == "1" ? MessageManager.GetLabelMessage(POS_MESSAGE.LABEL.MSG_0751) : MessageManager.GetLabelMessage(POS_MESSAGE.LABEL.MSG_0752); lblTotQty.Text = MessageManager.GetLabelMessage(POS_MESSAGE.LABEL.MSG_0755); lblTotDis.Text = MessageManager.GetLabelMessage(POS_MESSAGE.LABEL.MSG_0759); lblTotAmt.Text = MessageManager.GetLabelMessage(POS_MESSAGE.LABEL.MSG_0756); btnDelete.Text = MessageManager.GetLabelMessage(POS_MESSAGE.LABEL.MSG_0021); btnQty.Text = MessageManager.GetLabelMessage(POS_MESSAGE.LABEL.MSG_0017); btnComplete.Text = MessageManager.GetLabelMessage(POS_MESSAGE.LABEL.MSG_0126); txtCampName.Text = m_sCampaignName; txtPresentQty.Text = CampaignPreQty; txtTotQty.Text = "0"; txtTotDis.Text = "0"; txtTotAmt.Text = "0"; } catch (Exception ex) { WinManager.ExceptionMessage(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ManifestModule.Name, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + "()", ex.Message); } } /// /// 그리드 초기화 /// private void InitializeGrid() { try { gridPresentDst.CsmGridColumnHeadersFont = new Font(m_cPosStatus.Base.FONT, 10, gridPresentDst.CsmGridColumnHeadersFont.Style); //DataGridView 자체의 컬럼 헤더 Visible 여부 gridPresentDst.CsmGridColumnHeadersVisible = true; //DataGridView 자체의 컬럼 헤더 높이 gridPresentDst.CsmGridColumnHeadersHeight = 38; gridPresentDst.CsmGridRowsHeight = 34; //그리드의 컬럼 수 gridPresentDst.CsmGridColumnCount = 7; //그리드의 한 화면에 보이는 로우수 gridPresentDst.CsmGridShowPageRowsCount = 3; gridPresentDst.CsmGridSetHeaderBackColor(236, 238, 239); //그리드 헤더 배경색 gridPresentDst.CsmGridDefaultRowBackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255); //그리드 홀수(Default)행의 배경색 지정 gridPresentDst.CsmGridAlternateRowBackColor = Color.FromArgb(251, 253, 255); //그리드 짝수(Alternate)행의 배경색 지정 gridPresentDst.CsmGridBackGroundColor = Color.FromArgb(251, 253, 255); //기본 백그라운드 컬러 gridPresentDst.CsmGridHighlightColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 251, 211); //그리드 선택 백 컬러 gridPresentDst.CsmGridHighlightTextColor = Color.Black; //그리드 선택 글자 컬러 //각 컬럼별 이름 지정 gridPresentDst.CsmGridColumnName(0, MessageManager.GetLabelMessage(POS_MESSAGE.LABEL.MSG_0757)); gridPresentDst.CsmGridColumnName(1, MessageManager.GetLabelMessage(POS_MESSAGE.LABEL.MSG_0016)); gridPresentDst.CsmGridColumnName(2, MessageManager.GetLabelMessage(POS_MESSAGE.LABEL.MSG_0017)); gridPresentDst.CsmGridColumnName(3, MessageManager.GetLabelMessage(POS_MESSAGE.LABEL.MSG_0036)); gridPresentDst.CsmGridColumnName(4, MessageManager.GetLabelMessage(POS_MESSAGE.LABEL.MSG_0019)); gridPresentDst.CsmGridColumnName(5, ""); gridPresentDst.CsmGridColumnName(6, ""); //컬럼넓이 지정(406) gridPresentDst.CsmGridSetColumnWidth(new int[] { 250, 100, 65, 100, 100, 0, 0 }); //컬럼 정렬 0:왼쪽, 1:가운데, 2:오른쪽 gridPresentDst.CsmGridAlignment(new int[] { 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 }); m_dtGridPresentDst = new DataTable("GRID_LIST_DST"); m_dtGridPresentDst.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("DST_NAME", typeof(string))); m_dtGridPresentDst.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("DST_ORG_AMT", typeof(string))); m_dtGridPresentDst.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("DST_PRE_QTY", typeof(string))); m_dtGridPresentDst.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("DST_DIS_AMT", typeof(string))); m_dtGridPresentDst.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("DST_SALE_AMT", typeof(string))); m_dtGridPresentDst.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("DST_CODE", typeof(string))); m_dtGridPresentDst.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("DST_PRE_AMT", typeof(string))); m_dtGridPresentDst.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { WinManager.ExceptionMessage(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ManifestModule.Name, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + "()", ex.Message); } } #endregion /// /// 전체 사은품 내역 화면 표시 /// private void DisplayGridSrc() { int nRow = 0; try { // 캠페인 사은품 정보 획득 string sQuery = " SELECT A.ITEM_CD, A.DC_RATE_AMT, B.SHTCUT_ITEMNM, B.TAKE_IN_SALE_AMT, B.TAKE_OUT_SALE_AMT "; sQuery += " FROM POSMST..MST_CPI_ITEM A "; sQuery += " JOIN POSMST..MST_ITEM B ON A.CMP_CD=B.CMP_CD AND A.STOR_CD=B.STOR_CD AND A.SUB_STOR_CD=B.SUB_STOR_CD AND A.ITEM_CD=B.ITEM_CD "; sQuery += " WHERE A.CMP_CD = '" + m_cPosStatus.Base.CmpCd + "'"; sQuery += " AND A.STOR_CD = '" + m_cPosStatus.Base.StoreNo + "'"; sQuery += " AND A.SUB_STOR_CD = '" + m_cPosStatus.Base.StoreNo + "'"; sQuery += " AND A.CPI_CD = '" + m_sCampaignCode + "'"; sQuery += " AND A.CPI_ITEM_GRP_CD = '11'"; sQuery += " AND A.USE_YN = '" + PosConst.MST_USE_YN.YES + "'"; btnMenu.SetMenuButtonCount(3, 5); btnMenu.BackColor = Color.LightGray; btnMenu.VisibleUpDown = false; btnMenu.BackColorUpDown = Color.White; btnMenu.ForeColorUpDown = Color.Black; btnMenu.ClearMenuButtonInfo(); // 설정된 메뉴정보 초기화 DataTable dtMstCpiItem = m_cMstService.Select(new string[] { sQuery }); if (dtMstCpiItem != null && dtMstCpiItem.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtMstCpiItem.Rows) { Cosmos.UI.CsmMenu.MenuBtnInfo cMenuInfo = new Cosmos.UI.CsmMenu.MenuBtnInfo(); nRow++; cMenuInfo.sClassCode = "00"; // 대분류 cMenuInfo.sGroupCode = "0000"; // 중분류코드 cMenuInfo.nSeqNo = nRow; // 표시순번 double nOrgAmt = 0; if (PosMstManager.GetPosOption(POS_OPTION.OPT005) == "0") nOrgAmt = CmUtil.GetDataRowDouble(dr, "TAKE_OUT_SALE_AMT"); else nOrgAmt = CmUtil.GetDataRowDouble(dr, "TAKE_IN_SALE_AMT"); // 메뉴 키 값 = 메뉴코드(20) + 원단가(15) + 사은품단가(15) + 메뉴명(50) string sMenuCode = CmUtil.RPadH(CmUtil.GetDataRowStr(dr, "ITEM_CD"), 20) + CmUtil.RPadH(nOrgAmt.ToString(), 15) + CmUtil.RPadH(CmUtil.GetDataRowDouble(dr, "DC_RATE_AMT").ToString(), 15) + CmUtil.GetDataRowStr(dr, "SHTCUT_ITEMNM"); cMenuInfo.sMenuCode = sMenuCode; // 메뉴 연결코드 cMenuInfo.sMenuName = CmUtil.GetDataRowStr(dr, "SHTCUT_ITEMNM"); // 메뉴 명 cMenuInfo.sMenuPrice = m_cPosStatus.Global.NumericTOCurrency(CmUtil.GetDataRowDouble(dr, "DC_RATE_AMT")); // 메뉴 가격 cMenuInfo.cBackColor = Color.White; // 버튼 백 컬러 cMenuInfo.cForeColorName = Color.Black; // 메뉴명 컬러 cMenuInfo.cForeColorPrice = Color.Red; // 메뉴가격 컬러 cMenuInfo.fFontSizeName = 12; // 메뉴명 폰트 사이즈 cMenuInfo.fFontSizePrice = 12; // 메뉴 가격 폰트 사이즈 cMenuInfo.nButtonSize = 0; // 메뉴버튼 사이즈(0:일반,1:가로확대,2:세로확대,3:가로세로확대) cMenuInfo.cMenuImage = ""; btnMenu.AddMenuButtonInfo(cMenuInfo); } } // 메뉴 표시 btnMenu.DisplayMenuButton("00", "0000"); } catch (Exception ex) { WinManager.ExceptionMessage(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ManifestModule.Name, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + "()", ex.Message); } } #region 버튼 입력 처리 /// /// 버튼 입력 처리 /// /// /// private void btnProc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sRet = UserCom.RST_ERR; try { if (bNotDoubleClik) return; bNotDoubleClik = true; if (((Cosmos.UI.CsmButton)sender) == btnDelete) // 삭제 { PresentDelAdd(true, 0, ""); } else if (((Cosmos.UI.CsmButton)sender) == btnQty) // 수량 { // 삭제, 수량 int nRow = gridPresentDst.CsmGridSelectedRowIndex; if (nRow >= 0 && gridPresentDst.CsmGridRowsCount > 0) { frmInputDataMin fForm = new frmInputDataMin(); fForm.PosMenuKeyIn = "QTY"; if (fForm.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { string sQty = fForm.PosInPutData; if (m_cDataService.LongParse(sQty) > 0) PresentDelAdd(false, m_cDataService.LongParse(sQty), ""); } } } else if (((Cosmos.UI.CsmButton)sender) == btnComplete) // 완료 { CompleteTxtInPut(); } else if (((Cosmos.UI.CsmButton)sender) == btnUpDst) { gridPresentDst.CsmGridScroll("UP"); } else if (((Cosmos.UI.CsmButton)sender) == btnDnDst) { gridPresentDst.CsmGridScroll("DOWN"); } else if (((Cosmos.UI.CsmButton)sender) == btnExit) { this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; this.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { WinManager.ExceptionMessage(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ManifestModule.Name, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + "()", ex.Message); } bNotDoubleClik = false; } private void btnMenu_MenuClickHandler(object sender, string sMenuCode) { try { if (sMenuCode == "") return; if (m_sCampaignAddSaleYn == "0" && m_cDataService.LongParse(txtTotQty.Text) >= m_cDataService.LongParse(m_sCampaignPreQty)) { WinManager.ErrorMessage(POS_MESSAGE.ERROR.MSG_0440); return; } PresentDelAdd(false, 0 , sMenuCode); } catch (Exception ex) { WinManager.ExceptionMessage(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ManifestModule.Name, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + "()", ex.Message); } } /// /// 사은품 추가 및 삭제 /// /// private bool PresentDelAdd(bool bCancel, long nQty, string sMenuCode) { string sPluName = "", sOrgAmt = "", sPreAmt = "", sPluCode = ""; try { if (bCancel == false && nQty == 0) { // 추가 => 메뉴 키 값 = 메뉴코드(20) + 원단가(15) + 사은품단가(15) + 메뉴명(50) sPluCode = CmUtil.MidH(sMenuCode, 0 , 20).Trim(); sOrgAmt = CmUtil.MidH(sMenuCode, 20, 15).Trim(); sPreAmt = CmUtil.MidH(sMenuCode, 35, 15).Trim(); sPluName = CmUtil.MidH(sMenuCode, 50, 50).Trim(); if (CmUtil.DoubleParse(sOrgAmt) < CmUtil.DoubleParse(sPreAmt)) { WinManager.ErrorMessage(POS_MESSAGE.ERROR.MSG_0616); return false; } } else { // 삭제, 수량 int nRow = gridPresentDst.CsmGridSelectedRowIndex; if (nRow < 0 || gridPresentDst.CsmGridRowsCount == 0) return false; sPluCode = gridPresentDst.CsmGridGetCell(nRow, 5); } bool bExistPlu = false; for(int i = 0; i < m_dtGridPresentDst.Rows.Count;i++) { DataRow dr = m_dtGridPresentDst.Rows[i]; if (CmUtil.GetDataRowStr(dr,"DST_CODE") == sPluCode) { if ( bCancel == true) { m_dtGridPresentDst.Rows.Remove(dr); } else { if (nQty == 0) dr["DST_PRE_QTY"] = CmUtil.GetDataRowLong(dr, "DST_PRE_QTY") + 1; else { if (m_cDataService.LongParse(dr["DST_PRE_QTY"].ToString()) < nQty) { if (m_sCampaignAddSaleYn == "0" && m_cDataService.LongParse(txtTotQty.Text) + nQty - m_cDataService.LongParse(dr["DST_PRE_QTY"].ToString()) > m_cDataService.LongParse(m_sCampaignPreQty)) { WinManager.ErrorMessage(POS_MESSAGE.ERROR.MSG_0440); return false; } } dr["DST_PRE_QTY"] = nQty; } bExistPlu = true; } break; } } if (bCancel== false && bExistPlu == false) { DataRow drNewRow = m_dtGridPresentDst.NewRow(); drNewRow["DST_NAME"] = sPluName; drNewRow["DST_PRE_QTY"] = 1; drNewRow["DST_CODE"] = sPluCode; drNewRow["DST_ORG_AMT"] = m_cPosStatus.Global.NumericTOCurrency(CmUtil.DoubleParse(sOrgAmt)); drNewRow["DST_PRE_AMT"] = sPreAmt; m_dtGridPresentDst.Rows.Add(drNewRow); } long nTotQty = 0; double nTotDisAmt = 0, nTotSaleAmt = 0; long nTotPreQty = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_dtGridPresentDst.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = m_dtGridPresentDst.Rows[i]; long nPreQty = CmUtil.GetDataRowLong(dr, "DST_PRE_QTY"); // 사은품 지급수량 long nOrgQty = 0; // 사은품 판매수량 if (nTotPreQty + nPreQty > m_cDataService.LongParse(m_sCampaignPreQty)) { nOrgQty = nTotPreQty + nPreQty - m_cDataService.LongParse(m_sCampaignPreQty); nPreQty = m_cDataService.LongParse(m_sCampaignPreQty) - nTotPreQty; } nTotPreQty += nPreQty; double nDisAmt = CmUtil.DoubleSubtraction(CmUtil.GetDataRowDouble(dr, "DST_ORG_AMT"), CmUtil.GetDataRowDouble(dr, "DST_PRE_AMT")) * nPreQty; dr["DST_DIS_AMT"] = m_cPosStatus.Global.NumericTOCurrency(nDisAmt); double nSaleAmt = CmUtil.DoubleAdd(CmUtil.GetDataRowDouble(dr, "DST_PRE_AMT") * nPreQty, CmUtil.GetDataRowDouble(dr, "DST_ORG_AMT") * nOrgQty); dr["DST_SALE_AMT"] = m_cPosStatus.Global.NumericTOCurrency(nSaleAmt); nTotQty += (nPreQty + nOrgQty); nTotDisAmt = CmUtil.DoubleAdd(nTotDisAmt, nDisAmt); nTotSaleAmt = CmUtil.DoubleAdd(nTotSaleAmt, nSaleAmt); } gridPresentDst.CsmGridDataSource = m_dtGridPresentDst; gridPresentDst.CsmGridSelectRow(0); txtTotQty.Text = m_cPosStatus.Global.NumericToQuantity(nTotQty); txtTotDis.Text = m_cPosStatus.Global.NumericTOCurrency(nTotDisAmt); txtTotAmt.Text = m_cPosStatus.Global.NumericTOCurrency(nTotSaleAmt); } catch (Exception ex) { WinManager.ExceptionMessage(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ManifestModule.Name, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + "()", ex.Message); } return false; } /// /// 사은품 등록 완료 처리 /// /// private bool CompleteTxtInPut() { try { if (m_cDataService.LongParse(txtTotQty.Text) <= 0) { WinManager.ErrorMessage(POS_MESSAGE.ERROR.MSG_0439); return false; } if (m_sCampaignAddSaleYn == "0" && m_cDataService.LongParse(txtTotQty.Text) > m_cDataService.LongParse(m_sCampaignPreQty)) { WinManager.ErrorMessage(POS_MESSAGE.ERROR.MSG_0440); return false; } if (m_cDataService.LongParse(txtTotQty.Text) < m_cDataService.LongParse(m_sCampaignPreQty)) { // } if (WinManager.QuestionMessage(POS_MESSAGE.ERROR.MSG_0449) == false) return false; ISalePluItemUs cPluService = (ISalePluItemUs)sManager.InitServiceInstance(ServiceLists.BSV_SALE.DLL, ServiceLists.BSV_SALE.SALE_PLU_ITEM); for (int i = 0; i < m_dtGridPresentDst.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = m_dtGridPresentDst.Rows[i]; string sPluCode = CmUtil.GetDataRowStr(dr, "DST_CODE"); long nPreQty = CmUtil.GetDataRowLong(dr, "DST_PRE_QTY"); // 사은상품 등록 처리 cPluService.SetItemCode("", m_sCampaignPosOpInputDiv, m_cPosStatus.Base.StoreNo, sPluCode, "", nPreQty.ToString()); } // 사은품 상품 캠페인마스터 로딩 처리 ICampaignUs cCampaingMain = (ICampaignUs)sManager.InitServiceInstance(ServiceLists.ASV_CAMPAIGN.DLL, ServiceLists.ASV_CAMPAIGN.CAMPAIGN_MAIN); cCampaingMain.RegisterCampaignPlu(false); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { WinManager.ExceptionMessage(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ManifestModule.Name, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + "()", ex.Message); } return false; } #endregion } }