2017-02-18 10:46:20 +07:00

442 lines
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// Package runner provides a Chrome process runner.
package runner
import (
const (
// DefaultUserDataDirPrefix is the default user data directory prefix.
DefaultUserDataDirPrefix = "chromedp-runner.%d."
// Runner holds information about a running Chrome process.
type Runner struct {
opts map[string]interface{}
cmd *exec.Cmd
waiting bool
rw sync.RWMutex
// New creates a new Chrome process using the supplied command line options.
func New(opts ...CommandLineOption) (*Runner, error) {
var err error
cliOpts := map[string]interface{}{}
// apply opts
for _, o := range opts {
err = o(cliOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// set default Chrome options if exec-path not provided
if _, ok := cliOpts["exec-path"]; !ok {
cliOpts["exec-path"] = findChromePath()
for k, v := range map[string]interface{}{
"no-first-run": true,
"no-default-browser-check": true,
"remote-debugging-port": 9222,
} {
if _, ok := cliOpts[k]; !ok {
cliOpts[k] = v
// add KillProcessGroup and ForceKill if no other cmd opts provided
if _, ok := cliOpts["cmd-opts"]; !ok {
for _, o := range []CommandLineOption{KillProcessGroup, ForceKill} {
err = o(cliOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Runner{
opts: cliOpts,
}, nil
// cliOptRE is a regular expression to validate a chrome cli option.
var cliOptRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z0-9\-]+$`)
// buildOpts generates the command line options for Chrome.
func (r *Runner) buildOpts() []string {
var opts []string
// process options
var urlstr string
for k, v := range r.opts {
if !cliOptRE.MatchString(k) || v == nil {
switch k {
case "exec-path", "cmd-opts", "process-opts":
case "start-url":
urlstr = v.(string)
switch z := v.(type) {
case bool:
if z {
opts = append(opts, "--"+k)
case string:
opts = append(opts, "--"+k+"="+z)
opts = append(opts, "--"+k+"="+fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if urlstr == "" {
urlstr = "about:blank"
return append(opts, urlstr)
// Start starts a Chrome process using the specified context. The Chrome
// process can be terminated by closing the passed context.
func (r *Runner) Start(ctxt context.Context) error {
var err error
var ok bool
cmd := r.cmd
if cmd != nil {
return errors.New("already started")
// setup context
if ctxt == nil {
ctxt = context.Background()
// set user data dir, if not provided
_, ok = r.opts["user-data-dir"]
if !ok {
r.opts["user-data-dir"], err = ioutil.TempDir(
DefaultUserDataTmpDir, fmt.Sprintf(DefaultUserDataDirPrefix, r.Port()),
if err != nil {
return err
// ensure exec-path set
execPath, ok := r.opts["exec-path"]
if !ok {
return errors.New("exec-path command line option not set, or chrome executable not found in $PATH")
// create cmd
r.cmd = exec.CommandContext(ctxt, execPath.(string), r.buildOpts()...)
// apply cmd opts
if cmdOpts, ok := r.opts["cmd-opts"]; ok {
for _, co := range cmdOpts.([]func(*exec.Cmd) error) {
err = co(r.cmd)
if err != nil {
return err
// start process
err = r.cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
return err
// apply process opts
if processOpts, ok := r.opts["process-opts"]; ok {
for _, po := range processOpts.([]func(*os.Process) error) {
err = po(r.cmd.Process)
if err != nil {
// TODO: do something better here, as we want to kill
// the child process, do cleanup, etc.
//return err
return nil
// Shutdown shuts down and all the Chrome tabs.
func (r *Runner) Shutdown(ctxt context.Context, opts ...client.Option) error {
var err error
cl := r.Client(opts...)
targets, err := cl.ListPageTargets(ctxt)
if err != nil {
return err
var wg sync.WaitGroup
errs := make([]error, len(targets))
for i, t := range targets {
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup, i int, t client.Target) {
defer wg.Done()
errs[i] = cl.CloseTarget(ctxt, t)
}(&wg, i, t)
for _, e := range errs {
if e != nil {
return e
// osx applications do not automatically exit when all windows (ie, tabs)
// closed, so send SIGTERM.
// TODO: add other behavior here for more process options on shutdown?
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" && r.cmd != nil && r.cmd.Process != nil {
return r.cmd.Process.Signal(syscall.SIGTERM)
return nil
// Wait waits for the previously started Chrome process to terminate, returning
// any encountered error.
func (r *Runner) Wait() error {
waiting := r.waiting
if waiting {
return errors.New("already waiting")
r.waiting = true
defer func() {
r.waiting = false
return r.cmd.Wait()
// Port returns the port the process was launched with.
func (r *Runner) Port() int {
var port interface{}
var ok bool
port, ok = r.opts["remote-debugging-port"]
if !ok {
port, ok = r.opts["port"]
if !ok {
panic("expected either remote-debugging-port or port to be specified in command line options")
var p int
p, ok = port.(int)
if !ok {
panic("expected port to be type int")
return p
// Client returns a Chrome Debugging Protocol client for the running Chrome
// process.
func (r *Runner) Client(opts ...client.Option) *client.Client {
return client.New(append(opts,
client.URL(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/json", r.Port())),
// WatchPageTargets returns a channel that will receive new page targets as
// they are created.
func (r *Runner) WatchPageTargets(ctxt context.Context, opts ...client.Option) <-chan client.Target {
return r.Client(opts...).WatchPageTargets(ctxt)
// Run starts a new Chrome process runner, using the provided context and
// command line options.
func Run(ctxt context.Context, opts ...CommandLineOption) (*Runner, error) {
var err error
// create
r, err := New(opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// start
err = r.Start(ctxt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r, nil
// CommandLineOption is a Chrome command line option.
// see: http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/
type CommandLineOption func(map[string]interface{}) error
// Flag is a generic Chrome command line option to pass a name=value flag to
// Chrome.
func Flag(name string, value interface{}) CommandLineOption {
return func(m map[string]interface{}) error {
m[name] = value
return nil
// Path sets the path to the Chrome executable and sets default run options for
// Chrome. This will also set the remote debugging port to 9222, and disable
// the first run / default browser check.
// Note: use ExecPath if you do not want to set other options.
func Path(path string) CommandLineOption {
return func(m map[string]interface{}) error {
m["exec-path"] = path
m["no-first-run"] = true
m["no-default-browser-check"] = true
m["remote-debugging-port"] = 9222
return nil
// Headless is the Chrome command line option to set the default settings for
// running the headless_shell executable. If path is empty, then an attempt
// will be made to find headless_shell on the path.
func Headless(path string, port int) CommandLineOption {
if path == "" {
path, _ = exec.LookPath("headless_shell")
return func(m map[string]interface{}) error {
m["exec-path"] = path
m["remote-debugging-port"] = port
if os.Getenv("CHROMEDP_NO_SANDBOX") != "" {
m["no-sandbox"] = true
return nil
// ExecPath is a Chrome command line option to set the exec path.
func ExecPath(path string) CommandLineOption {
return Flag("exec-path", path)
// Port is the Chrome command line option to set the remote debugging port.
func Port(port int) CommandLineOption {
return Flag("remote-debugging-port", port)
// UserDataDir is the Chrome command line option to set the user data dir.
func UserDataDir(dir string) CommandLineOption {
return Flag("user-data-dir", dir)
// StartURL is the Chrome command line option to set the initial URL.
func StartURL(urlstr string) CommandLineOption {
return Flag("start-url", urlstr)
// Proxy is the Chrome command line option to set the outbound proxy.
func Proxy(proxy string) CommandLineOption {
return Flag("proxy-server", proxy)
// ProxyPacURL is the Chrome command line option to set the URL of a proxy PAC file.
func ProxyPacURL(pacURL url.URL) CommandLineOption {
return Flag("proxy-pac-url", pacURL.String())
// WindowSize is the Chrome command line option to set the initial window size.
func WindowSize(width, height int) CommandLineOption {
return Flag("window-size", fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d", width, height))
// UserAgent is the Chrome command line option to set the default User-Agent
// header.
func UserAgent(userAgent string) CommandLineOption {
return Flag("user-agent", userAgent)
// NoSandbox is the Chrome comamnd line option to disable the sandbox.
func NoSandbox(m map[string]interface{}) error {
return Flag("no-sandbox", true)(m)
// CmdOpt is a Chrome command line option to modify the underlying exec.Cmd
// prior to invocation.
func CmdOpt(o func(*exec.Cmd) error) CommandLineOption {
return func(m map[string]interface{}) error {
var opts []func(*exec.Cmd) error
if e, ok := m["cmd-opts"]; ok {
opts, ok = e.([]func(*exec.Cmd) error)
if !ok {
return errors.New("cmd-opts is in invalid state")
m["cmd-opts"] = append(opts, o)
return nil
// ProcessOpt is a Chrome command line option to modify the child os.Process
// after started exec.Cmd.Start.
func ProcessOpt(o func(*os.Process) error) CommandLineOption {
return func(m map[string]interface{}) error {
var opts []func(*os.Process) error
if e, ok := m["process-opts"]; ok {
opts, ok = e.([]func(*os.Process) error)
if !ok {
return errors.New("process-opts is in invalid state")
m["process-opts"] = append(opts, o)
return nil