This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# Created by .ignore support plugin (
### JetBrains template
# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio and Webstorm
# Reference:
# User-specific stuff:
# Sensitive or high-churn files:
# Gradle:
# Mongo Explorer plugin:
## File-based project format:
## Plugin-specific files:
# IntelliJ
# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
# JIRA plugin
# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
### Go template
# Binaries for programs and plugins
# Test binary, build with `go test -c`
# Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE
# Project-local glide cache, RE:
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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package fasthttp
import (
type FastHTTPAdapter struct {
registry rpc.Registry
// FastHTTPHandler
func (a *FastHTTPAdapter) FastHTTPHandler(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
if !ctx.IsPost() {
WriteError(ctx, 405, "rpc: POST method required, received "+r.Method)
contentType := string(ctx.Request.Header.ContentType())
idx := strings.Index(contentType, ";")
if idx != -1 {
contentType = contentType[:idx]
err := a.registry.Invoke(contentType, ctx.PostBody(), ctx, beforeWrite, afterWrite)
if nil != err {
WriteError(w, 400, err.Error())
func beforeWrite(w io.Writer) {
ctx := w.(*fasthttp.RequestCtx)
ctx.Response.Header.Set("x-content-type-options", "nosniff")
ctx.SetContentType("application/json; charset=utf-8")
func afterWrite(w io.Writer) {
func writeError(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx, status int, msg string) {
ctx.SetContentType("text/plain; charset=utf-8")
fmt.Fprint(ctx, msg)
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package http
import (
type HTTPAdapter struct {
registry rpc.Registry
func NewAdapter(registry rpc.Registry) *HTTPAdapter {
return &HTTPAdapter{
registry: registry,
// ServeHTTP
func (a *HTTPAdapter) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Method != "POST" {
writeError(w, 405, "rpc: POST method required, received "+r.Method)
contentType := r.Header.Get("Content-Type")
idx := strings.Index(contentType, ";")
if idx != -1 {
contentType = contentType[:idx]
err := a.registry.Invoke(contentType, r.Body, w, beforeWrite, afterWrite)
if nil != err {
writeError(w, 400, err.Error())
func beforeWrite(w io.Writer) {
writer := w.(http.ResponseWriter)
writer.Header().Set("x-content-type-options", "nosniff")
writer.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
func afterWrite(w io.Writer) {
func writeError(w http.ResponseWriter, status int, msg string) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
fmt.Fprint(w, msg)
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
package http
import (
// gzipWriter writes and closes the gzip writer.
type gzipWriter struct {
w *gzip.Writer
func (gw *gzipWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
defer gw.w.Close()
return gw.w.Write(p)
// gzipEncoder implements the gzip compressed http encoder.
type gzipEncoder struct {
func (enc *gzipEncoder) Encode(w http.ResponseWriter) io.Writer {
w.Header().Set("Content-Encoding", "gzip")
return &gzipWriter{gzip.NewWriter(w)}
// flateWriter writes and closes the flate writer.
type flateWriter struct {
w *flate.Writer
func (fw *flateWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
defer fw.w.Close()
return fw.w.Write(p)
// flateEncoder implements the flate compressed http encoder.
type flateEncoder struct {
func (enc *flateEncoder) Encode(w http.ResponseWriter) io.Writer {
fw, err := flate.NewWriter(w, flate.DefaultCompression)
if err != nil {
return w
w.Header().Set("Content-Encoding", "deflate")
return &flateWriter{fw}
// CompressionSelector generates the compressed http encoder.
type CompressionSelector struct {
// acceptedEnc returns the first compression type in "Accept-Encoding" header
// field of the request.
func acceptedEnc(req *http.Request) string {
encHeader := req.Header.Get("Accept-Encoding")
if encHeader == "" {
return ""
encTypes := strings.FieldsFunc(encHeader, func(r rune) bool {
return unicode.IsSpace(r) || r == ','
for _, enc := range encTypes {
if enc == "gzip" || enc == "deflate" {
return enc
return ""
// Select method selects the correct compression encoder based on http HEADER.
func (_ *CompressionSelector) Select(r *http.Request) Encoder {
switch acceptedEnc(r) {
case "gzip":
return &gzipEncoder{}
case "flate":
return &flateEncoder{}
return encode.DefaultEncoder
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
package http
import (
type HTTPAdapter struct {
// ServeHTTP
func (a *HTTPAdapter) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Method != "POST" {
WriteError(w, 405, "rpc: POST method required, received "+r.Method)
contentType := r.Header.Get("Content-Type")
idx := strings.Index(contentType, ";")
if idx != -1 {
contentType = contentType[:idx]
var codec Codec
if contentType == "" && len(s.codecs) == 1 {
// If Content-Type is not set and only one codec has been registered,
// then default to that codec.
for _, c := range s.codecs {
codec = c
} else if codec = s.codecs[strings.ToLower(contentType)]; codec == nil {
WriteError(w, 415, "rpc: unrecognized Content-Type: "+contentType)
// Create a new codec request.
codecReq := codec.NewRequest(r)
// Get service method to be called.
method, errMethod := codecReq.Method()
if errMethod != nil {
codecReq.WriteError(w, 400, errMethod)
serviceSpec, methodSpec, errGet :=
if errGet != nil {
codecReq.WriteError(w, 400, errGet)
// Decode the args.
args := reflect.New(methodSpec.argsType)
if errRead := codecReq.ReadRequest(args.Interface()); errRead != nil {
codecReq.WriteError(w, 400, errRead)
// Call the service method.
reply := reflect.New(methodSpec.replyType)
errValue := methodSpec.method.Func.Call([]reflect.Value{
// Cast the result to error if needed.
var errResult error
errInter := errValue[0].Interface()
if errInter != nil {
errResult = errInter.(error)
// Prevents Internet Explorer from MIME-sniffing a response away
// from the declared content-type
w.Header().Set("x-content-type-options", "nosniff")
// Encode the response.
if errResult == nil {
codecReq.WriteResponse(w, reply.Interface())
} else {
codecReq.WriteError(w, 400, errResult)
func WriteError(w http.ResponseWriter, status int, msg string) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
fmt.Fprint(w, msg)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package encode
import "io"
// Encoder interface contains the encoder for http response.
// Eg. gzip, flate compressions.
type Encoder interface {
Encode(w io.Writer) io.Writer
type encoder struct {
func (_ *encoder) Encode(w io.Writer) io.Writer {
return w
var DefaultEncoder = &encoder{}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package encode
import "io"
// EncoderSelector interface provides a way to select encoder using the http
// request. Typically people can use this to check HEADER of the request and
// figure out client capabilities.
// Eg. "Accept-Encoding" tells about supported compressions.
type EncoderSelector interface {
Select(r io.Reader) Encoder
type encoderSelector struct {
func (_ *encoderSelector) Select(_ io.Reader) Encoder {
return DefaultEncoder
var DefaultEncoderSelector = &encoderSelector{}
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
package rpc
import (
// Encoder interface contains the encoder for http response.
// Eg. gzip, flate compressions.
type Encoder interface {
Encode(w http.ResponseWriter) io.Writer
type encoder struct {
func (_ *encoder) Encode(w http.ResponseWriter) io.Writer {
return w
var DefaultEncoder = &encoder{}
// EncoderSelector interface provides a way to select encoder using the http
// request. Typically people can use this to check HEADER of the request and
// figure out client capabilities.
// Eg. "Accept-Encoding" tells about supported compressions.
type EncoderSelector interface {
Select(r *http.Request) Encoder
type encoderSelector struct {
func (_ *encoderSelector) Select(_ *http.Request) Encoder {
return DefaultEncoder
var DefaultEncoderSelector = &encoderSelector{}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
- package:
version: v20160617
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package codec
package protocol
import (
import (
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import (
// Codec creates a CodecRequest to process each request.
// Codec creates a CodecRequest to process each request.
type Codec interface {
type Codec interface {
NewRequest(r io.Reader) (CodecRequest, bool)
NewRequest(rc io.Reader) CodecRequest
// CodecRequest decodes a request and encodes a response using a specific
// CodecRequest decodes a request and encodes a response using a specific
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ type CodecRequest interface {
// Reads the request filling the RPC method args.
// Reads the request filling the RPC method args.
ReadRequest(interface{}) error
ReadRequest(interface{}) error
// Writes the response using the RPC method reply.
// Writes the response using the RPC method reply.
WriteResponse(io.Writer, interface{})
WriteResponse(io.Writer, interface{}) error
// Writes an error produced by the server.
// Writes an error produced by the server.
WriteError(w io.Writer, status int, err error)
WriteError(w io.Writer, status int, err error) error
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
package json
import (
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Request and Response
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// clientRequest represents a JSON-RPC request sent by a client.
type clientRequest struct {
// JSON-RPC protocol.
Version string `json:"jsonrpc"`
// A String containing the name of the method to be invoked.
Method string `json:"method"`
// Object to pass as request parameter to the method.
Params interface{} `json:"params"`
// The request id. This can be of any type. It is used to match the
// response with the request that it is replying to.
ID uint64 `json:"id"`
// clientResponse represents a JSON-RPC response returned to a client.
type clientResponse struct {
Version string `json:"jsonrpc"`
Result *json.RawMessage `json:"result"`
Error *json.RawMessage `json:"error"`
// EncodeClientRequest encodes parameters for a JSON-RPC client request.
func EncodeClientRequest(method string, args interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
c := &clientRequest{
Version: "2.0",
Method: method,
Params: args,
ID: uint64(rand.Int63()),
return json.Marshal(c)
// EncodeClientNotify encodes parameters for a JSON-RPC client notification.
func EncodeClientNotify(method string, args interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
c := &clientRequest{
Version: "2.0",
Method: method,
Params: args,
return json.Marshal(c)
// DecodeClientResponse decodes the response body of a client request into
// the interface reply.
func DecodeClientResponse(r io.Reader, reply interface{}) error {
var c clientResponse
if err := json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&c); err != nil {
return err
if c.Error != nil {
jsonErr := &Error{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(*c.Error, jsonErr); err != nil {
return &Error{
Message: string(*c.Error),
return jsonErr
if c.Result == nil {
return ErrNullResult
return json.Unmarshal(*c.Result, reply)
@ -2,7 +2,10 @@ package json
import (
import (
var null = json.RawMessage([]byte("null"))
var null = json.RawMessage([]byte("null"))
@ -53,22 +56,22 @@ type serverResponse struct {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewcustomCodec returns a new JSON Codec based on passed encoder selector.
// NewcustomCodec returns a new JSON Codec based on passed encoder selector.
func NewCustomCodec(encSel rpc.EncoderSelector) *Codec {
func NewCustomCodec(encSel encode.EncoderSelector) *Codec {
return &Codec{encSel: encSel}
return &Codec{encSel: encSel}
// NewCodec returns a new JSON Codec.
// NewCodec returns a new JSON Codec.
func NewCodec() *Codec {
func NewCodec() *Codec {
return NewCustomCodec(rpc.DefaultEncoderSelector)
return NewCustomCodec(encode.DefaultEncoderSelector)
// Codec creates a CodecRequest to process each request.
// Codec creates a CodecRequest to process each request.
type Codec struct {
type Codec struct {
encSel rpc.EncoderSelector
encSel encode.EncoderSelector
// NewRequest returns a CodecRequest.
// NewRequest returns a CodecRequest.
func (c *Codec) NewRequest(r *http.Request) rpc.CodecRequest {
func (c *Codec) NewRequest(r io.Reader) protocol.CodecRequest {
return newCodecRequest(r, c.encSel.Select(r))
return newCodecRequest(r, c.encSel.Select(r))
@ -77,10 +80,10 @@ func (c *Codec) NewRequest(r *http.Request) rpc.CodecRequest {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// newCodecRequest returns a new CodecRequest.
// newCodecRequest returns a new CodecRequest.
func newCodecRequest(r *http.Request, encoder rpc.Encoder) rpc.CodecRequest {
func newCodecRequest(r io.Reader, encoder encode.Encoder) protocol.CodecRequest {
// Decode the request body and check if RPC method is valid.
// Decode the request body and check if RPC method is valid.
req := new(serverRequest)
req := new(serverRequest)
err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(req)
err := json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(req)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
err = &Error{
err = &Error{
Code: E_PARSE,
Code: E_PARSE,
@ -95,7 +98,7 @@ func newCodecRequest(r *http.Request, encoder rpc.Encoder) rpc.CodecRequest {
Data: req,
Data: req,
return &CodecRequest{request: req, err: err, encoder: encoder}
return &CodecRequest{request: req, err: err, encoder: encoder}
@ -103,7 +106,7 @@ func newCodecRequest(r *http.Request, encoder rpc.Encoder) rpc.CodecRequest {
type CodecRequest struct {
type CodecRequest struct {
request *serverRequest
request *serverRequest
err error
err error
encoder rpc.Encoder
encoder encode.Encoder
// Method returns the RPC method for the current request.
// Method returns the RPC method for the current request.
@ -152,16 +155,17 @@ func (c *CodecRequest) ReadRequest(args interface{}) error {
// WriteResponse encodes the response and writes it to the ResponseWriter.
// WriteResponse encodes the response and writes it to the ResponseWriter.
func (c *CodecRequest) WriteResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, reply interface{}) {
func (c *CodecRequest) WriteResponse(w io.Writer, reply interface{}) error {
res := &serverResponse{
res := &serverResponse{
Version: Version,
Version: Version,
Result: reply,
Result: reply,
Id: c.request.Id,
ID: c.request.ID,
c.writeServerResponse(w, res)
return c.writeServerResponse(w, res)
func (c *CodecRequest) WriteError(w http.ResponseWriter, status int, err error) {
// WriteError encodes the response and writes it to the ResponseWriter.
func (c *CodecRequest) WriteError(w io.Writer, status int, err error) error {
jsonErr, ok := err.(*Error)
jsonErr, ok := err.(*Error)
if !ok {
if !ok {
jsonErr = &Error{
jsonErr = &Error{
@ -172,23 +176,23 @@ func (c *CodecRequest) WriteError(w http.ResponseWriter, status int, err error)
res := &serverResponse{
res := &serverResponse{
Version: Version,
Version: Version,
Error: jsonErr,
Error: jsonErr,
Id: c.request.Id,
ID: c.request.ID,
c.writeServerResponse(w, res)
return c.writeServerResponse(w, res)
func (c *CodecRequest) writeServerResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, res *serverResponse) {
func (c *CodecRequest) writeServerResponse(w io.Writer, res *serverResponse) error {
// Id is null for notifications and they don't have a response.
// ID is null for notifications and they don't have a response.
if c.request.Id != nil {
if c.request.ID != nil {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
encoder := json.NewEncoder(c.encoder.Encode(w))
encoder := json.NewEncoder(c.encoder.Encode(w))
err := encoder.Encode(res)
err := encoder.Encode(res)
// Not sure in which case will this happen. But seems harmless.
// Not sure in which case will this happen. But seems harmless.
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
rpc.WriteError(w, 400, err.Error())
return err
return nil
type EmptyResponse struct {
type EmptyResponse struct {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import (
@ -19,24 +19,26 @@ Network connection
type WriteHookFunc func(io.Writer)
// NewRPCRegistry returns a new RPC registry.
// NewRPCRegistry returns a new RPC registry.
func NewRegistry() Registry {
func NewRegistry() Registry {
return &rpcRegistry{
return &rpcRegistry{
codecs: make(map[string]codec.Codec),
codecs: make(map[string]protocol.Codec),
services: new(serviceMap),
services: new(serviceMap),
type Registry interface {
type Registry interface {
RegisterCodec(codec codec.Codec, contentType string)
RegisterCodec(codec protocol.Codec, contentType string)
RegisterService(receiver interface{}, name string) error
RegisterService(receiver interface{}, name string) error
HasMethod(method string) bool
HasMethod(method string) bool
Invoke(contentType string, reader io.Reader, writer io.Writer) error
Invoke(contentType string, reader io.Reader, writer io.Writer, beforeWrite WriteHookFunc, afterWrite WriteHookFunc) error
// RPCRegistry serves registered RPC services using registered codecs.
// RPCRegistry serves registered RPC services using registered codecs.
type rpcRegistry struct {
type rpcRegistry struct {
codecs map[string]codec.Codec
codecs map[string]protocol.Codec
services *serviceMap
services *serviceMap
@ -45,8 +47,8 @@ type rpcRegistry struct {
// Codecs are defined to process a given serialization scheme, e.g., JSON or
// Codecs are defined to process a given serialization scheme, e.g., JSON or
// XML. A codec is chosen based on the "Content-Type" header from the request,
// XML. A codec is chosen based on the "Content-Type" header from the request,
// excluding the charset definition.
// excluding the charset definition.
func (r *rpcRegistry) RegisterCodec(codec codec.Codec, contentType string) {
func (rr *rpcRegistry) RegisterCodec(codec protocol.Codec, contentType string) {
r.codecs[strings.ToLower(contentType)] = codec
rr.codecs[strings.ToLower(contentType)] = codec
// RegisterService adds a new service to the server.
// RegisterService adds a new service to the server.
@ -65,15 +67,15 @@ func (r *rpcRegistry) RegisterCodec(codec codec.Codec, contentType string) {
// - The method has return type error.
// - The method has return type error.
// All other methods are ignored.
// All other methods are ignored.
func (r *rpcRegistry) RegisterService(receiver interface{}, name string) error {
func (rr *rpcRegistry) RegisterService(receiver interface{}, name string) error {
return, name)
return, name)
// HasMethod returns true if the given method is registered.
// HasMethod returns true if the given method is registered.
// The method uses a dotted notation as in "Service.Method".
// The method uses a dotted notation as in "Service.Method".
func (r *rpcRegistry) HasMethod(method string) bool {
func (rr *rpcRegistry) HasMethod(method string) bool {
if _, _, err :=; err == nil {
if _, _, err :=; err == nil {
return true
return true
return false
return false
@ -84,32 +86,33 @@ func (r *rpcRegistry) HasMethod(method string) bool {
// Codecs are defined to process a given serialization scheme, e.g., JSON or
// Codecs are defined to process a given serialization scheme, e.g., JSON or
// XML. A codec is chosen based on the "Content-Type" header from the request,
// XML. A codec is chosen based on the "Content-Type" header from the request,
// excluding the charset definition.
// excluding the charset definition.
func (r *rpcRegistry) Invoke(contentType string, reader io.Reader, writer io.Writer) error {
func (rr *rpcRegistry) Invoke(contentType string, r io.Reader, w io.Writer, beforeWrite WriteHookFunc, afterWrite WriteHookFunc) error {
var codec codec.Codec
var codec protocol.Codec
if contentType == "" && len(r.codecs) == 1 {
if contentType == "" && len(rr.codecs) == 1 {
// If Content-Type is not set and only one codec has been registered,
// If Content-Type is not set and only one codec has been registered,
// then default to that codec.
// then default to that codec.
for _, c := range r.codecs {
for _, c := range rr.codecs {
codec = c
codec = c
} else if codec = r.codecs[strings.ToLower(contentType)]; codec == nil {
} else if codec = rr.codecs[strings.ToLower(contentType)]; codec == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized Content-Type: %s", contentType)
return fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized Content-Type: %s", contentType)
// Create a new codec request.
// Create a new codec request.
codecReq, hasResponse := codec.NewRequest(reader)
codecReq := codec.NewRequest(r)
// Get service method to be called.
// Get service method to be called.
method, errMethod := codecReq.Method()
method, errMethod := codecReq.Method()
if errMethod != nil {
if errMethod != nil {
return errMethod
return write(codecReq, w, beforeWrite, afterWrite, nil, errMethod)
serviceSpec, methodSpec, errGet :=
serviceSpec, methodSpec, errGet :=
if errGet != nil {
if errGet != nil {
return errGet
return write(codecReq, w, beforeWrite, afterWrite, nil, errGet)
// Decode the args.
// Decode the args.
args := reflect.New(methodSpec.argsType)
args := reflect.New(methodSpec.argsType)
if errRead := codecReq.ReadRequest(args.Interface()); errRead != nil {
if errRead := codecReq.ReadRequest(args.Interface()); errRead != nil {
return errRead
return write(codecReq, w, beforeWrite, afterWrite, nil, errRead)
// Call the service method.
// Call the service method.
reply := reflect.New(methodSpec.replyType)
reply := reflect.New(methodSpec.replyType)
@ -120,10 +123,6 @@ func (r *rpcRegistry) Invoke(contentType string, reader io.Reader, writer io.Wri
if !hasResponse {
return nil
// Cast the result to error if needed.
// Cast the result to error if needed.
var errResult error
var errResult error
errInter := errValue[0].Interface()
errInter := errValue[0].Interface()
@ -131,11 +130,32 @@ func (r *rpcRegistry) Invoke(contentType string, reader io.Reader, writer io.Wri
errResult = errInter.(error)
errResult = errInter.(error)
// Encode the response.
if errResult != nil {
if errResult == nil {
return write(codecReq, w, beforeWrite, afterWrite, nil, errResult)
codecReq.WriteResponse(writer, reply.Interface())
return write(codecReq, w, beforeWrite, afterWrite, reply.Interface(), nil)
func write(codecReq protocol.CodecRequest, w io.Writer, beforeWrite WriteHookFunc, afterWrite WriteHookFunc, result interface{}, err error) error {
if nil != beforeWrite {
var wErr error
if err == nil {
wErr = codecReq.WriteResponse(w, result)
} else {
} else {
codecReq.WriteError(writer, 400, errResult)
wErr = codecReq.WriteError(w, 400, err)
if nil != wErr {
return wErr
if nil != afterWrite {
return nil
return nil
Reference in New Issue
Block a user