// BeginFrameParams sends a BeginFrame to the target and returns when the
// frame was completed. Optionally captures a screenshot from the resulting
// frame. Requires that the target was created with enabled BeginFrameControl.
FrameTime*runtime.Timestamp`json:"frameTime,omitempty"`// Timestamp of this BeginFrame (milliseconds since epoch). If not set, the current time will be used.
Deadline*runtime.Timestamp`json:"deadline,omitempty"`// Deadline of this BeginFrame (milliseconds since epoch). If not set, the deadline will be calculated from the frameTime and interval.
Intervalfloat64`json:"interval,omitempty"`// The interval between BeginFrames that is reported to the compositor, in milliseconds. Defaults to a 60 frames/second interval, i.e. about 16.666 milliseconds.
Screenshot*ScreenshotParams`json:"screenshot,omitempty"`// If set, a screenshot of the frame will be captured and returned in the response. Otherwise, no screenshot will be captured.
// BeginFrame sends a BeginFrame to the target and returns when the frame was
// completed. Optionally captures a screenshot from the resulting frame.
// Requires that the target was created with enabled BeginFrameControl.
// parameters:
// WithFrameTime timestamp of this BeginFrame (milliseconds since epoch). If
HasDamagebool`json:"hasDamage,omitempty"`// Whether the BeginFrame resulted in damage and, thus, a new frame was committed to the display.
MainFrameContentUpdatedbool`json:"mainFrameContentUpdated,omitempty"`// Whether the main frame submitted a new display frame in response to this BeginFrame.
ScreenshotDatastring`json:"screenshotData,omitempty"`// Base64-encoded image data of the screenshot, if one was requested and successfully taken.