2017-01-24 22:09:23 +07:00
package cdp
import (
// MessageError message error type.
type MessageError struct {
Code int64 ` json:"code,omitempty" ` // Error code.
Message string ` json:"message,omitempty" ` // Error message.
// Error satisfies error interface.
func ( e * MessageError ) Error ( ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "%s (%d)" , e . Message , e . Code )
// Message chrome Debugging Protocol message sent to/read over websocket
// connection.
type Message struct {
ID int64 ` json:"id,omitempty" ` // Unique message identifier.
Method MethodType ` json:"method,omitempty" ` // Event or command type.
Params easyjson . RawMessage ` json:"params,omitempty" ` // Event or command parameters.
Result easyjson . RawMessage ` json:"result,omitempty" ` // Command return values.
Error * MessageError ` json:"error,omitempty" ` // Error message.
// MethodType chrome Debugging Protocol method type (ie, event and command
// names).
type MethodType string
// String returns the MethodType as string value.
func ( t MethodType ) String ( ) string {
return string ( t )
// MethodType values.
const (
EventInspectorDetached MethodType = "Inspector.detached"
EventInspectorTargetCrashed MethodType = "Inspector.targetCrashed"
CommandInspectorEnable MethodType = "Inspector.enable"
CommandInspectorDisable MethodType = "Inspector.disable"
CommandMemoryGetDOMCounters MethodType = "Memory.getDOMCounters"
CommandMemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressed MethodType = "Memory.setPressureNotificationsSuppressed"
CommandMemorySimulatePressureNotification MethodType = "Memory.simulatePressureNotification"
EventPageDomContentEventFired MethodType = "Page.domContentEventFired"
EventPageLoadEventFired MethodType = "Page.loadEventFired"
EventPageFrameAttached MethodType = "Page.frameAttached"
EventPageFrameNavigated MethodType = "Page.frameNavigated"
EventPageFrameDetached MethodType = "Page.frameDetached"
EventPageFrameStartedLoading MethodType = "Page.frameStartedLoading"
EventPageFrameStoppedLoading MethodType = "Page.frameStoppedLoading"
EventPageFrameScheduledNavigation MethodType = "Page.frameScheduledNavigation"
EventPageFrameClearedScheduledNavigation MethodType = "Page.frameClearedScheduledNavigation"
EventPageFrameResized MethodType = "Page.frameResized"
EventPageJavascriptDialogOpening MethodType = "Page.javascriptDialogOpening"
EventPageJavascriptDialogClosed MethodType = "Page.javascriptDialogClosed"
EventPageScreencastFrame MethodType = "Page.screencastFrame"
EventPageScreencastVisibilityChanged MethodType = "Page.screencastVisibilityChanged"
EventPageColorPicked MethodType = "Page.colorPicked"
EventPageInterstitialShown MethodType = "Page.interstitialShown"
EventPageInterstitialHidden MethodType = "Page.interstitialHidden"
EventPageNavigationRequested MethodType = "Page.navigationRequested"
CommandPageEnable MethodType = "Page.enable"
CommandPageDisable MethodType = "Page.disable"
CommandPageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoad MethodType = "Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnLoad"
CommandPageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoad MethodType = "Page.removeScriptToEvaluateOnLoad"
CommandPageSetAutoAttachToCreatedPages MethodType = "Page.setAutoAttachToCreatedPages"
CommandPageReload MethodType = "Page.reload"
CommandPageNavigate MethodType = "Page.navigate"
CommandPageStopLoading MethodType = "Page.stopLoading"
CommandPageGetNavigationHistory MethodType = "Page.getNavigationHistory"
CommandPageNavigateToHistoryEntry MethodType = "Page.navigateToHistoryEntry"
CommandPageGetResourceTree MethodType = "Page.getResourceTree"
CommandPageGetResourceContent MethodType = "Page.getResourceContent"
CommandPageSearchInResource MethodType = "Page.searchInResource"
CommandPageSetDocumentContent MethodType = "Page.setDocumentContent"
CommandPageCaptureScreenshot MethodType = "Page.captureScreenshot"
CommandPageStartScreencast MethodType = "Page.startScreencast"
CommandPageStopScreencast MethodType = "Page.stopScreencast"
CommandPageScreencastFrameAck MethodType = "Page.screencastFrameAck"
CommandPageHandleJavaScriptDialog MethodType = "Page.handleJavaScriptDialog"
CommandPageSetColorPickerEnabled MethodType = "Page.setColorPickerEnabled"
CommandPageConfigureOverlay MethodType = "Page.configureOverlay"
CommandPageGetAppManifest MethodType = "Page.getAppManifest"
CommandPageRequestAppBanner MethodType = "Page.requestAppBanner"
CommandPageSetControlNavigations MethodType = "Page.setControlNavigations"
CommandPageProcessNavigation MethodType = "Page.processNavigation"
CommandPageGetLayoutMetrics MethodType = "Page.getLayoutMetrics"
CommandRenderingSetShowPaintRects MethodType = "Rendering.setShowPaintRects"
CommandRenderingSetShowDebugBorders MethodType = "Rendering.setShowDebugBorders"
CommandRenderingSetShowFPSCounter MethodType = "Rendering.setShowFPSCounter"
CommandRenderingSetShowScrollBottleneckRects MethodType = "Rendering.setShowScrollBottleneckRects"
CommandRenderingSetShowViewportSizeOnResize MethodType = "Rendering.setShowViewportSizeOnResize"
EventEmulationVirtualTimeBudgetExpired MethodType = "Emulation.virtualTimeBudgetExpired"
CommandEmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverride MethodType = "Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride"
CommandEmulationClearDeviceMetricsOverride MethodType = "Emulation.clearDeviceMetricsOverride"
CommandEmulationForceViewport MethodType = "Emulation.forceViewport"
CommandEmulationResetViewport MethodType = "Emulation.resetViewport"
CommandEmulationResetPageScaleFactor MethodType = "Emulation.resetPageScaleFactor"
CommandEmulationSetPageScaleFactor MethodType = "Emulation.setPageScaleFactor"
CommandEmulationSetVisibleSize MethodType = "Emulation.setVisibleSize"
CommandEmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabled MethodType = "Emulation.setScriptExecutionDisabled"
CommandEmulationSetGeolocationOverride MethodType = "Emulation.setGeolocationOverride"
CommandEmulationClearGeolocationOverride MethodType = "Emulation.clearGeolocationOverride"
CommandEmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabled MethodType = "Emulation.setTouchEmulationEnabled"
CommandEmulationSetEmulatedMedia MethodType = "Emulation.setEmulatedMedia"
CommandEmulationSetCPUThrottlingRate MethodType = "Emulation.setCPUThrottlingRate"
CommandEmulationCanEmulate MethodType = "Emulation.canEmulate"
CommandEmulationSetVirtualTimePolicy MethodType = "Emulation.setVirtualTimePolicy"
2017-02-07 20:07:16 +07:00
CommandEmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverride MethodType = "Emulation.setDefaultBackgroundColorOverride"
2017-01-24 22:09:23 +07:00
EventSecuritySecurityStateChanged MethodType = "Security.securityStateChanged"
CommandSecurityEnable MethodType = "Security.enable"
CommandSecurityDisable MethodType = "Security.disable"
CommandSecurityShowCertificateViewer MethodType = "Security.showCertificateViewer"
EventNetworkResourceChangedPriority MethodType = "Network.resourceChangedPriority"
EventNetworkRequestWillBeSent MethodType = "Network.requestWillBeSent"
EventNetworkRequestServedFromCache MethodType = "Network.requestServedFromCache"
EventNetworkResponseReceived MethodType = "Network.responseReceived"
EventNetworkDataReceived MethodType = "Network.dataReceived"
EventNetworkLoadingFinished MethodType = "Network.loadingFinished"
EventNetworkLoadingFailed MethodType = "Network.loadingFailed"
EventNetworkWebSocketWillSendHandshakeRequest MethodType = "Network.webSocketWillSendHandshakeRequest"
EventNetworkWebSocketHandshakeResponseReceived MethodType = "Network.webSocketHandshakeResponseReceived"
EventNetworkWebSocketCreated MethodType = "Network.webSocketCreated"
EventNetworkWebSocketClosed MethodType = "Network.webSocketClosed"
EventNetworkWebSocketFrameReceived MethodType = "Network.webSocketFrameReceived"
EventNetworkWebSocketFrameError MethodType = "Network.webSocketFrameError"
EventNetworkWebSocketFrameSent MethodType = "Network.webSocketFrameSent"
EventNetworkEventSourceMessageReceived MethodType = "Network.eventSourceMessageReceived"
CommandNetworkEnable MethodType = "Network.enable"
CommandNetworkDisable MethodType = "Network.disable"
CommandNetworkSetUserAgentOverride MethodType = "Network.setUserAgentOverride"
CommandNetworkSetExtraHTTPHeaders MethodType = "Network.setExtraHTTPHeaders"
CommandNetworkGetResponseBody MethodType = "Network.getResponseBody"
CommandNetworkAddBlockedURL MethodType = "Network.addBlockedURL"
CommandNetworkRemoveBlockedURL MethodType = "Network.removeBlockedURL"
CommandNetworkReplayXHR MethodType = "Network.replayXHR"
CommandNetworkSetMonitoringXHREnabled MethodType = "Network.setMonitoringXHREnabled"
CommandNetworkCanClearBrowserCache MethodType = "Network.canClearBrowserCache"
CommandNetworkClearBrowserCache MethodType = "Network.clearBrowserCache"
CommandNetworkCanClearBrowserCookies MethodType = "Network.canClearBrowserCookies"
CommandNetworkClearBrowserCookies MethodType = "Network.clearBrowserCookies"
CommandNetworkGetCookies MethodType = "Network.getCookies"
CommandNetworkGetAllCookies MethodType = "Network.getAllCookies"
CommandNetworkDeleteCookie MethodType = "Network.deleteCookie"
CommandNetworkSetCookie MethodType = "Network.setCookie"
CommandNetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditions MethodType = "Network.canEmulateNetworkConditions"
CommandNetworkEmulateNetworkConditions MethodType = "Network.emulateNetworkConditions"
CommandNetworkSetCacheDisabled MethodType = "Network.setCacheDisabled"
CommandNetworkSetBypassServiceWorker MethodType = "Network.setBypassServiceWorker"
CommandNetworkSetDataSizeLimitsForTest MethodType = "Network.setDataSizeLimitsForTest"
CommandNetworkGetCertificate MethodType = "Network.getCertificate"
EventDatabaseAddDatabase MethodType = "Database.addDatabase"
CommandDatabaseEnable MethodType = "Database.enable"
CommandDatabaseDisable MethodType = "Database.disable"
CommandDatabaseGetDatabaseTableNames MethodType = "Database.getDatabaseTableNames"
CommandDatabaseExecuteSQL MethodType = "Database.executeSQL"
CommandIndexedDBEnable MethodType = "IndexedDB.enable"
CommandIndexedDBDisable MethodType = "IndexedDB.disable"
CommandIndexedDBRequestDatabaseNames MethodType = "IndexedDB.requestDatabaseNames"
CommandIndexedDBRequestDatabase MethodType = "IndexedDB.requestDatabase"
CommandIndexedDBRequestData MethodType = "IndexedDB.requestData"
CommandIndexedDBClearObjectStore MethodType = "IndexedDB.clearObjectStore"
2017-01-27 10:29:53 +07:00
CommandIndexedDBDeleteDatabase MethodType = "IndexedDB.deleteDatabase"
2017-01-24 22:09:23 +07:00
CommandCacheStorageRequestCacheNames MethodType = "CacheStorage.requestCacheNames"
CommandCacheStorageRequestEntries MethodType = "CacheStorage.requestEntries"
CommandCacheStorageDeleteCache MethodType = "CacheStorage.deleteCache"
CommandCacheStorageDeleteEntry MethodType = "CacheStorage.deleteEntry"
EventDOMStorageDomStorageItemsCleared MethodType = "DOMStorage.domStorageItemsCleared"
EventDOMStorageDomStorageItemRemoved MethodType = "DOMStorage.domStorageItemRemoved"
EventDOMStorageDomStorageItemAdded MethodType = "DOMStorage.domStorageItemAdded"
EventDOMStorageDomStorageItemUpdated MethodType = "DOMStorage.domStorageItemUpdated"
CommandDOMStorageEnable MethodType = "DOMStorage.enable"
CommandDOMStorageDisable MethodType = "DOMStorage.disable"
CommandDOMStorageClear MethodType = "DOMStorage.clear"
CommandDOMStorageGetDOMStorageItems MethodType = "DOMStorage.getDOMStorageItems"
CommandDOMStorageSetDOMStorageItem MethodType = "DOMStorage.setDOMStorageItem"
CommandDOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItem MethodType = "DOMStorage.removeDOMStorageItem"
EventApplicationCacheApplicationCacheStatusUpdated MethodType = "ApplicationCache.applicationCacheStatusUpdated"
EventApplicationCacheNetworkStateUpdated MethodType = "ApplicationCache.networkStateUpdated"
CommandApplicationCacheGetFramesWithManifests MethodType = "ApplicationCache.getFramesWithManifests"
CommandApplicationCacheEnable MethodType = "ApplicationCache.enable"
CommandApplicationCacheGetManifestForFrame MethodType = "ApplicationCache.getManifestForFrame"
CommandApplicationCacheGetApplicationCacheForFrame MethodType = "ApplicationCache.getApplicationCacheForFrame"
EventDOMDocumentUpdated MethodType = "DOM.documentUpdated"
EventDOMInspectNodeRequested MethodType = "DOM.inspectNodeRequested"
EventDOMSetChildNodes MethodType = "DOM.setChildNodes"
EventDOMAttributeModified MethodType = "DOM.attributeModified"
EventDOMAttributeRemoved MethodType = "DOM.attributeRemoved"
EventDOMInlineStyleInvalidated MethodType = "DOM.inlineStyleInvalidated"
EventDOMCharacterDataModified MethodType = "DOM.characterDataModified"
EventDOMChildNodeCountUpdated MethodType = "DOM.childNodeCountUpdated"
EventDOMChildNodeInserted MethodType = "DOM.childNodeInserted"
EventDOMChildNodeRemoved MethodType = "DOM.childNodeRemoved"
EventDOMShadowRootPushed MethodType = "DOM.shadowRootPushed"
EventDOMShadowRootPopped MethodType = "DOM.shadowRootPopped"
EventDOMPseudoElementAdded MethodType = "DOM.pseudoElementAdded"
EventDOMPseudoElementRemoved MethodType = "DOM.pseudoElementRemoved"
EventDOMDistributedNodesUpdated MethodType = "DOM.distributedNodesUpdated"
EventDOMNodeHighlightRequested MethodType = "DOM.nodeHighlightRequested"
CommandDOMEnable MethodType = "DOM.enable"
CommandDOMDisable MethodType = "DOM.disable"
CommandDOMGetDocument MethodType = "DOM.getDocument"
2017-01-29 10:37:56 +07:00
CommandDOMGetFlattenedDocument MethodType = "DOM.getFlattenedDocument"
2017-01-24 22:09:23 +07:00
CommandDOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtree MethodType = "DOM.collectClassNamesFromSubtree"
CommandDOMRequestChildNodes MethodType = "DOM.requestChildNodes"
CommandDOMQuerySelector MethodType = "DOM.querySelector"
CommandDOMQuerySelectorAll MethodType = "DOM.querySelectorAll"
CommandDOMSetNodeName MethodType = "DOM.setNodeName"
CommandDOMSetNodeValue MethodType = "DOM.setNodeValue"
CommandDOMRemoveNode MethodType = "DOM.removeNode"
CommandDOMSetAttributeValue MethodType = "DOM.setAttributeValue"
CommandDOMSetAttributesAsText MethodType = "DOM.setAttributesAsText"
CommandDOMRemoveAttribute MethodType = "DOM.removeAttribute"
CommandDOMGetOuterHTML MethodType = "DOM.getOuterHTML"
CommandDOMSetOuterHTML MethodType = "DOM.setOuterHTML"
CommandDOMPerformSearch MethodType = "DOM.performSearch"
CommandDOMGetSearchResults MethodType = "DOM.getSearchResults"
CommandDOMDiscardSearchResults MethodType = "DOM.discardSearchResults"
CommandDOMRequestNode MethodType = "DOM.requestNode"
CommandDOMSetInspectMode MethodType = "DOM.setInspectMode"
CommandDOMHighlightRect MethodType = "DOM.highlightRect"
CommandDOMHighlightQuad MethodType = "DOM.highlightQuad"
CommandDOMHighlightNode MethodType = "DOM.highlightNode"
CommandDOMHideHighlight MethodType = "DOM.hideHighlight"
CommandDOMHighlightFrame MethodType = "DOM.highlightFrame"
CommandDOMPushNodeByPathToFrontend MethodType = "DOM.pushNodeByPathToFrontend"
CommandDOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend MethodType = "DOM.pushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend"
CommandDOMSetInspectedNode MethodType = "DOM.setInspectedNode"
CommandDOMResolveNode MethodType = "DOM.resolveNode"
CommandDOMGetAttributes MethodType = "DOM.getAttributes"
CommandDOMCopyTo MethodType = "DOM.copyTo"
CommandDOMMoveTo MethodType = "DOM.moveTo"
CommandDOMUndo MethodType = "DOM.undo"
CommandDOMRedo MethodType = "DOM.redo"
CommandDOMMarkUndoableState MethodType = "DOM.markUndoableState"
CommandDOMFocus MethodType = "DOM.focus"
CommandDOMSetFileInputFiles MethodType = "DOM.setFileInputFiles"
CommandDOMGetBoxModel MethodType = "DOM.getBoxModel"
CommandDOMGetNodeForLocation MethodType = "DOM.getNodeForLocation"
CommandDOMGetRelayoutBoundary MethodType = "DOM.getRelayoutBoundary"
CommandDOMGetHighlightObjectForTest MethodType = "DOM.getHighlightObjectForTest"
EventCSSMediaQueryResultChanged MethodType = "CSS.mediaQueryResultChanged"
EventCSSFontsUpdated MethodType = "CSS.fontsUpdated"
EventCSSStyleSheetChanged MethodType = "CSS.styleSheetChanged"
EventCSSStyleSheetAdded MethodType = "CSS.styleSheetAdded"
EventCSSStyleSheetRemoved MethodType = "CSS.styleSheetRemoved"
CommandCSSEnable MethodType = "CSS.enable"
CommandCSSDisable MethodType = "CSS.disable"
CommandCSSGetMatchedStylesForNode MethodType = "CSS.getMatchedStylesForNode"
CommandCSSGetInlineStylesForNode MethodType = "CSS.getInlineStylesForNode"
CommandCSSGetComputedStyleForNode MethodType = "CSS.getComputedStyleForNode"
CommandCSSGetPlatformFontsForNode MethodType = "CSS.getPlatformFontsForNode"
CommandCSSGetStyleSheetText MethodType = "CSS.getStyleSheetText"
CommandCSSCollectClassNames MethodType = "CSS.collectClassNames"
CommandCSSSetStyleSheetText MethodType = "CSS.setStyleSheetText"
CommandCSSSetRuleSelector MethodType = "CSS.setRuleSelector"
CommandCSSSetKeyframeKey MethodType = "CSS.setKeyframeKey"
CommandCSSSetStyleTexts MethodType = "CSS.setStyleTexts"
CommandCSSSetMediaText MethodType = "CSS.setMediaText"
CommandCSSCreateStyleSheet MethodType = "CSS.createStyleSheet"
CommandCSSAddRule MethodType = "CSS.addRule"
CommandCSSForcePseudoState MethodType = "CSS.forcePseudoState"
CommandCSSGetMediaQueries MethodType = "CSS.getMediaQueries"
CommandCSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNode MethodType = "CSS.setEffectivePropertyValueForNode"
CommandCSSGetBackgroundColors MethodType = "CSS.getBackgroundColors"
CommandCSSGetLayoutTreeAndStyles MethodType = "CSS.getLayoutTreeAndStyles"
CommandCSSStartRuleUsageTracking MethodType = "CSS.startRuleUsageTracking"
CommandCSSStopRuleUsageTracking MethodType = "CSS.stopRuleUsageTracking"
CommandIORead MethodType = "IO.read"
CommandIOClose MethodType = "IO.close"
CommandDOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpoint MethodType = "DOMDebugger.setDOMBreakpoint"
CommandDOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpoint MethodType = "DOMDebugger.removeDOMBreakpoint"
CommandDOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpoint MethodType = "DOMDebugger.setEventListenerBreakpoint"
CommandDOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpoint MethodType = "DOMDebugger.removeEventListenerBreakpoint"
CommandDOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint MethodType = "DOMDebugger.setInstrumentationBreakpoint"
CommandDOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint MethodType = "DOMDebugger.removeInstrumentationBreakpoint"
CommandDOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpoint MethodType = "DOMDebugger.setXHRBreakpoint"
CommandDOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpoint MethodType = "DOMDebugger.removeXHRBreakpoint"
CommandDOMDebuggerGetEventListeners MethodType = "DOMDebugger.getEventListeners"
EventTargetTargetCreated MethodType = "Target.targetCreated"
EventTargetTargetDestroyed MethodType = "Target.targetDestroyed"
EventTargetAttachedToTarget MethodType = "Target.attachedToTarget"
EventTargetDetachedFromTarget MethodType = "Target.detachedFromTarget"
EventTargetReceivedMessageFromTarget MethodType = "Target.receivedMessageFromTarget"
CommandTargetSetDiscoverTargets MethodType = "Target.setDiscoverTargets"
CommandTargetSetAutoAttach MethodType = "Target.setAutoAttach"
CommandTargetSetAttachToFrames MethodType = "Target.setAttachToFrames"
CommandTargetSetRemoteLocations MethodType = "Target.setRemoteLocations"
CommandTargetSendMessageToTarget MethodType = "Target.sendMessageToTarget"
CommandTargetGetTargetInfo MethodType = "Target.getTargetInfo"
CommandTargetActivateTarget MethodType = "Target.activateTarget"
CommandTargetCloseTarget MethodType = "Target.closeTarget"
CommandTargetAttachToTarget MethodType = "Target.attachToTarget"
CommandTargetDetachFromTarget MethodType = "Target.detachFromTarget"
CommandTargetCreateBrowserContext MethodType = "Target.createBrowserContext"
CommandTargetDisposeBrowserContext MethodType = "Target.disposeBrowserContext"
CommandTargetCreateTarget MethodType = "Target.createTarget"
CommandTargetGetTargets MethodType = "Target.getTargets"
EventServiceWorkerWorkerRegistrationUpdated MethodType = "ServiceWorker.workerRegistrationUpdated"
EventServiceWorkerWorkerVersionUpdated MethodType = "ServiceWorker.workerVersionUpdated"
EventServiceWorkerWorkerErrorReported MethodType = "ServiceWorker.workerErrorReported"
CommandServiceWorkerEnable MethodType = "ServiceWorker.enable"
CommandServiceWorkerDisable MethodType = "ServiceWorker.disable"
CommandServiceWorkerUnregister MethodType = "ServiceWorker.unregister"
CommandServiceWorkerUpdateRegistration MethodType = "ServiceWorker.updateRegistration"
CommandServiceWorkerStartWorker MethodType = "ServiceWorker.startWorker"
CommandServiceWorkerSkipWaiting MethodType = "ServiceWorker.skipWaiting"
CommandServiceWorkerStopWorker MethodType = "ServiceWorker.stopWorker"
CommandServiceWorkerInspectWorker MethodType = "ServiceWorker.inspectWorker"
CommandServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoad MethodType = "ServiceWorker.setForceUpdateOnPageLoad"
CommandServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessage MethodType = "ServiceWorker.deliverPushMessage"
CommandServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEvent MethodType = "ServiceWorker.dispatchSyncEvent"
CommandInputDispatchKeyEvent MethodType = "Input.dispatchKeyEvent"
CommandInputDispatchMouseEvent MethodType = "Input.dispatchMouseEvent"
CommandInputDispatchTouchEvent MethodType = "Input.dispatchTouchEvent"
CommandInputEmulateTouchFromMouseEvent MethodType = "Input.emulateTouchFromMouseEvent"
CommandInputSynthesizePinchGesture MethodType = "Input.synthesizePinchGesture"
CommandInputSynthesizeScrollGesture MethodType = "Input.synthesizeScrollGesture"
CommandInputSynthesizeTapGesture MethodType = "Input.synthesizeTapGesture"
EventLayerTreeLayerTreeDidChange MethodType = "LayerTree.layerTreeDidChange"
EventLayerTreeLayerPainted MethodType = "LayerTree.layerPainted"
CommandLayerTreeEnable MethodType = "LayerTree.enable"
CommandLayerTreeDisable MethodType = "LayerTree.disable"
CommandLayerTreeCompositingReasons MethodType = "LayerTree.compositingReasons"
CommandLayerTreeMakeSnapshot MethodType = "LayerTree.makeSnapshot"
CommandLayerTreeLoadSnapshot MethodType = "LayerTree.loadSnapshot"
CommandLayerTreeReleaseSnapshot MethodType = "LayerTree.releaseSnapshot"
CommandLayerTreeProfileSnapshot MethodType = "LayerTree.profileSnapshot"
CommandLayerTreeReplaySnapshot MethodType = "LayerTree.replaySnapshot"
CommandLayerTreeSnapshotCommandLog MethodType = "LayerTree.snapshotCommandLog"
CommandDeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverride MethodType = "DeviceOrientation.setDeviceOrientationOverride"
CommandDeviceOrientationClearDeviceOrientationOverride MethodType = "DeviceOrientation.clearDeviceOrientationOverride"
EventTracingDataCollected MethodType = "Tracing.dataCollected"
EventTracingTracingComplete MethodType = "Tracing.tracingComplete"
EventTracingBufferUsage MethodType = "Tracing.bufferUsage"
CommandTracingStart MethodType = "Tracing.start"
CommandTracingEnd MethodType = "Tracing.end"
CommandTracingGetCategories MethodType = "Tracing.getCategories"
CommandTracingRequestMemoryDump MethodType = "Tracing.requestMemoryDump"
CommandTracingRecordClockSyncMarker MethodType = "Tracing.recordClockSyncMarker"
EventAnimationAnimationCreated MethodType = "Animation.animationCreated"
EventAnimationAnimationStarted MethodType = "Animation.animationStarted"
EventAnimationAnimationCanceled MethodType = "Animation.animationCanceled"
CommandAnimationEnable MethodType = "Animation.enable"
CommandAnimationDisable MethodType = "Animation.disable"
CommandAnimationGetPlaybackRate MethodType = "Animation.getPlaybackRate"
CommandAnimationSetPlaybackRate MethodType = "Animation.setPlaybackRate"
CommandAnimationGetCurrentTime MethodType = "Animation.getCurrentTime"
CommandAnimationSetPaused MethodType = "Animation.setPaused"
CommandAnimationSetTiming MethodType = "Animation.setTiming"
CommandAnimationSeekAnimations MethodType = "Animation.seekAnimations"
CommandAnimationReleaseAnimations MethodType = "Animation.releaseAnimations"
CommandAnimationResolveAnimation MethodType = "Animation.resolveAnimation"
CommandAccessibilityGetPartialAXTree MethodType = "Accessibility.getPartialAXTree"
CommandStorageClearDataForOrigin MethodType = "Storage.clearDataForOrigin"
EventLogEntryAdded MethodType = "Log.entryAdded"
CommandLogEnable MethodType = "Log.enable"
CommandLogDisable MethodType = "Log.disable"
CommandLogClear MethodType = "Log.clear"
CommandLogStartViolationsReport MethodType = "Log.startViolationsReport"
CommandLogStopViolationsReport MethodType = "Log.stopViolationsReport"
CommandSystemInfoGetInfo MethodType = "SystemInfo.getInfo"
EventTetheringAccepted MethodType = "Tethering.accepted"
CommandTetheringBind MethodType = "Tethering.bind"
CommandTetheringUnbind MethodType = "Tethering.unbind"
CommandSchemaGetDomains MethodType = "Schema.getDomains"
EventRuntimeExecutionContextCreated MethodType = "Runtime.executionContextCreated"
EventRuntimeExecutionContextDestroyed MethodType = "Runtime.executionContextDestroyed"
EventRuntimeExecutionContextsCleared MethodType = "Runtime.executionContextsCleared"
EventRuntimeExceptionThrown MethodType = "Runtime.exceptionThrown"
EventRuntimeExceptionRevoked MethodType = "Runtime.exceptionRevoked"
EventRuntimeConsoleAPICalled MethodType = "Runtime.consoleAPICalled"
EventRuntimeInspectRequested MethodType = "Runtime.inspectRequested"
CommandRuntimeEvaluate MethodType = "Runtime.evaluate"
CommandRuntimeAwaitPromise MethodType = "Runtime.awaitPromise"
CommandRuntimeCallFunctionOn MethodType = "Runtime.callFunctionOn"
CommandRuntimeGetProperties MethodType = "Runtime.getProperties"
CommandRuntimeReleaseObject MethodType = "Runtime.releaseObject"
CommandRuntimeReleaseObjectGroup MethodType = "Runtime.releaseObjectGroup"
CommandRuntimeRunIfWaitingForDebugger MethodType = "Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger"
CommandRuntimeEnable MethodType = "Runtime.enable"
CommandRuntimeDisable MethodType = "Runtime.disable"
CommandRuntimeDiscardConsoleEntries MethodType = "Runtime.discardConsoleEntries"
CommandRuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled MethodType = "Runtime.setCustomObjectFormatterEnabled"
CommandRuntimeCompileScript MethodType = "Runtime.compileScript"
CommandRuntimeRunScript MethodType = "Runtime.runScript"
EventDebuggerScriptParsed MethodType = "Debugger.scriptParsed"
EventDebuggerScriptFailedToParse MethodType = "Debugger.scriptFailedToParse"
EventDebuggerBreakpointResolved MethodType = "Debugger.breakpointResolved"
EventDebuggerPaused MethodType = "Debugger.paused"
EventDebuggerResumed MethodType = "Debugger.resumed"
CommandDebuggerEnable MethodType = "Debugger.enable"
CommandDebuggerDisable MethodType = "Debugger.disable"
CommandDebuggerSetBreakpointsActive MethodType = "Debugger.setBreakpointsActive"
CommandDebuggerSetSkipAllPauses MethodType = "Debugger.setSkipAllPauses"
CommandDebuggerSetBreakpointByURL MethodType = "Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl"
CommandDebuggerSetBreakpoint MethodType = "Debugger.setBreakpoint"
CommandDebuggerRemoveBreakpoint MethodType = "Debugger.removeBreakpoint"
CommandDebuggerGetPossibleBreakpoints MethodType = "Debugger.getPossibleBreakpoints"
CommandDebuggerContinueToLocation MethodType = "Debugger.continueToLocation"
CommandDebuggerStepOver MethodType = "Debugger.stepOver"
CommandDebuggerStepInto MethodType = "Debugger.stepInto"
CommandDebuggerStepOut MethodType = "Debugger.stepOut"
CommandDebuggerPause MethodType = "Debugger.pause"
CommandDebuggerResume MethodType = "Debugger.resume"
CommandDebuggerSearchInContent MethodType = "Debugger.searchInContent"
CommandDebuggerSetScriptSource MethodType = "Debugger.setScriptSource"
CommandDebuggerRestartFrame MethodType = "Debugger.restartFrame"
CommandDebuggerGetScriptSource MethodType = "Debugger.getScriptSource"
CommandDebuggerSetPauseOnExceptions MethodType = "Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions"
CommandDebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrame MethodType = "Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame"
CommandDebuggerSetVariableValue MethodType = "Debugger.setVariableValue"
CommandDebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepth MethodType = "Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepth"
CommandDebuggerSetBlackboxPatterns MethodType = "Debugger.setBlackboxPatterns"
CommandDebuggerSetBlackboxedRanges MethodType = "Debugger.setBlackboxedRanges"
EventProfilerConsoleProfileStarted MethodType = "Profiler.consoleProfileStarted"
EventProfilerConsoleProfileFinished MethodType = "Profiler.consoleProfileFinished"
CommandProfilerEnable MethodType = "Profiler.enable"
CommandProfilerDisable MethodType = "Profiler.disable"
CommandProfilerSetSamplingInterval MethodType = "Profiler.setSamplingInterval"
CommandProfilerStart MethodType = "Profiler.start"
CommandProfilerStop MethodType = "Profiler.stop"
EventHeapProfilerAddHeapSnapshotChunk MethodType = "HeapProfiler.addHeapSnapshotChunk"
EventHeapProfilerResetProfiles MethodType = "HeapProfiler.resetProfiles"
EventHeapProfilerReportHeapSnapshotProgress MethodType = "HeapProfiler.reportHeapSnapshotProgress"
EventHeapProfilerLastSeenObjectID MethodType = "HeapProfiler.lastSeenObjectId"
EventHeapProfilerHeapStatsUpdate MethodType = "HeapProfiler.heapStatsUpdate"
CommandHeapProfilerEnable MethodType = "HeapProfiler.enable"
CommandHeapProfilerDisable MethodType = "HeapProfiler.disable"
CommandHeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjects MethodType = "HeapProfiler.startTrackingHeapObjects"
CommandHeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjects MethodType = "HeapProfiler.stopTrackingHeapObjects"
CommandHeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshot MethodType = "HeapProfiler.takeHeapSnapshot"
CommandHeapProfilerCollectGarbage MethodType = "HeapProfiler.collectGarbage"
CommandHeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectID MethodType = "HeapProfiler.getObjectByHeapObjectId"
CommandHeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObject MethodType = "HeapProfiler.addInspectedHeapObject"
CommandHeapProfilerGetHeapObjectID MethodType = "HeapProfiler.getHeapObjectId"
CommandHeapProfilerStartSampling MethodType = "HeapProfiler.startSampling"
CommandHeapProfilerStopSampling MethodType = "HeapProfiler.stopSampling"
// MarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Marshaler.
func ( t MethodType ) MarshalEasyJSON ( out * jwriter . Writer ) {
out . String ( string ( t ) )
// MarshalJSON satisfies json.Marshaler.
func ( t MethodType ) MarshalJSON ( ) ( [ ] byte , error ) {
return easyjson . Marshal ( t )
// UnmarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * MethodType ) UnmarshalEasyJSON ( in * jlexer . Lexer ) {
switch MethodType ( in . String ( ) ) {
case EventInspectorDetached :
* t = EventInspectorDetached
case EventInspectorTargetCrashed :
* t = EventInspectorTargetCrashed
case CommandInspectorEnable :
* t = CommandInspectorEnable
case CommandInspectorDisable :
* t = CommandInspectorDisable
case CommandMemoryGetDOMCounters :
* t = CommandMemoryGetDOMCounters
case CommandMemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressed :
* t = CommandMemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressed
case CommandMemorySimulatePressureNotification :
* t = CommandMemorySimulatePressureNotification
case EventPageDomContentEventFired :
* t = EventPageDomContentEventFired
case EventPageLoadEventFired :
* t = EventPageLoadEventFired
case EventPageFrameAttached :
* t = EventPageFrameAttached
case EventPageFrameNavigated :
* t = EventPageFrameNavigated
case EventPageFrameDetached :
* t = EventPageFrameDetached
case EventPageFrameStartedLoading :
* t = EventPageFrameStartedLoading
case EventPageFrameStoppedLoading :
* t = EventPageFrameStoppedLoading
case EventPageFrameScheduledNavigation :
* t = EventPageFrameScheduledNavigation
case EventPageFrameClearedScheduledNavigation :
* t = EventPageFrameClearedScheduledNavigation
case EventPageFrameResized :
* t = EventPageFrameResized
case EventPageJavascriptDialogOpening :
* t = EventPageJavascriptDialogOpening
case EventPageJavascriptDialogClosed :
* t = EventPageJavascriptDialogClosed
case EventPageScreencastFrame :
* t = EventPageScreencastFrame
case EventPageScreencastVisibilityChanged :
* t = EventPageScreencastVisibilityChanged
case EventPageColorPicked :
* t = EventPageColorPicked
case EventPageInterstitialShown :
* t = EventPageInterstitialShown
case EventPageInterstitialHidden :
* t = EventPageInterstitialHidden
case EventPageNavigationRequested :
* t = EventPageNavigationRequested
case CommandPageEnable :
* t = CommandPageEnable
case CommandPageDisable :
* t = CommandPageDisable
case CommandPageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoad :
* t = CommandPageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoad
case CommandPageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoad :
* t = CommandPageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoad
case CommandPageSetAutoAttachToCreatedPages :
* t = CommandPageSetAutoAttachToCreatedPages
case CommandPageReload :
* t = CommandPageReload
case CommandPageNavigate :
* t = CommandPageNavigate
case CommandPageStopLoading :
* t = CommandPageStopLoading
case CommandPageGetNavigationHistory :
* t = CommandPageGetNavigationHistory
case CommandPageNavigateToHistoryEntry :
* t = CommandPageNavigateToHistoryEntry
case CommandPageGetResourceTree :
* t = CommandPageGetResourceTree
case CommandPageGetResourceContent :
* t = CommandPageGetResourceContent
case CommandPageSearchInResource :
* t = CommandPageSearchInResource
case CommandPageSetDocumentContent :
* t = CommandPageSetDocumentContent
case CommandPageCaptureScreenshot :
* t = CommandPageCaptureScreenshot
case CommandPageStartScreencast :
* t = CommandPageStartScreencast
case CommandPageStopScreencast :
* t = CommandPageStopScreencast
case CommandPageScreencastFrameAck :
* t = CommandPageScreencastFrameAck
case CommandPageHandleJavaScriptDialog :
* t = CommandPageHandleJavaScriptDialog
case CommandPageSetColorPickerEnabled :
* t = CommandPageSetColorPickerEnabled
case CommandPageConfigureOverlay :
* t = CommandPageConfigureOverlay
case CommandPageGetAppManifest :
* t = CommandPageGetAppManifest
case CommandPageRequestAppBanner :
* t = CommandPageRequestAppBanner
case CommandPageSetControlNavigations :
* t = CommandPageSetControlNavigations
case CommandPageProcessNavigation :
* t = CommandPageProcessNavigation
case CommandPageGetLayoutMetrics :
* t = CommandPageGetLayoutMetrics
case CommandRenderingSetShowPaintRects :
* t = CommandRenderingSetShowPaintRects
case CommandRenderingSetShowDebugBorders :
* t = CommandRenderingSetShowDebugBorders
case CommandRenderingSetShowFPSCounter :
* t = CommandRenderingSetShowFPSCounter
case CommandRenderingSetShowScrollBottleneckRects :
* t = CommandRenderingSetShowScrollBottleneckRects
case CommandRenderingSetShowViewportSizeOnResize :
* t = CommandRenderingSetShowViewportSizeOnResize
case EventEmulationVirtualTimeBudgetExpired :
* t = EventEmulationVirtualTimeBudgetExpired
case CommandEmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverride :
* t = CommandEmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverride
case CommandEmulationClearDeviceMetricsOverride :
* t = CommandEmulationClearDeviceMetricsOverride
case CommandEmulationForceViewport :
* t = CommandEmulationForceViewport
case CommandEmulationResetViewport :
* t = CommandEmulationResetViewport
case CommandEmulationResetPageScaleFactor :
* t = CommandEmulationResetPageScaleFactor
case CommandEmulationSetPageScaleFactor :
* t = CommandEmulationSetPageScaleFactor
case CommandEmulationSetVisibleSize :
* t = CommandEmulationSetVisibleSize
case CommandEmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabled :
* t = CommandEmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabled
case CommandEmulationSetGeolocationOverride :
* t = CommandEmulationSetGeolocationOverride
case CommandEmulationClearGeolocationOverride :
* t = CommandEmulationClearGeolocationOverride
case CommandEmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabled :
* t = CommandEmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabled
case CommandEmulationSetEmulatedMedia :
* t = CommandEmulationSetEmulatedMedia
case CommandEmulationSetCPUThrottlingRate :
* t = CommandEmulationSetCPUThrottlingRate
case CommandEmulationCanEmulate :
* t = CommandEmulationCanEmulate
case CommandEmulationSetVirtualTimePolicy :
* t = CommandEmulationSetVirtualTimePolicy
2017-02-07 20:07:16 +07:00
case CommandEmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverride :
* t = CommandEmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverride
2017-01-24 22:09:23 +07:00
case EventSecuritySecurityStateChanged :
* t = EventSecuritySecurityStateChanged
case CommandSecurityEnable :
* t = CommandSecurityEnable
case CommandSecurityDisable :
* t = CommandSecurityDisable
case CommandSecurityShowCertificateViewer :
* t = CommandSecurityShowCertificateViewer
case EventNetworkResourceChangedPriority :
* t = EventNetworkResourceChangedPriority
case EventNetworkRequestWillBeSent :
* t = EventNetworkRequestWillBeSent
case EventNetworkRequestServedFromCache :
* t = EventNetworkRequestServedFromCache
case EventNetworkResponseReceived :
* t = EventNetworkResponseReceived
case EventNetworkDataReceived :
* t = EventNetworkDataReceived
case EventNetworkLoadingFinished :
* t = EventNetworkLoadingFinished
case EventNetworkLoadingFailed :
* t = EventNetworkLoadingFailed
case EventNetworkWebSocketWillSendHandshakeRequest :
* t = EventNetworkWebSocketWillSendHandshakeRequest
case EventNetworkWebSocketHandshakeResponseReceived :
* t = EventNetworkWebSocketHandshakeResponseReceived
case EventNetworkWebSocketCreated :
* t = EventNetworkWebSocketCreated
case EventNetworkWebSocketClosed :
* t = EventNetworkWebSocketClosed
case EventNetworkWebSocketFrameReceived :
* t = EventNetworkWebSocketFrameReceived
case EventNetworkWebSocketFrameError :
* t = EventNetworkWebSocketFrameError
case EventNetworkWebSocketFrameSent :
* t = EventNetworkWebSocketFrameSent
case EventNetworkEventSourceMessageReceived :
* t = EventNetworkEventSourceMessageReceived
case CommandNetworkEnable :
* t = CommandNetworkEnable
case CommandNetworkDisable :
* t = CommandNetworkDisable
case CommandNetworkSetUserAgentOverride :
* t = CommandNetworkSetUserAgentOverride
case CommandNetworkSetExtraHTTPHeaders :
* t = CommandNetworkSetExtraHTTPHeaders
case CommandNetworkGetResponseBody :
* t = CommandNetworkGetResponseBody
case CommandNetworkAddBlockedURL :
* t = CommandNetworkAddBlockedURL
case CommandNetworkRemoveBlockedURL :
* t = CommandNetworkRemoveBlockedURL
case CommandNetworkReplayXHR :
* t = CommandNetworkReplayXHR
case CommandNetworkSetMonitoringXHREnabled :
* t = CommandNetworkSetMonitoringXHREnabled
case CommandNetworkCanClearBrowserCache :
* t = CommandNetworkCanClearBrowserCache
case CommandNetworkClearBrowserCache :
* t = CommandNetworkClearBrowserCache
case CommandNetworkCanClearBrowserCookies :
* t = CommandNetworkCanClearBrowserCookies
case CommandNetworkClearBrowserCookies :
* t = CommandNetworkClearBrowserCookies
case CommandNetworkGetCookies :
* t = CommandNetworkGetCookies
case CommandNetworkGetAllCookies :
* t = CommandNetworkGetAllCookies
case CommandNetworkDeleteCookie :
* t = CommandNetworkDeleteCookie
case CommandNetworkSetCookie :
* t = CommandNetworkSetCookie
case CommandNetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditions :
* t = CommandNetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditions
case CommandNetworkEmulateNetworkConditions :
* t = CommandNetworkEmulateNetworkConditions
case CommandNetworkSetCacheDisabled :
* t = CommandNetworkSetCacheDisabled
case CommandNetworkSetBypassServiceWorker :
* t = CommandNetworkSetBypassServiceWorker
case CommandNetworkSetDataSizeLimitsForTest :
* t = CommandNetworkSetDataSizeLimitsForTest
case CommandNetworkGetCertificate :
* t = CommandNetworkGetCertificate
case EventDatabaseAddDatabase :
* t = EventDatabaseAddDatabase
case CommandDatabaseEnable :
* t = CommandDatabaseEnable
case CommandDatabaseDisable :
* t = CommandDatabaseDisable
case CommandDatabaseGetDatabaseTableNames :
* t = CommandDatabaseGetDatabaseTableNames
case CommandDatabaseExecuteSQL :
* t = CommandDatabaseExecuteSQL
case CommandIndexedDBEnable :
* t = CommandIndexedDBEnable
case CommandIndexedDBDisable :
* t = CommandIndexedDBDisable
case CommandIndexedDBRequestDatabaseNames :
* t = CommandIndexedDBRequestDatabaseNames
case CommandIndexedDBRequestDatabase :
* t = CommandIndexedDBRequestDatabase
case CommandIndexedDBRequestData :
* t = CommandIndexedDBRequestData
case CommandIndexedDBClearObjectStore :
* t = CommandIndexedDBClearObjectStore
2017-01-27 10:29:53 +07:00
case CommandIndexedDBDeleteDatabase :
* t = CommandIndexedDBDeleteDatabase
2017-01-24 22:09:23 +07:00
case CommandCacheStorageRequestCacheNames :
* t = CommandCacheStorageRequestCacheNames
case CommandCacheStorageRequestEntries :
* t = CommandCacheStorageRequestEntries
case CommandCacheStorageDeleteCache :
* t = CommandCacheStorageDeleteCache
case CommandCacheStorageDeleteEntry :
* t = CommandCacheStorageDeleteEntry
case EventDOMStorageDomStorageItemsCleared :
* t = EventDOMStorageDomStorageItemsCleared
case EventDOMStorageDomStorageItemRemoved :
* t = EventDOMStorageDomStorageItemRemoved
case EventDOMStorageDomStorageItemAdded :
* t = EventDOMStorageDomStorageItemAdded
case EventDOMStorageDomStorageItemUpdated :
* t = EventDOMStorageDomStorageItemUpdated
case CommandDOMStorageEnable :
* t = CommandDOMStorageEnable
case CommandDOMStorageDisable :
* t = CommandDOMStorageDisable
case CommandDOMStorageClear :
* t = CommandDOMStorageClear
case CommandDOMStorageGetDOMStorageItems :
* t = CommandDOMStorageGetDOMStorageItems
case CommandDOMStorageSetDOMStorageItem :
* t = CommandDOMStorageSetDOMStorageItem
case CommandDOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItem :
* t = CommandDOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItem
case EventApplicationCacheApplicationCacheStatusUpdated :
* t = EventApplicationCacheApplicationCacheStatusUpdated
case EventApplicationCacheNetworkStateUpdated :
* t = EventApplicationCacheNetworkStateUpdated
case CommandApplicationCacheGetFramesWithManifests :
* t = CommandApplicationCacheGetFramesWithManifests
case CommandApplicationCacheEnable :
* t = CommandApplicationCacheEnable
case CommandApplicationCacheGetManifestForFrame :
* t = CommandApplicationCacheGetManifestForFrame
case CommandApplicationCacheGetApplicationCacheForFrame :
* t = CommandApplicationCacheGetApplicationCacheForFrame
case EventDOMDocumentUpdated :
* t = EventDOMDocumentUpdated
case EventDOMInspectNodeRequested :
* t = EventDOMInspectNodeRequested
case EventDOMSetChildNodes :
* t = EventDOMSetChildNodes
case EventDOMAttributeModified :
* t = EventDOMAttributeModified
case EventDOMAttributeRemoved :
* t = EventDOMAttributeRemoved
case EventDOMInlineStyleInvalidated :
* t = EventDOMInlineStyleInvalidated
case EventDOMCharacterDataModified :
* t = EventDOMCharacterDataModified
case EventDOMChildNodeCountUpdated :
* t = EventDOMChildNodeCountUpdated
case EventDOMChildNodeInserted :
* t = EventDOMChildNodeInserted
case EventDOMChildNodeRemoved :
* t = EventDOMChildNodeRemoved
case EventDOMShadowRootPushed :
* t = EventDOMShadowRootPushed
case EventDOMShadowRootPopped :
* t = EventDOMShadowRootPopped
case EventDOMPseudoElementAdded :
* t = EventDOMPseudoElementAdded
case EventDOMPseudoElementRemoved :
* t = EventDOMPseudoElementRemoved
case EventDOMDistributedNodesUpdated :
* t = EventDOMDistributedNodesUpdated
case EventDOMNodeHighlightRequested :
* t = EventDOMNodeHighlightRequested
case CommandDOMEnable :
* t = CommandDOMEnable
case CommandDOMDisable :
* t = CommandDOMDisable
case CommandDOMGetDocument :
* t = CommandDOMGetDocument
2017-01-29 10:37:56 +07:00
case CommandDOMGetFlattenedDocument :
* t = CommandDOMGetFlattenedDocument
2017-01-24 22:09:23 +07:00
case CommandDOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtree :
* t = CommandDOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtree
case CommandDOMRequestChildNodes :
* t = CommandDOMRequestChildNodes
case CommandDOMQuerySelector :
* t = CommandDOMQuerySelector
case CommandDOMQuerySelectorAll :
* t = CommandDOMQuerySelectorAll
case CommandDOMSetNodeName :
* t = CommandDOMSetNodeName
case CommandDOMSetNodeValue :
* t = CommandDOMSetNodeValue
case CommandDOMRemoveNode :
* t = CommandDOMRemoveNode
case CommandDOMSetAttributeValue :
* t = CommandDOMSetAttributeValue
case CommandDOMSetAttributesAsText :
* t = CommandDOMSetAttributesAsText
case CommandDOMRemoveAttribute :
* t = CommandDOMRemoveAttribute
case CommandDOMGetOuterHTML :
* t = CommandDOMGetOuterHTML
case CommandDOMSetOuterHTML :
* t = CommandDOMSetOuterHTML
case CommandDOMPerformSearch :
* t = CommandDOMPerformSearch
case CommandDOMGetSearchResults :
* t = CommandDOMGetSearchResults
case CommandDOMDiscardSearchResults :
* t = CommandDOMDiscardSearchResults
case CommandDOMRequestNode :
* t = CommandDOMRequestNode
case CommandDOMSetInspectMode :
* t = CommandDOMSetInspectMode
case CommandDOMHighlightRect :
* t = CommandDOMHighlightRect
case CommandDOMHighlightQuad :
* t = CommandDOMHighlightQuad
case CommandDOMHighlightNode :
* t = CommandDOMHighlightNode
case CommandDOMHideHighlight :
* t = CommandDOMHideHighlight
case CommandDOMHighlightFrame :
* t = CommandDOMHighlightFrame
case CommandDOMPushNodeByPathToFrontend :
* t = CommandDOMPushNodeByPathToFrontend
case CommandDOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend :
* t = CommandDOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend
case CommandDOMSetInspectedNode :
* t = CommandDOMSetInspectedNode
case CommandDOMResolveNode :
* t = CommandDOMResolveNode
case CommandDOMGetAttributes :
* t = CommandDOMGetAttributes
case CommandDOMCopyTo :
* t = CommandDOMCopyTo
case CommandDOMMoveTo :
* t = CommandDOMMoveTo
case CommandDOMUndo :
* t = CommandDOMUndo
case CommandDOMRedo :
* t = CommandDOMRedo
case CommandDOMMarkUndoableState :
* t = CommandDOMMarkUndoableState
case CommandDOMFocus :
* t = CommandDOMFocus
case CommandDOMSetFileInputFiles :
* t = CommandDOMSetFileInputFiles
case CommandDOMGetBoxModel :
* t = CommandDOMGetBoxModel
case CommandDOMGetNodeForLocation :
* t = CommandDOMGetNodeForLocation
case CommandDOMGetRelayoutBoundary :
* t = CommandDOMGetRelayoutBoundary
case CommandDOMGetHighlightObjectForTest :
* t = CommandDOMGetHighlightObjectForTest
case EventCSSMediaQueryResultChanged :
* t = EventCSSMediaQueryResultChanged
case EventCSSFontsUpdated :
* t = EventCSSFontsUpdated
case EventCSSStyleSheetChanged :
* t = EventCSSStyleSheetChanged
case EventCSSStyleSheetAdded :
* t = EventCSSStyleSheetAdded
case EventCSSStyleSheetRemoved :
* t = EventCSSStyleSheetRemoved
case CommandCSSEnable :
* t = CommandCSSEnable
case CommandCSSDisable :
* t = CommandCSSDisable
case CommandCSSGetMatchedStylesForNode :
* t = CommandCSSGetMatchedStylesForNode
case CommandCSSGetInlineStylesForNode :
* t = CommandCSSGetInlineStylesForNode
case CommandCSSGetComputedStyleForNode :
* t = CommandCSSGetComputedStyleForNode
case CommandCSSGetPlatformFontsForNode :
* t = CommandCSSGetPlatformFontsForNode
case CommandCSSGetStyleSheetText :
* t = CommandCSSGetStyleSheetText
case CommandCSSCollectClassNames :
* t = CommandCSSCollectClassNames
case CommandCSSSetStyleSheetText :
* t = CommandCSSSetStyleSheetText
case CommandCSSSetRuleSelector :
* t = CommandCSSSetRuleSelector
case CommandCSSSetKeyframeKey :
* t = CommandCSSSetKeyframeKey
case CommandCSSSetStyleTexts :
* t = CommandCSSSetStyleTexts
case CommandCSSSetMediaText :
* t = CommandCSSSetMediaText
case CommandCSSCreateStyleSheet :
* t = CommandCSSCreateStyleSheet
case CommandCSSAddRule :
* t = CommandCSSAddRule
case CommandCSSForcePseudoState :
* t = CommandCSSForcePseudoState
case CommandCSSGetMediaQueries :
* t = CommandCSSGetMediaQueries
case CommandCSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNode :
* t = CommandCSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNode
case CommandCSSGetBackgroundColors :
* t = CommandCSSGetBackgroundColors
case CommandCSSGetLayoutTreeAndStyles :
* t = CommandCSSGetLayoutTreeAndStyles
case CommandCSSStartRuleUsageTracking :
* t = CommandCSSStartRuleUsageTracking
case CommandCSSStopRuleUsageTracking :
* t = CommandCSSStopRuleUsageTracking
case CommandIORead :
* t = CommandIORead
case CommandIOClose :
* t = CommandIOClose
case CommandDOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpoint :
* t = CommandDOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpoint
case CommandDOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpoint :
* t = CommandDOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpoint
case CommandDOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpoint :
* t = CommandDOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpoint
case CommandDOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpoint :
* t = CommandDOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpoint
case CommandDOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint :
* t = CommandDOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint
case CommandDOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint :
* t = CommandDOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint
case CommandDOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpoint :
* t = CommandDOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpoint
case CommandDOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpoint :
* t = CommandDOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpoint
case CommandDOMDebuggerGetEventListeners :
* t = CommandDOMDebuggerGetEventListeners
case EventTargetTargetCreated :
* t = EventTargetTargetCreated
case EventTargetTargetDestroyed :
* t = EventTargetTargetDestroyed
case EventTargetAttachedToTarget :
* t = EventTargetAttachedToTarget
case EventTargetDetachedFromTarget :
* t = EventTargetDetachedFromTarget
case EventTargetReceivedMessageFromTarget :
* t = EventTargetReceivedMessageFromTarget
case CommandTargetSetDiscoverTargets :
* t = CommandTargetSetDiscoverTargets
case CommandTargetSetAutoAttach :
* t = CommandTargetSetAutoAttach
case CommandTargetSetAttachToFrames :
* t = CommandTargetSetAttachToFrames
case CommandTargetSetRemoteLocations :
* t = CommandTargetSetRemoteLocations
case CommandTargetSendMessageToTarget :
* t = CommandTargetSendMessageToTarget
case CommandTargetGetTargetInfo :
* t = CommandTargetGetTargetInfo
case CommandTargetActivateTarget :
* t = CommandTargetActivateTarget
case CommandTargetCloseTarget :
* t = CommandTargetCloseTarget
case CommandTargetAttachToTarget :
* t = CommandTargetAttachToTarget
case CommandTargetDetachFromTarget :
* t = CommandTargetDetachFromTarget
case CommandTargetCreateBrowserContext :
* t = CommandTargetCreateBrowserContext
case CommandTargetDisposeBrowserContext :
* t = CommandTargetDisposeBrowserContext
case CommandTargetCreateTarget :
* t = CommandTargetCreateTarget
case CommandTargetGetTargets :
* t = CommandTargetGetTargets
case EventServiceWorkerWorkerRegistrationUpdated :
* t = EventServiceWorkerWorkerRegistrationUpdated
case EventServiceWorkerWorkerVersionUpdated :
* t = EventServiceWorkerWorkerVersionUpdated
case EventServiceWorkerWorkerErrorReported :
* t = EventServiceWorkerWorkerErrorReported
case CommandServiceWorkerEnable :
* t = CommandServiceWorkerEnable
case CommandServiceWorkerDisable :
* t = CommandServiceWorkerDisable
case CommandServiceWorkerUnregister :
* t = CommandServiceWorkerUnregister
case CommandServiceWorkerUpdateRegistration :
* t = CommandServiceWorkerUpdateRegistration
case CommandServiceWorkerStartWorker :
* t = CommandServiceWorkerStartWorker
case CommandServiceWorkerSkipWaiting :
* t = CommandServiceWorkerSkipWaiting
case CommandServiceWorkerStopWorker :
* t = CommandServiceWorkerStopWorker
case CommandServiceWorkerInspectWorker :
* t = CommandServiceWorkerInspectWorker
case CommandServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoad :
* t = CommandServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoad
case CommandServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessage :
* t = CommandServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessage
case CommandServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEvent :
* t = CommandServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEvent
case CommandInputDispatchKeyEvent :
* t = CommandInputDispatchKeyEvent
case CommandInputDispatchMouseEvent :
* t = CommandInputDispatchMouseEvent
case CommandInputDispatchTouchEvent :
* t = CommandInputDispatchTouchEvent
case CommandInputEmulateTouchFromMouseEvent :
* t = CommandInputEmulateTouchFromMouseEvent
case CommandInputSynthesizePinchGesture :
* t = CommandInputSynthesizePinchGesture
case CommandInputSynthesizeScrollGesture :
* t = CommandInputSynthesizeScrollGesture
case CommandInputSynthesizeTapGesture :
* t = CommandInputSynthesizeTapGesture
case EventLayerTreeLayerTreeDidChange :
* t = EventLayerTreeLayerTreeDidChange
case EventLayerTreeLayerPainted :
* t = EventLayerTreeLayerPainted
case CommandLayerTreeEnable :
* t = CommandLayerTreeEnable
case CommandLayerTreeDisable :
* t = CommandLayerTreeDisable
case CommandLayerTreeCompositingReasons :
* t = CommandLayerTreeCompositingReasons
case CommandLayerTreeMakeSnapshot :
* t = CommandLayerTreeMakeSnapshot
case CommandLayerTreeLoadSnapshot :
* t = CommandLayerTreeLoadSnapshot
case CommandLayerTreeReleaseSnapshot :
* t = CommandLayerTreeReleaseSnapshot
case CommandLayerTreeProfileSnapshot :
* t = CommandLayerTreeProfileSnapshot
case CommandLayerTreeReplaySnapshot :
* t = CommandLayerTreeReplaySnapshot
case CommandLayerTreeSnapshotCommandLog :
* t = CommandLayerTreeSnapshotCommandLog
case CommandDeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverride :
* t = CommandDeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverride
case CommandDeviceOrientationClearDeviceOrientationOverride :
* t = CommandDeviceOrientationClearDeviceOrientationOverride
case EventTracingDataCollected :
* t = EventTracingDataCollected
case EventTracingTracingComplete :
* t = EventTracingTracingComplete
case EventTracingBufferUsage :
* t = EventTracingBufferUsage
case CommandTracingStart :
* t = CommandTracingStart
case CommandTracingEnd :
* t = CommandTracingEnd
case CommandTracingGetCategories :
* t = CommandTracingGetCategories
case CommandTracingRequestMemoryDump :
* t = CommandTracingRequestMemoryDump
case CommandTracingRecordClockSyncMarker :
* t = CommandTracingRecordClockSyncMarker
case EventAnimationAnimationCreated :
* t = EventAnimationAnimationCreated
case EventAnimationAnimationStarted :
* t = EventAnimationAnimationStarted
case EventAnimationAnimationCanceled :
* t = EventAnimationAnimationCanceled
case CommandAnimationEnable :
* t = CommandAnimationEnable
case CommandAnimationDisable :
* t = CommandAnimationDisable
case CommandAnimationGetPlaybackRate :
* t = CommandAnimationGetPlaybackRate
case CommandAnimationSetPlaybackRate :
* t = CommandAnimationSetPlaybackRate
case CommandAnimationGetCurrentTime :
* t = CommandAnimationGetCurrentTime
case CommandAnimationSetPaused :
* t = CommandAnimationSetPaused
case CommandAnimationSetTiming :
* t = CommandAnimationSetTiming
case CommandAnimationSeekAnimations :
* t = CommandAnimationSeekAnimations
case CommandAnimationReleaseAnimations :
* t = CommandAnimationReleaseAnimations
case CommandAnimationResolveAnimation :
* t = CommandAnimationResolveAnimation
case CommandAccessibilityGetPartialAXTree :
* t = CommandAccessibilityGetPartialAXTree
case CommandStorageClearDataForOrigin :
* t = CommandStorageClearDataForOrigin
case EventLogEntryAdded :
* t = EventLogEntryAdded
case CommandLogEnable :
* t = CommandLogEnable
case CommandLogDisable :
* t = CommandLogDisable
case CommandLogClear :
* t = CommandLogClear
case CommandLogStartViolationsReport :
* t = CommandLogStartViolationsReport
case CommandLogStopViolationsReport :
* t = CommandLogStopViolationsReport
case CommandSystemInfoGetInfo :
* t = CommandSystemInfoGetInfo
case EventTetheringAccepted :
* t = EventTetheringAccepted
case CommandTetheringBind :
* t = CommandTetheringBind
case CommandTetheringUnbind :
* t = CommandTetheringUnbind
case CommandSchemaGetDomains :
* t = CommandSchemaGetDomains
case EventRuntimeExecutionContextCreated :
* t = EventRuntimeExecutionContextCreated
case EventRuntimeExecutionContextDestroyed :
* t = EventRuntimeExecutionContextDestroyed
case EventRuntimeExecutionContextsCleared :
* t = EventRuntimeExecutionContextsCleared
case EventRuntimeExceptionThrown :
* t = EventRuntimeExceptionThrown
case EventRuntimeExceptionRevoked :
* t = EventRuntimeExceptionRevoked
case EventRuntimeConsoleAPICalled :
* t = EventRuntimeConsoleAPICalled
case EventRuntimeInspectRequested :
* t = EventRuntimeInspectRequested
case CommandRuntimeEvaluate :
* t = CommandRuntimeEvaluate
case CommandRuntimeAwaitPromise :
* t = CommandRuntimeAwaitPromise
case CommandRuntimeCallFunctionOn :
* t = CommandRuntimeCallFunctionOn
case CommandRuntimeGetProperties :
* t = CommandRuntimeGetProperties
case CommandRuntimeReleaseObject :
* t = CommandRuntimeReleaseObject
case CommandRuntimeReleaseObjectGroup :
* t = CommandRuntimeReleaseObjectGroup
case CommandRuntimeRunIfWaitingForDebugger :
* t = CommandRuntimeRunIfWaitingForDebugger
case CommandRuntimeEnable :
* t = CommandRuntimeEnable
case CommandRuntimeDisable :
* t = CommandRuntimeDisable
case CommandRuntimeDiscardConsoleEntries :
* t = CommandRuntimeDiscardConsoleEntries
case CommandRuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled :
* t = CommandRuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled
case CommandRuntimeCompileScript :
* t = CommandRuntimeCompileScript
case CommandRuntimeRunScript :
* t = CommandRuntimeRunScript
case EventDebuggerScriptParsed :
* t = EventDebuggerScriptParsed
case EventDebuggerScriptFailedToParse :
* t = EventDebuggerScriptFailedToParse
case EventDebuggerBreakpointResolved :
* t = EventDebuggerBreakpointResolved
case EventDebuggerPaused :
* t = EventDebuggerPaused
case EventDebuggerResumed :
* t = EventDebuggerResumed
case CommandDebuggerEnable :
* t = CommandDebuggerEnable
case CommandDebuggerDisable :
* t = CommandDebuggerDisable
case CommandDebuggerSetBreakpointsActive :
* t = CommandDebuggerSetBreakpointsActive
case CommandDebuggerSetSkipAllPauses :
* t = CommandDebuggerSetSkipAllPauses
case CommandDebuggerSetBreakpointByURL :
* t = CommandDebuggerSetBreakpointByURL
case CommandDebuggerSetBreakpoint :
* t = CommandDebuggerSetBreakpoint
case CommandDebuggerRemoveBreakpoint :
* t = CommandDebuggerRemoveBreakpoint
case CommandDebuggerGetPossibleBreakpoints :
* t = CommandDebuggerGetPossibleBreakpoints
case CommandDebuggerContinueToLocation :
* t = CommandDebuggerContinueToLocation
case CommandDebuggerStepOver :
* t = CommandDebuggerStepOver
case CommandDebuggerStepInto :
* t = CommandDebuggerStepInto
case CommandDebuggerStepOut :
* t = CommandDebuggerStepOut
case CommandDebuggerPause :
* t = CommandDebuggerPause
case CommandDebuggerResume :
* t = CommandDebuggerResume
case CommandDebuggerSearchInContent :
* t = CommandDebuggerSearchInContent
case CommandDebuggerSetScriptSource :
* t = CommandDebuggerSetScriptSource
case CommandDebuggerRestartFrame :
* t = CommandDebuggerRestartFrame
case CommandDebuggerGetScriptSource :
* t = CommandDebuggerGetScriptSource
case CommandDebuggerSetPauseOnExceptions :
* t = CommandDebuggerSetPauseOnExceptions
case CommandDebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrame :
* t = CommandDebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrame
case CommandDebuggerSetVariableValue :
* t = CommandDebuggerSetVariableValue
case CommandDebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepth :
* t = CommandDebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepth
case CommandDebuggerSetBlackboxPatterns :
* t = CommandDebuggerSetBlackboxPatterns
case CommandDebuggerSetBlackboxedRanges :
* t = CommandDebuggerSetBlackboxedRanges
case EventProfilerConsoleProfileStarted :
* t = EventProfilerConsoleProfileStarted
case EventProfilerConsoleProfileFinished :
* t = EventProfilerConsoleProfileFinished
case CommandProfilerEnable :
* t = CommandProfilerEnable
case CommandProfilerDisable :
* t = CommandProfilerDisable
case CommandProfilerSetSamplingInterval :
* t = CommandProfilerSetSamplingInterval
case CommandProfilerStart :
* t = CommandProfilerStart
case CommandProfilerStop :
* t = CommandProfilerStop
case EventHeapProfilerAddHeapSnapshotChunk :
* t = EventHeapProfilerAddHeapSnapshotChunk
case EventHeapProfilerResetProfiles :
* t = EventHeapProfilerResetProfiles
case EventHeapProfilerReportHeapSnapshotProgress :
* t = EventHeapProfilerReportHeapSnapshotProgress
case EventHeapProfilerLastSeenObjectID :
* t = EventHeapProfilerLastSeenObjectID
case EventHeapProfilerHeapStatsUpdate :
* t = EventHeapProfilerHeapStatsUpdate
case CommandHeapProfilerEnable :
* t = CommandHeapProfilerEnable
case CommandHeapProfilerDisable :
* t = CommandHeapProfilerDisable
case CommandHeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjects :
* t = CommandHeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjects
case CommandHeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjects :
* t = CommandHeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjects
case CommandHeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshot :
* t = CommandHeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshot
case CommandHeapProfilerCollectGarbage :
* t = CommandHeapProfilerCollectGarbage
case CommandHeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectID :
* t = CommandHeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectID
case CommandHeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObject :
* t = CommandHeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObject
case CommandHeapProfilerGetHeapObjectID :
* t = CommandHeapProfilerGetHeapObjectID
case CommandHeapProfilerStartSampling :
* t = CommandHeapProfilerStartSampling
case CommandHeapProfilerStopSampling :
* t = CommandHeapProfilerStopSampling
default :
in . AddError ( errors . New ( "unknown MethodType value" ) )
// UnmarshalJSON satisfies json.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * MethodType ) UnmarshalJSON ( buf [ ] byte ) error {
return easyjson . Unmarshal ( buf , t )
// Domain returns the Chrome Debugging Protocol domain of the event or command.
func ( t MethodType ) Domain ( ) string {
return string ( t [ : strings . IndexByte ( string ( t ) , '.' ) ] )
// ErrorType error type.
type ErrorType string
// String returns the ErrorType as string value.
func ( t ErrorType ) String ( ) string {
return string ( t )
// ErrorType values.
const (
ErrContextDone ErrorType = "context done"
ErrChannelClosed ErrorType = "channel closed"
ErrInvalidResult ErrorType = "invalid result"
ErrUnknownResult ErrorType = "unknown result"
// MarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Marshaler.
func ( t ErrorType ) MarshalEasyJSON ( out * jwriter . Writer ) {
out . String ( string ( t ) )
// MarshalJSON satisfies json.Marshaler.
func ( t ErrorType ) MarshalJSON ( ) ( [ ] byte , error ) {
return easyjson . Marshal ( t )
// UnmarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * ErrorType ) UnmarshalEasyJSON ( in * jlexer . Lexer ) {
switch ErrorType ( in . String ( ) ) {
case ErrContextDone :
* t = ErrContextDone
case ErrChannelClosed :
* t = ErrChannelClosed
case ErrInvalidResult :
* t = ErrInvalidResult
case ErrUnknownResult :
* t = ErrUnknownResult
default :
in . AddError ( errors . New ( "unknown ErrorType value" ) )
// UnmarshalJSON satisfies json.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * ErrorType ) UnmarshalJSON ( buf [ ] byte ) error {
return easyjson . Unmarshal ( buf , t )
// Error satisfies the error interface.
func ( t ErrorType ) Error ( ) string {
return string ( t )
// FrameHandler is the common interface for a frame handler.
type FrameHandler interface {
SetActive ( context . Context , FrameID ) error
GetRoot ( context . Context ) ( * Node , error )
WaitFrame ( context . Context , FrameID ) ( * Frame , error )
WaitNode ( context . Context , * Frame , NodeID ) ( * Node , error )
Listen ( ... MethodType ) <- chan interface { }
// Execute executes the specified command using the supplied context and
// parameters.
Execute ( context . Context , MethodType , easyjson . RawMessage ) <- chan interface { }
2017-01-26 14:28:34 +07:00
// Empty is an empty JSON object message.
2017-01-24 22:09:23 +07:00
var Empty = easyjson . RawMessage ( ` { } ` )
// FrameID unique frame identifier.
type FrameID string
// String returns the FrameID as string value.
func ( t FrameID ) String ( ) string {
return string ( t )
// UnmarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * FrameID ) UnmarshalEasyJSON ( in * jlexer . Lexer ) {
buf := in . Raw ( )
if l := len ( buf ) ; l > 2 && buf [ 0 ] == '"' && buf [ l - 1 ] == '"' {
buf = buf [ 1 : l - 1 ]
* t = FrameID ( buf )
// UnmarshalJSON satisfies json.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * FrameID ) UnmarshalJSON ( buf [ ] byte ) error {
return easyjson . Unmarshal ( buf , t )
// Frame information about the Frame on the page.
type Frame struct {
ID FrameID ` json:"id,omitempty" ` // Frame unique identifier.
ParentID FrameID ` json:"parentId,omitempty" ` // Parent frame identifier.
LoaderID LoaderID ` json:"loaderId,omitempty" ` // Identifier of the loader associated with this frame.
Name string ` json:"name,omitempty" ` // Frame's name as specified in the tag.
URL string ` json:"url,omitempty" ` // Frame document's URL.
SecurityOrigin string ` json:"securityOrigin,omitempty" ` // Frame document's security origin.
MimeType string ` json:"mimeType,omitempty" ` // Frame document's mimeType as determined by the browser.
State FrameState ` json:"-" ` // Frame state.
Root * Node ` json:"-" ` // Frame document root.
Nodes map [ NodeID ] * Node ` json:"-" ` // Frame nodes.
sync . RWMutex ` json:"-" ` // Read write mutex.
// FrameState is the state of a Frame.
type FrameState uint16
// FrameState enum values.
const (
FrameDOMContentEventFired FrameState = 1 << ( 15 - iota )
// frameStateNames are the names of the frame states.
var frameStateNames = map [ FrameState ] string {
FrameDOMContentEventFired : "DOMContentEventFired" ,
FrameLoadEventFired : "LoadEventFired" ,
FrameAttached : "Attached" ,
FrameNavigated : "Navigated" ,
FrameLoading : "Loading" ,
FrameScheduledNavigation : "ScheduledNavigation" ,
// String satisfies stringer interface.
func ( fs FrameState ) String ( ) string {
var s [ ] string
for k , v := range frameStateNames {
if fs & k != 0 {
s = append ( s , v )
return "[" + strings . Join ( s , " " ) + "]"
// LoaderID unique loader identifier.
type LoaderID string
// String returns the LoaderID as string value.
func ( t LoaderID ) String ( ) string {
return string ( t )
// Timestamp number of seconds since epoch.
type Timestamp time . Time
// Time returns the Timestamp as time.Time value.
func ( t Timestamp ) Time ( ) time . Time {
return time . Time ( t )
// MarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Marshaler.
func ( t Timestamp ) MarshalEasyJSON ( out * jwriter . Writer ) {
out . Float64 ( float64 ( time . Time ( t ) . Sub ( sysutil . BootTime ( ) ) ) / float64 ( time . Second ) )
// MarshalJSON satisfies json.Marshaler.
func ( t Timestamp ) MarshalJSON ( ) ( [ ] byte , error ) {
return easyjson . Marshal ( t )
// UnmarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * Timestamp ) UnmarshalEasyJSON ( in * jlexer . Lexer ) {
* t = Timestamp ( sysutil . BootTime ( ) . Add ( time . Duration ( in . Float64 ( ) * float64 ( time . Second ) ) ) )
// UnmarshalJSON satisfies json.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * Timestamp ) UnmarshalJSON ( buf [ ] byte ) error {
return easyjson . Unmarshal ( buf , t )
// NodeID unique DOM node identifier.
type NodeID int64
// Int64 returns the NodeID as int64 value.
func ( t NodeID ) Int64 ( ) int64 {
return int64 ( t )
// UnmarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * NodeID ) UnmarshalEasyJSON ( in * jlexer . Lexer ) {
buf := in . Raw ( )
if l := len ( buf ) ; l > 2 && buf [ 0 ] == '"' && buf [ l - 1 ] == '"' {
buf = buf [ 1 : l - 1 ]
v , err := strconv . ParseInt ( string ( buf ) , 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
in . AddError ( err )
* t = NodeID ( v )
// UnmarshalJSON satisfies json.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * NodeID ) UnmarshalJSON ( buf [ ] byte ) error {
return easyjson . Unmarshal ( buf , t )
// BackendNodeID unique DOM node identifier used to reference a node that may
// not have been pushed to the front-end.
type BackendNodeID int64
// Int64 returns the BackendNodeID as int64 value.
func ( t BackendNodeID ) Int64 ( ) int64 {
return int64 ( t )
// UnmarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * BackendNodeID ) UnmarshalEasyJSON ( in * jlexer . Lexer ) {
buf := in . Raw ( )
if l := len ( buf ) ; l > 2 && buf [ 0 ] == '"' && buf [ l - 1 ] == '"' {
buf = buf [ 1 : l - 1 ]
v , err := strconv . ParseInt ( string ( buf ) , 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
in . AddError ( err )
* t = BackendNodeID ( v )
// UnmarshalJSON satisfies json.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * BackendNodeID ) UnmarshalJSON ( buf [ ] byte ) error {
return easyjson . Unmarshal ( buf , t )
// BackendNode backend node with a friendly name.
type BackendNode struct {
NodeType NodeType ` json:"nodeType,omitempty" ` // Node's nodeType.
NodeName string ` json:"nodeName,omitempty" ` // Node's nodeName.
BackendNodeID BackendNodeID ` json:"backendNodeId,omitempty" `
// PseudoType pseudo element type.
type PseudoType string
// String returns the PseudoType as string value.
func ( t PseudoType ) String ( ) string {
return string ( t )
// PseudoType values.
const (
PseudoTypeFirstLine PseudoType = "first-line"
PseudoTypeFirstLetter PseudoType = "first-letter"
PseudoTypeBefore PseudoType = "before"
PseudoTypeAfter PseudoType = "after"
PseudoTypeBackdrop PseudoType = "backdrop"
PseudoTypeSelection PseudoType = "selection"
PseudoTypeFirstLineInherited PseudoType = "first-line-inherited"
PseudoTypeScrollbar PseudoType = "scrollbar"
PseudoTypeScrollbarThumb PseudoType = "scrollbar-thumb"
PseudoTypeScrollbarButton PseudoType = "scrollbar-button"
PseudoTypeScrollbarTrack PseudoType = "scrollbar-track"
PseudoTypeScrollbarTrackPiece PseudoType = "scrollbar-track-piece"
PseudoTypeScrollbarCorner PseudoType = "scrollbar-corner"
PseudoTypeResizer PseudoType = "resizer"
PseudoTypeInputListButton PseudoType = "input-list-button"
// MarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Marshaler.
func ( t PseudoType ) MarshalEasyJSON ( out * jwriter . Writer ) {
out . String ( string ( t ) )
// MarshalJSON satisfies json.Marshaler.
func ( t PseudoType ) MarshalJSON ( ) ( [ ] byte , error ) {
return easyjson . Marshal ( t )
// UnmarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * PseudoType ) UnmarshalEasyJSON ( in * jlexer . Lexer ) {
switch PseudoType ( in . String ( ) ) {
case PseudoTypeFirstLine :
* t = PseudoTypeFirstLine
case PseudoTypeFirstLetter :
* t = PseudoTypeFirstLetter
case PseudoTypeBefore :
* t = PseudoTypeBefore
case PseudoTypeAfter :
* t = PseudoTypeAfter
case PseudoTypeBackdrop :
* t = PseudoTypeBackdrop
case PseudoTypeSelection :
* t = PseudoTypeSelection
case PseudoTypeFirstLineInherited :
* t = PseudoTypeFirstLineInherited
case PseudoTypeScrollbar :
* t = PseudoTypeScrollbar
case PseudoTypeScrollbarThumb :
* t = PseudoTypeScrollbarThumb
case PseudoTypeScrollbarButton :
* t = PseudoTypeScrollbarButton
case PseudoTypeScrollbarTrack :
* t = PseudoTypeScrollbarTrack
case PseudoTypeScrollbarTrackPiece :
* t = PseudoTypeScrollbarTrackPiece
case PseudoTypeScrollbarCorner :
* t = PseudoTypeScrollbarCorner
case PseudoTypeResizer :
* t = PseudoTypeResizer
case PseudoTypeInputListButton :
* t = PseudoTypeInputListButton
default :
in . AddError ( errors . New ( "unknown PseudoType value" ) )
// UnmarshalJSON satisfies json.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * PseudoType ) UnmarshalJSON ( buf [ ] byte ) error {
return easyjson . Unmarshal ( buf , t )
// ShadowRootType shadow root type.
type ShadowRootType string
// String returns the ShadowRootType as string value.
func ( t ShadowRootType ) String ( ) string {
return string ( t )
// ShadowRootType values.
const (
ShadowRootTypeUserAgent ShadowRootType = "user-agent"
ShadowRootTypeOpen ShadowRootType = "open"
ShadowRootTypeClosed ShadowRootType = "closed"
// MarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Marshaler.
func ( t ShadowRootType ) MarshalEasyJSON ( out * jwriter . Writer ) {
out . String ( string ( t ) )
// MarshalJSON satisfies json.Marshaler.
func ( t ShadowRootType ) MarshalJSON ( ) ( [ ] byte , error ) {
return easyjson . Marshal ( t )
// UnmarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * ShadowRootType ) UnmarshalEasyJSON ( in * jlexer . Lexer ) {
switch ShadowRootType ( in . String ( ) ) {
case ShadowRootTypeUserAgent :
* t = ShadowRootTypeUserAgent
case ShadowRootTypeOpen :
* t = ShadowRootTypeOpen
case ShadowRootTypeClosed :
* t = ShadowRootTypeClosed
default :
in . AddError ( errors . New ( "unknown ShadowRootType value" ) )
// UnmarshalJSON satisfies json.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * ShadowRootType ) UnmarshalJSON ( buf [ ] byte ) error {
return easyjson . Unmarshal ( buf , t )
// Node dOM interaction is implemented in terms of mirror objects that
// represent the actual DOM nodes. DOMNode is a base node mirror type.
type Node struct {
NodeID NodeID ` json:"nodeId,omitempty" ` // Node identifier that is passed into the rest of the DOM messages as the nodeId. Backend will only push node with given id once. It is aware of all requested nodes and will only fire DOM events for nodes known to the client.
2017-01-29 10:37:56 +07:00
ParentID NodeID ` json:"parentId,omitempty" ` // The id of the parent node if any.
2017-01-24 22:09:23 +07:00
BackendNodeID BackendNodeID ` json:"backendNodeId,omitempty" ` // The BackendNodeId for this node.
NodeType NodeType ` json:"nodeType,omitempty" ` // Node's nodeType.
NodeName string ` json:"nodeName,omitempty" ` // Node's nodeName.
LocalName string ` json:"localName,omitempty" ` // Node's localName.
NodeValue string ` json:"nodeValue,omitempty" ` // Node's nodeValue.
ChildNodeCount int64 ` json:"childNodeCount,omitempty" ` // Child count for Container nodes.
Children [ ] * Node ` json:"children,omitempty" ` // Child nodes of this node when requested with children.
Attributes [ ] string ` json:"attributes,omitempty" ` // Attributes of the Element node in the form of flat array [name1, value1, name2, value2].
DocumentURL string ` json:"documentURL,omitempty" ` // Document URL that Document or FrameOwner node points to.
BaseURL string ` json:"baseURL,omitempty" ` // Base URL that Document or FrameOwner node uses for URL completion.
PublicID string ` json:"publicId,omitempty" ` // DocumentType's publicId.
SystemID string ` json:"systemId,omitempty" ` // DocumentType's systemId.
InternalSubset string ` json:"internalSubset,omitempty" ` // DocumentType's internalSubset.
XMLVersion string ` json:"xmlVersion,omitempty" ` // Document's XML version in case of XML documents.
Name string ` json:"name,omitempty" ` // Attr's name.
Value string ` json:"value,omitempty" ` // Attr's value.
PseudoType PseudoType ` json:"pseudoType,omitempty" ` // Pseudo element type for this node.
ShadowRootType ShadowRootType ` json:"shadowRootType,omitempty" ` // Shadow root type.
FrameID FrameID ` json:"frameId,omitempty" ` // Frame ID for frame owner elements.
ContentDocument * Node ` json:"contentDocument,omitempty" ` // Content document for frame owner elements.
ShadowRoots [ ] * Node ` json:"shadowRoots,omitempty" ` // Shadow root list for given element host.
TemplateContent * Node ` json:"templateContent,omitempty" ` // Content document fragment for template elements.
PseudoElements [ ] * Node ` json:"pseudoElements,omitempty" ` // Pseudo elements associated with this node.
ImportedDocument * Node ` json:"importedDocument,omitempty" ` // Import document for the HTMLImport links.
DistributedNodes [ ] * BackendNode ` json:"distributedNodes,omitempty" ` // Distributed nodes for given insertion point.
IsSVG bool ` json:"isSVG,omitempty" ` // Whether the node is SVG.
Parent * Node ` json:"-" ` // Parent node.
Invalidated chan struct { } ` json:"-" ` // Invalidated channel.
State NodeState ` json:"-" ` // Node state.
sync . RWMutex ` json:"-" ` // Read write mutex.
// AttributeValue returns the named attribute for the node.
func ( n * Node ) AttributeValue ( name string ) string {
n . RLock ( )
defer n . RUnlock ( )
for i := 0 ; i < len ( n . Attributes ) ; i += 2 {
if n . Attributes [ i ] == name {
return n . Attributes [ i + 1 ]
return ""
// xpath builds the xpath string.
2017-01-29 10:37:56 +07:00
func ( n * Node ) xpath ( stopAtDocument , stopAtID bool ) string {
2017-01-24 22:09:23 +07:00
p := ""
pos := ""
id := n . AttributeValue ( "id" )
switch {
case n . Parent == nil :
return n . LocalName
2017-01-29 10:37:56 +07:00
case stopAtDocument && n . NodeType == NodeTypeDocument :
return ""
case stopAtID && id != "" :
2017-01-24 22:09:23 +07:00
p = "/"
pos = ` [@id=' ` + id + ` '] `
case n . Parent != nil :
i := 0
var found bool
for j := 0 ; j < len ( n . Parent . Children ) ; j ++ {
if n . Parent . Children [ j ] . LocalName == n . LocalName {
i ++
if n . Parent . Children [ j ] . NodeID == n . NodeID {
found = true
2017-01-29 10:37:56 +07:00
p = n . Parent . xpath ( stopAtDocument , stopAtID )
2017-01-24 22:09:23 +07:00
if found {
pos = "[" + strconv . Itoa ( i ) + "]"
return p + "/" + n . LocalName + pos
2017-01-29 10:37:56 +07:00
// PartialXPathByID returns the partial XPath for the node, stopping at the
// first parent with an id attribute or at nearest parent document node.
func ( n * Node ) PartialXPathByID ( ) string {
return n . xpath ( true , true )
// PartialXPath returns the partial XPath for the node, stopping at the nearest
// parent document node.
func ( n * Node ) PartialXPath ( ) string {
return n . xpath ( true , false )
// FullXPathByID returns the full XPath for the node, stopping at the top most
// document root or at the closest parent node with an id attribute.
func ( n * Node ) FullXPathByID ( ) string {
return n . xpath ( false , true )
2017-01-24 22:09:23 +07:00
2017-01-29 10:37:56 +07:00
// FullXPath returns the full XPath for the node, stopping only at the top most
// document root.
func ( n * Node ) FullXPath ( ) string {
return n . xpath ( false , false )
2017-01-24 22:09:23 +07:00
// NodeState is the state of a DOM node.
type NodeState uint8
// NodeState enum values.
const (
NodeReady NodeState = 1 << ( 7 - iota )
// nodeStateNames are the names of the node states.
var nodeStateNames = map [ NodeState ] string {
NodeReady : "Ready" ,
NodeVisible : "Visible" ,
NodeHighlighted : "Highlighted" ,
// String satisfies stringer interface.
func ( ns NodeState ) String ( ) string {
var s [ ] string
for k , v := range nodeStateNames {
if ns & k != 0 {
s = append ( s , v )
return "[" + strings . Join ( s , " " ) + "]"
// RGBA a structure holding an RGBA color.
type RGBA struct {
R int64 ` json:"r,omitempty" ` // The red component, in the [0-255] range.
G int64 ` json:"g,omitempty" ` // The green component, in the [0-255] range.
B int64 ` json:"b,omitempty" ` // The blue component, in the [0-255] range.
A float64 ` json:"a,omitempty" ` // The alpha component, in the [0-1] range (default: 1).
// NodeType node type.
type NodeType int64
// Int64 returns the NodeType as int64 value.
func ( t NodeType ) Int64 ( ) int64 {
return int64 ( t )
// NodeType values.
const (
NodeTypeElement NodeType = 1
NodeTypeAttribute NodeType = 2
NodeTypeText NodeType = 3
NodeTypeCDATA NodeType = 4
NodeTypeEntityReference NodeType = 5
NodeTypeEntity NodeType = 6
NodeTypeProcessingInstruction NodeType = 7
NodeTypeComment NodeType = 8
NodeTypeDocument NodeType = 9
NodeTypeDocumentType NodeType = 10
NodeTypeDocumentFragment NodeType = 11
NodeTypeNotation NodeType = 12
// String returns the NodeType as string value.
func ( t NodeType ) String ( ) string {
switch t {
case NodeTypeElement :
return "Element"
case NodeTypeAttribute :
return "Attribute"
case NodeTypeText :
return "Text"
case NodeTypeCDATA :
return "CDATA"
case NodeTypeEntityReference :
return "EntityReference"
case NodeTypeEntity :
return "Entity"
case NodeTypeProcessingInstruction :
return "ProcessingInstruction"
case NodeTypeComment :
return "Comment"
case NodeTypeDocument :
return "Document"
case NodeTypeDocumentType :
return "DocumentType"
case NodeTypeDocumentFragment :
return "DocumentFragment"
case NodeTypeNotation :
return "Notation"
return fmt . Sprintf ( "NodeType(%d)" , t )
// MarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Marshaler.
func ( t NodeType ) MarshalEasyJSON ( out * jwriter . Writer ) {
out . Int64 ( int64 ( t ) )
// MarshalJSON satisfies json.Marshaler.
func ( t NodeType ) MarshalJSON ( ) ( [ ] byte , error ) {
return easyjson . Marshal ( t )
// UnmarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * NodeType ) UnmarshalEasyJSON ( in * jlexer . Lexer ) {
switch NodeType ( in . Int64 ( ) ) {
case NodeTypeElement :
* t = NodeTypeElement
case NodeTypeAttribute :
* t = NodeTypeAttribute
case NodeTypeText :
* t = NodeTypeText
case NodeTypeCDATA :
* t = NodeTypeCDATA
case NodeTypeEntityReference :
* t = NodeTypeEntityReference
case NodeTypeEntity :
* t = NodeTypeEntity
case NodeTypeProcessingInstruction :
* t = NodeTypeProcessingInstruction
case NodeTypeComment :
* t = NodeTypeComment
case NodeTypeDocument :
* t = NodeTypeDocument
case NodeTypeDocumentType :
* t = NodeTypeDocumentType
case NodeTypeDocumentFragment :
* t = NodeTypeDocumentFragment
case NodeTypeNotation :
* t = NodeTypeNotation
default :
in . AddError ( errors . New ( "unknown NodeType value" ) )
// UnmarshalJSON satisfies json.Unmarshaler.
func ( t * NodeType ) UnmarshalJSON ( buf [ ] byte ) error {
return easyjson . Unmarshal ( buf , t )