crusader 092ac44a9a ing
2017-11-03 16:53:09 +09:00

113 lines
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package rpc
import (
Network connection
Send request
// NewRPCRegistry returns a new RPC registry.
func NewRegistry() Registry {
return &rpcRegistry{
services: new(serviceMap),
type Registry interface {
RegisterService(receiver interface{}, name string) error
HasMethod(method string) bool
Invoke(codec protocol.RegistryCodec) (result interface{}, err error)
// RPCRegistry serves registered RPC services using registered codecs.
type rpcRegistry struct {
services *serviceMap
// RegisterService adds a new service to the server.
// The name parameter is optional: if empty it will be inferred from
// the receiver type name.
// Methods from the receiver will be extracted if these rules are satisfied:
// - The receiver is exported (begins with an upper case letter) or local
// (defined in the package registering the service).
// - The method name is exported.
// - The method has two arguments: *args, *reply.
// - All two arguments are pointers.
// - The first and second arguments are exported or local.
// - The method has return type error.
// All other methods are ignored.
func (rr *rpcRegistry) RegisterService(receiver interface{}, name string) error {
return rr.services.register(receiver, name)
// HasMethod returns true if the given method is registered.
// The method uses a dotted notation as in "Service.Method".
func (rr *rpcRegistry) HasMethod(method string) bool {
if _, _, err := rr.services.get(method); err == nil {
return true
return false
// Invoke execute a method.
// Codecs are defined to process a given serialization scheme, e.g., JSON or
// XML. A codec is chosen based on the "Content-Type" header from the request,
// excluding the charset definition.
func (rr *rpcRegistry) Invoke(codec protocol.RegistryCodec) (result interface{}, err error) {
serviceSpec, methodSpec, errGet := rr.services.get(codec.Method())
if errGet != nil {
return nil, errGet
// Decode the args.
var in []reflect.Value
_, pInstances := methodSpec.getParamValues()
if nil != pInstances && 0 < len(pInstances) {
if errRead := codec.ReadParams(pInstances); errRead != nil {
return nil, errRead
pCount := len(pInstances)
in = make([]reflect.Value, pCount+1)
for indexI := 0; indexI < pCount; indexI++ {
//in[indexI+1] = pValues[indexI]
in[indexI+1] = reflect.ValueOf(pInstances[indexI]).Convert(methodSpec.paramTypes[indexI])
} else {
in = make([]reflect.Value, 1)
in[0] = serviceSpec.rcvrV
// Call the service method.
returnValues := methodSpec.method.Func.Call(in)
if nil != methodSpec.returnType {
result = returnValues[0].Interface()
if nil != returnValues[1].Interface() {
err = returnValues[1].Interface().(error)
} else {
if nil != returnValues[0].Interface() {
err = returnValues[0].Interface().(error)