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2017-11-29 21:24:48 +09:00
package client
import (
type Socket interface {
// Subprotocol returns the negotiated protocol for the connection.
Subprotocol() string
// Close closes the underlying network connection without sending or waiting for a close frame.
Close() error
// LocalAddr returns the local network address.
LocalAddr() net.Addr
// RemoteAddr returns the remote network address.
RemoteAddr() net.Addr
// WriteControl writes a control message with the given deadline. The allowed
// message types are CloseMessage, PingMessage and PongMessage.
WriteControl(messageType int, data []byte, deadline time.Time) error
// NextWriter returns a writer for the next message to send. The writer's Close
// method flushes the complete message to the network.
// There can be at most one open writer on a connection. NextWriter closes the
// previous writer if the application has not already done so.
NextWriter(messageType int) (io.WriteCloser, error)
// WritePreparedMessage writes prepared message into connection.
WritePreparedMessage(pm *websocket.PreparedMessage) error
// WriteMessage is a helper method for getting a writer using NextWriter,
// writing the message and closing the writer.
WriteMessage(messageType int, data []byte) error
// SetWriteDeadline sets the write deadline on the underlying network
// connection. After a write has timed out, the websocket state is corrupt and
// all future writes will return an error. A zero value for t means writes will
// not time out.
SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error
// NextReader returns the next data message received from the peer. The
// returned messageType is either TextMessage or BinaryMessage.
// There can be at most one open reader on a connection. NextReader discards
// the previous message if the application has not already consumed it.
// Applications must break out of the application's read loop when this method
// returns a non-nil error value. Errors returned from this method are
// permanent. Once this method returns a non-nil error, all subsequent calls to
// this method return the same error.
NextReader() (messageType int, r io.Reader, err error)
// ReadMessage is a helper method for getting a reader using NextReader and
// reading from that reader to a buffer.
ReadMessage() (messageType int, p []byte, err error)
// SetReadDeadline sets the read deadline on the underlying network connection.
// After a read has timed out, the websocket connection state is corrupt and
// all future reads will return an error. A zero value for t means reads will
// not time out.
SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error
// SetReadLimit sets the maximum size for a message read from the peer. If a
// message exceeds the limit, the connection sends a close frame to the peer
// and returns ErrReadLimit to the application.
SetReadLimit(limit int64)
// CloseHandler returns the current close handler
CloseHandler() func(code int, text string) error
// SetCloseHandler sets the handler for close messages received from the peer.
// The code argument to h is the received close code or CloseNoStatusReceived
// if the close message is empty. The default close handler sends a close frame
// back to the peer.
// The application must read the connection to process close messages as
// described in the section on Control Frames above.
// The connection read methods return a CloseError when a close frame is
// received. Most applications should handle close messages as part of their
// normal error handling. Applications should only set a close handler when the
// application must perform some action before sending a close frame back to
// the peer.
SetCloseHandler(h func(code int, text string) error)
// PingHandler returns the current ping handler
PingHandler() func(appData string) error
// SetPingHandler sets the handler for ping messages received from the peer.
// The appData argument to h is the PING frame application data. The default
// ping handler sends a pong to the peer.
// The application must read the connection to process ping messages as
// described in the section on Control Frames above.
SetPingHandler(h func(appData string) error)
// PongHandler returns the current pong handler
PongHandler() func(appData string) error
// SetPongHandler sets the handler for pong messages received from the peer.
// The appData argument to h is the PONG frame application data. The default
// pong handler does nothing.
// The application must read the connection to process ping messages as
// described in the section on Control Frames above.
SetPongHandler(h func(appData string) error)
// UnderlyingConn returns the internal net.Conn. This can be used to further
// modifications to connection specific flags.
UnderlyingConn() net.Conn
// EnableWriteCompression enables and disables write compression of
// subsequent text and binary messages. This function is a noop if
// compression was not negotiated with the peer.
EnableWriteCompression(enable bool)
// SetCompressionLevel sets the flate compression level for subsequent text and
// binary messages. This function is a noop if compression was not negotiated
// with the peer. See the compress/flate package for a description of
// compression levels.
SetCompressionLevel(level int) error
// SetHeaders sets response headers
SetHeaders(h *fasthttp.ResponseHeader)
// Header returns header by key
Header(key string) (value string)
// Headers returns the RequestHeader struct
Headers() *fasthttp.ResponseHeader
func newSocket(socketHandler SocketHandler, socketCTX SocketContext, conn *websocket.Conn, id string) Socket {
s := retainSocket()
s.Conn = conn
s.sh = socketHandler
s.ctx = socketCTX
if 0 < socketHandler.GetReadTimeout() {
s.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(socketHandler.GetReadTimeout() * time.Second))
return s
type fasthttpWebSocket struct {
ctx SocketContext
sh SocketHandler
resHeaders *fasthttp.ResponseHeader
func (s *fasthttpWebSocket) Context() SocketContext {
return s.ctx
func (s *fasthttpWebSocket) NextWriter(messageType int) (io.WriteCloser, error) {
if 0 < s.sh.GetWriteTimeout() {
s.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(s.sh.GetWriteTimeout() * time.Second))
return s.Conn.NextWriter(messageType)
func (s *fasthttpWebSocket) WriteMessage(messageType int, data []byte) error {
if 0 < s.sh.GetWriteTimeout() {
s.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(s.sh.GetWriteTimeout() * time.Second))
return s.Conn.WriteMessage(messageType, data)
func (s *fasthttpWebSocket) SetHeaders(h *fasthttp.ResponseHeader) {
s.resHeaders = h
func (s *fasthttpWebSocket) Header(key string) (value string) {
if nil == s.resHeaders {
return ""
return string(s.resHeaders.Peek(key))
func (s *fasthttpWebSocket) Headers() *fasthttp.ResponseHeader {
return s.resHeaders
func (s *fasthttpWebSocket) Close() error {
err := s.Conn.Close()
return err
var socketPool sync.Pool
func retainSocket() *fasthttpWebSocket {
v := socketPool.Get()
if v == nil {
return &fasthttpWebSocket{}
return v.(*fasthttpWebSocket)
func releaseSocket(s *fasthttpWebSocket) {
s.sh = nil
s.ctx = nil