package internal import ( "fmt" "strconv" ) // DomainType is the Chrome domain type. type DomainType string /* Accessibility Animation ApplicationCache Browser CacheStorage Console CSS Database Debugger DeviceOrientation DOM DOMDebugger DOMStorage Emulation HeapProfiler IndexedDB Input Inspector IO LayerTree Log Memory Network Page Profiler Rendering Runtime Schema Security ServiceWorker Storage SystemInfo Target Tethering Tracing */ // generated with: // '<,'>s/^\(.*\)$/Domain\1 DomainType = "\1"/ const ( DomainAccessibility DomainType = "Accessibility" DomainAnimation DomainType = "Animation" DomainApplicationCache DomainType = "ApplicationCache" DomainBrowser DomainType = "Browser" DomainCacheStorage DomainType = "CacheStorage" DomainConsole DomainType = "Console" DomainCSS DomainType = "CSS" DomainDatabase DomainType = "Database" DomainDebugger DomainType = "Debugger" DomainDeviceOrientation DomainType = "DeviceOrientation" DomainDOM DomainType = "DOM" DomainDOMDebugger DomainType = "DOMDebugger" DomainDOMStorage DomainType = "DOMStorage" DomainEmulation DomainType = "Emulation" DomainHeapProfiler DomainType = "HeapProfiler" DomainIndexedDB DomainType = "IndexedDB" DomainInput DomainType = "Input" DomainInspector DomainType = "Inspector" DomainIO DomainType = "IO" DomainLayerTree DomainType = "LayerTree" DomainLog DomainType = "Log" DomainMemory DomainType = "Memory" DomainNetwork DomainType = "Network" DomainPage DomainType = "Page" DomainProfiler DomainType = "Profiler" DomainRendering DomainType = "Rendering" DomainRuntime DomainType = "Runtime" DomainSchema DomainType = "Schema" DomainSecurity DomainType = "Security" DomainServiceWorker DomainType = "ServiceWorker" DomainStorage DomainType = "Storage" DomainSystemInfo DomainType = "SystemInfo" DomainTarget DomainType = "Target" DomainTethering DomainType = "Tethering" DomainTracing DomainType = "Tracing" ) // String satisfies Stringer. func (dt DomainType) String() string { return string(dt) } // MarshalJSON satisfies json.Marshaler. func (dt DomainType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return []byte(`"` + dt + `"`), nil } // UnmarshalJSON satisfies json.Unmarshaler. func (dt *DomainType) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error { s, err := strconv.Unquote(string(buf)) if err != nil { return err } switch DomainType(s) { // generated with: // '<,'>s/^\(.*\)$/case Domain\1:\r\t*dt = Domain\1/ case DomainAccessibility: *dt = DomainAccessibility case DomainAnimation: *dt = DomainAnimation case DomainApplicationCache: *dt = DomainApplicationCache case DomainBrowser: *dt = DomainBrowser case DomainCacheStorage: *dt = DomainCacheStorage case DomainConsole: *dt = DomainConsole case DomainCSS: *dt = DomainCSS case DomainDatabase: *dt = DomainDatabase case DomainDebugger: *dt = DomainDebugger case DomainDeviceOrientation: *dt = DomainDeviceOrientation case DomainDOM: *dt = DomainDOM case DomainDOMDebugger: *dt = DomainDOMDebugger case DomainDOMStorage: *dt = DomainDOMStorage case DomainEmulation: *dt = DomainEmulation case DomainHeapProfiler: *dt = DomainHeapProfiler case DomainIndexedDB: *dt = DomainIndexedDB case DomainInput: *dt = DomainInput case DomainInspector: *dt = DomainInspector case DomainIO: *dt = DomainIO case DomainLayerTree: *dt = DomainLayerTree case DomainLog: *dt = DomainLog case DomainMemory: *dt = DomainMemory case DomainNetwork: *dt = DomainNetwork case DomainPage: *dt = DomainPage case DomainProfiler: *dt = DomainProfiler case DomainRendering: *dt = DomainRendering case DomainRuntime: *dt = DomainRuntime case DomainSchema: *dt = DomainSchema case DomainSecurity: *dt = DomainSecurity case DomainServiceWorker: *dt = DomainServiceWorker case DomainStorage: *dt = DomainStorage case DomainSystemInfo: *dt = DomainSystemInfo case DomainTarget: *dt = DomainTarget case DomainTethering: *dt = DomainTethering case DomainTracing: *dt = DomainTracing default: return fmt.Errorf("unknown domain type %s", string(buf)) } return nil } // HandlerType are the handler targets for commands and events. type HandlerType string // HandlerType values. const ( HandlerTypeBrowser HandlerType = "browser" HandlerTypeRenderer HandlerType = "renderer" ) // String satisfies stringer. func (ht HandlerType) String() string { return string(ht) } // MarshalJSON satisfies json.Marshaler. func (ht HandlerType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return []byte(`"` + ht + `"`), nil } // UnmarshalJSON satisfies json.Unmarshaler. func (ht *HandlerType) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error { s, err := strconv.Unquote(string(buf)) if err != nil { return err } switch HandlerType(s) { case HandlerTypeBrowser: *ht = HandlerTypeBrowser case HandlerTypeRenderer: *ht = HandlerTypeRenderer default: return fmt.Errorf("unknown handler type %s", string(buf)) } return nil } // TypeEnum is the Chrome domain type enum. type TypeEnum string // TypeEnum values. const ( TypeAny TypeEnum = "any" TypeArray TypeEnum = "array" TypeBoolean TypeEnum = "boolean" TypeInteger TypeEnum = "integer" TypeNumber TypeEnum = "number" TypeObject TypeEnum = "object" TypeString TypeEnum = "string" TypeTimestamp TypeEnum = "timestamp" ) // String satisfies stringer. func (te TypeEnum) String() string { return string(te) } // MarshalJSON satisfies json.Marshaler. func (te TypeEnum) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return []byte(`"` + te + `"`), nil } // UnmarshalJSON satisfies json.Unmarshaler. func (te *TypeEnum) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error { s, err := strconv.Unquote(string(buf)) if err != nil { return err } switch TypeEnum(s) { case TypeAny: *te = TypeAny case TypeArray: *te = TypeArray case TypeBoolean: *te = TypeBoolean case TypeInteger: *te = TypeInteger case TypeNumber: *te = TypeNumber case TypeObject: *te = TypeObject case TypeString: *te = TypeString default: return fmt.Errorf("unknown type enum %s", string(buf)) } return nil } // GoType returns the Go type for the TypeEnum. func (te TypeEnum) GoType() string { switch te { case TypeAny: return "easyjson.RawMessage" case TypeBoolean: return "bool" case TypeInteger: return "int64" case TypeNumber: return "float64" case TypeString: return "string" case TypeTimestamp: return "time.Time" default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("called GoType on non primitive type %s", te.String())) } return "" } // GoEmptyValue returns the Go empty value for the TypeEnum. func (te TypeEnum) GoEmptyValue() string { switch te { case TypeBoolean: return `false` case TypeInteger: return `0` case TypeNumber: return `0` case TypeString: return `""` case TypeTimestamp: return `time.Time{}` } return `nil` }