
368 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package kb
// DOM keys.
const (
Backspace = "\b"
Tab = "\t"
Enter = "\r"
Escape = "\u001b"
Quote = "'"
Backslash = "\\"
Delete = "\u007f"
Alt = "\u0102"
CapsLock = "\u0104"
Control = "\u0105"
Fn = "\u0106"
FnLock = "\u0107"
Hyper = "\u0108"
Meta = "\u0109"
NumLock = "\u010a"
ScrollLock = "\u010c"
Shift = "\u010d"
Super = "\u010e"
ArrowDown = "\u0301"
ArrowLeft = "\u0302"
ArrowRight = "\u0303"
ArrowUp = "\u0304"
End = "\u0305"
Home = "\u0306"
PageDown = "\u0307"
PageUp = "\u0308"
Clear = "\u0401"
Copy = "\u0402"
Cut = "\u0404"
Insert = "\u0407"
Paste = "\u0408"
Redo = "\u0409"
Undo = "\u040a"
Again = "\u0502"
Cancel = "\u0504"
ContextMenu = "\u0505"
Find = "\u0507"
Help = "\u0508"
Pause = "\u0509"
Props = "\u050b"
Select = "\u050c"
ZoomIn = "\u050d"
ZoomOut = "\u050e"
BrightnessDown = "\u0601"
BrightnessUp = "\u0602"
Eject = "\u0604"
LogOff = "\u0605"
Power = "\u0606"
PrintScreen = "\u0608"
WakeUp = "\u060b"
Convert = "\u0705"
NonConvert = "\u070d"
HangulMode = "\u0711"
HanjaMode = "\u0712"
Hiragana = "\u0716"
KanaMode = "\u0718"
Katakana = "\u071a"
ZenkakuHankaku = "\u071d"
F1 = "\u0801"
F2 = "\u0802"
F3 = "\u0803"
F4 = "\u0804"
F5 = "\u0805"
F6 = "\u0806"
F7 = "\u0807"
F8 = "\u0808"
F9 = "\u0809"
F10 = "\u080a"
F11 = "\u080b"
F12 = "\u080c"
F13 = "\u080d"
F14 = "\u080e"
F15 = "\u080f"
F16 = "\u0810"
F17 = "\u0811"
F18 = "\u0812"
F19 = "\u0813"
F20 = "\u0814"
F21 = "\u0815"
F22 = "\u0816"
F23 = "\u0817"
F24 = "\u0818"
Close = "\u0a01"
MailForward = "\u0a02"
MailReply = "\u0a03"
MailSend = "\u0a04"
MediaPlayPause = "\u0a05"
MediaStop = "\u0a07"
MediaTrackNext = "\u0a08"
MediaTrackPrevious = "\u0a09"
New = "\u0a0a"
Open = "\u0a0b"
Print = "\u0a0c"
Save = "\u0a0d"
SpellCheck = "\u0a0e"
AudioVolumeDown = "\u0a0f"
AudioVolumeUp = "\u0a10"
AudioVolumeMute = "\u0a11"
LaunchCalculator = "\u0b01"
LaunchCalendar = "\u0b02"
LaunchMail = "\u0b03"
LaunchMediaPlayer = "\u0b04"
LaunchMusicPlayer = "\u0b05"
LaunchMyComputer = "\u0b06"
LaunchScreenSaver = "\u0b07"
LaunchSpreadsheet = "\u0b08"
LaunchWebBrowser = "\u0b09"
LaunchContacts = "\u0b0c"
LaunchPhone = "\u0b0d"
BrowserBack = "\u0c01"
BrowserFavorites = "\u0c02"
BrowserForward = "\u0c03"
BrowserHome = "\u0c04"
BrowserRefresh = "\u0c05"
BrowserSearch = "\u0c06"
BrowserStop = "\u0c07"
ChannelDown = "\u0d0a"
ChannelUp = "\u0d0b"
ClosedCaptionToggle = "\u0d12"
Exit = "\u0d15"
Guide = "\u0d22"
Info = "\u0d25"
MediaFastForward = "\u0d2c"
MediaLast = "\u0d2d"
MediaPlay = "\u0d2f"
MediaRecord = "\u0d30"
MediaRewind = "\u0d31"
Settings = "\u0d43"
ZoomToggle = "\u0d4e"
AudioBassBoostToggle = "\u0e02"
SpeechInputToggle = "\u0f02"
AppSwitch = "\u1001"
// Keys is the map of unicode characters to their DOM key data.
var Keys = map[rune]*Key{
'\b': &Key{"Backspace", "Backspace", "", "", 8, 8, false, false},
'\t': &Key{"Tab", "Tab", "", "", 9, 9, false, false},
'\r': &Key{"Enter", "Enter", "\r", "\r", 13, 13, false, true},
'\u001b': &Key{"Escape", "Escape", "", "", 27, 27, false, false},
' ': &Key{"Space", " ", " ", " ", 32, 32, false, true},
'!': &Key{"Digit1", "!", "!", "1", 49, 49, true, true},
'"': &Key{"Quote", "\"", "\"", "'", 222, 222, true, true},
'#': &Key{"Digit3", "#", "#", "3", 51, 51, true, true},
'$': &Key{"Digit4", "$", "$", "4", 52, 52, true, true},
'%': &Key{"Digit5", "%", "%", "5", 53, 53, true, true},
'&': &Key{"Digit7", "&", "&", "7", 55, 55, true, true},
'\'': &Key{"Quote", "'", "'", "'", 222, 222, false, true},
'(': &Key{"Digit9", "(", "(", "9", 57, 57, true, true},
')': &Key{"Digit0", ")", ")", "0", 48, 48, true, true},
'*': &Key{"Digit8", "*", "*", "8", 56, 56, true, true},
'+': &Key{"Equal", "+", "+", "=", 187, 187, true, true},
',': &Key{"Comma", ",", ",", ",", 188, 188, false, true},
'-': &Key{"Minus", "-", "-", "-", 189, 189, false, true},
'.': &Key{"Period", ".", ".", ".", 190, 190, false, true},
'/': &Key{"Slash", "/", "/", "/", 191, 191, false, true},
'0': &Key{"Digit0", "0", "0", "0", 48, 48, false, true},
'1': &Key{"Digit1", "1", "1", "1", 49, 49, false, true},
'2': &Key{"Digit2", "2", "2", "2", 50, 50, false, true},
'3': &Key{"Digit3", "3", "3", "3", 51, 51, false, true},
'4': &Key{"Digit4", "4", "4", "4", 52, 52, false, true},
'5': &Key{"Digit5", "5", "5", "5", 53, 53, false, true},
'6': &Key{"Digit6", "6", "6", "6", 54, 54, false, true},
'7': &Key{"Digit7", "7", "7", "7", 55, 55, false, true},
'8': &Key{"Digit8", "8", "8", "8", 56, 56, false, true},
'9': &Key{"Digit9", "9", "9", "9", 57, 57, false, true},
':': &Key{"Semicolon", ":", ":", ";", 186, 186, true, true},
';': &Key{"Semicolon", ";", ";", ";", 186, 186, false, true},
'<': &Key{"Comma", "<", "<", ",", 188, 188, true, true},
'=': &Key{"Equal", "=", "=", "=", 187, 187, false, true},
'>': &Key{"Period", ">", ">", ".", 190, 190, true, true},
'?': &Key{"Slash", "?", "?", "/", 191, 191, true, true},
'@': &Key{"Digit2", "@", "@", "2", 50, 50, true, true},
'A': &Key{"KeyA", "A", "A", "a", 65, 65, true, true},
'B': &Key{"KeyB", "B", "B", "b", 66, 66, true, true},
'C': &Key{"KeyC", "C", "C", "c", 67, 67, true, true},
'D': &Key{"KeyD", "D", "D", "d", 68, 68, true, true},
'E': &Key{"KeyE", "E", "E", "e", 69, 69, true, true},
'F': &Key{"KeyF", "F", "F", "f", 70, 70, true, true},
'G': &Key{"KeyG", "G", "G", "g", 71, 71, true, true},
'H': &Key{"KeyH", "H", "H", "h", 72, 72, true, true},
'I': &Key{"KeyI", "I", "I", "i", 73, 73, true, true},
'J': &Key{"KeyJ", "J", "J", "j", 74, 74, true, true},
'K': &Key{"KeyK", "K", "K", "k", 75, 75, true, true},
'L': &Key{"KeyL", "L", "L", "l", 76, 76, true, true},
'M': &Key{"KeyM", "M", "M", "m", 77, 77, true, true},
'N': &Key{"KeyN", "N", "N", "n", 78, 78, true, true},
'O': &Key{"KeyO", "O", "O", "o", 79, 79, true, true},
'P': &Key{"KeyP", "P", "P", "p", 80, 80, true, true},
'Q': &Key{"KeyQ", "Q", "Q", "q", 81, 81, true, true},
'R': &Key{"KeyR", "R", "R", "r", 82, 82, true, true},
'S': &Key{"KeyS", "S", "S", "s", 83, 83, true, true},
'T': &Key{"KeyT", "T", "T", "t", 84, 84, true, true},
'U': &Key{"KeyU", "U", "U", "u", 85, 85, true, true},
'V': &Key{"KeyV", "V", "V", "v", 86, 86, true, true},
'W': &Key{"KeyW", "W", "W", "w", 87, 87, true, true},
'X': &Key{"KeyX", "X", "X", "x", 88, 88, true, true},
'Y': &Key{"KeyY", "Y", "Y", "y", 89, 89, true, true},
'Z': &Key{"KeyZ", "Z", "Z", "z", 90, 90, true, true},
'[': &Key{"BracketLeft", "[", "[", "[", 219, 219, false, true},
'\\': &Key{"Backslash", "\\", "\\", "\\", 220, 220, false, true},
']': &Key{"BracketRight", "]", "]", "]", 221, 221, false, true},
'^': &Key{"Digit6", "^", "^", "6", 54, 54, true, true},
'_': &Key{"Minus", "_", "_", "-", 189, 189, true, true},
'`': &Key{"Backquote", "`", "`", "`", 192, 192, false, true},
'a': &Key{"KeyA", "a", "a", "a", 65, 65, false, true},
'b': &Key{"KeyB", "b", "b", "b", 66, 66, false, true},
'c': &Key{"KeyC", "c", "c", "c", 67, 67, false, true},
'd': &Key{"KeyD", "d", "d", "d", 68, 68, false, true},
'e': &Key{"KeyE", "e", "e", "e", 69, 69, false, true},
'f': &Key{"KeyF", "f", "f", "f", 70, 70, false, true},
'g': &Key{"KeyG", "g", "g", "g", 71, 71, false, true},
'h': &Key{"KeyH", "h", "h", "h", 72, 72, false, true},
'i': &Key{"KeyI", "i", "i", "i", 73, 73, false, true},
'j': &Key{"KeyJ", "j", "j", "j", 74, 74, false, true},
'k': &Key{"KeyK", "k", "k", "k", 75, 75, false, true},
'l': &Key{"KeyL", "l", "l", "l", 76, 76, false, true},
'm': &Key{"KeyM", "m", "m", "m", 77, 77, false, true},
'n': &Key{"KeyN", "n", "n", "n", 78, 78, false, true},
'o': &Key{"KeyO", "o", "o", "o", 79, 79, false, true},
'p': &Key{"KeyP", "p", "p", "p", 80, 80, false, true},
'q': &Key{"KeyQ", "q", "q", "q", 81, 81, false, true},
'r': &Key{"KeyR", "r", "r", "r", 82, 82, false, true},
's': &Key{"KeyS", "s", "s", "s", 83, 83, false, true},
't': &Key{"KeyT", "t", "t", "t", 84, 84, false, true},
'u': &Key{"KeyU", "u", "u", "u", 85, 85, false, true},
'v': &Key{"KeyV", "v", "v", "v", 86, 86, false, true},
'w': &Key{"KeyW", "w", "w", "w", 87, 87, false, true},
'x': &Key{"KeyX", "x", "x", "x", 88, 88, false, true},
'y': &Key{"KeyY", "y", "y", "y", 89, 89, false, true},
'z': &Key{"KeyZ", "z", "z", "z", 90, 90, false, true},
'{': &Key{"BracketLeft", "{", "{", "[", 219, 219, true, true},
'|': &Key{"Backslash", "|", "|", "\\", 220, 220, true, true},
'}': &Key{"BracketRight", "}", "}", "]", 221, 221, true, true},
'~': &Key{"Backquote", "~", "~", "`", 192, 192, true, true},
'\u007f': &Key{"Delete", "Delete", "", "", 46, 46, false, false},
'¥': &Key{"IntlYen", "¥", "¥", "¥", 220, 220, false, true},
'\u0102': &Key{"AltLeft", "Alt", "", "", 164, 164, false, false},
'\u0104': &Key{"CapsLock", "CapsLock", "", "", 20, 20, false, false},
'\u0105': &Key{"ControlLeft", "Control", "", "", 162, 162, false, false},
'\u0106': &Key{"Fn", "Fn", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0107': &Key{"FnLock", "FnLock", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0108': &Key{"Hyper", "Hyper", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0109': &Key{"MetaLeft", "Meta", "", "", 91, 91, false, false},
'\u010a': &Key{"NumLock", "NumLock", "", "", 144, 144, false, false},
'\u010c': &Key{"ScrollLock", "ScrollLock", "", "", 145, 145, false, false},
'\u010d': &Key{"ShiftLeft", "Shift", "", "", 160, 160, false, false},
'\u010e': &Key{"Super", "Super", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0301': &Key{"ArrowDown", "ArrowDown", "", "", 40, 40, false, false},
'\u0302': &Key{"ArrowLeft", "ArrowLeft", "", "", 37, 37, false, false},
'\u0303': &Key{"ArrowRight", "ArrowRight", "", "", 39, 39, false, false},
'\u0304': &Key{"ArrowUp", "ArrowUp", "", "", 38, 38, false, false},
'\u0305': &Key{"End", "End", "", "", 35, 35, false, false},
'\u0306': &Key{"Home", "Home", "", "", 36, 36, false, false},
'\u0307': &Key{"PageDown", "PageDown", "", "", 34, 34, false, false},
'\u0308': &Key{"PageUp", "PageUp", "", "", 33, 33, false, false},
'\u0401': &Key{"NumpadClear", "Clear", "", "", 12, 12, false, false},
'\u0402': &Key{"Copy", "Copy", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0404': &Key{"Cut", "Cut", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0407': &Key{"Insert", "Insert", "", "", 45, 45, false, false},
'\u0408': &Key{"Paste", "Paste", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0409': &Key{"Redo", "Redo", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u040a': &Key{"Undo", "Undo", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0502': &Key{"Again", "Again", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0504': &Key{"Abort", "Cancel", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0505': &Key{"ContextMenu", "ContextMenu", "", "", 93, 93, false, false},
'\u0507': &Key{"Find", "Find", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0508': &Key{"Help", "Help", "", "", 47, 47, false, false},
'\u0509': &Key{"Pause", "Pause", "", "", 19, 19, false, false},
'\u050b': &Key{"Props", "Props", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u050c': &Key{"Select", "Select", "", "", 41, 41, false, false},
'\u050d': &Key{"ZoomIn", "ZoomIn", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u050e': &Key{"ZoomOut", "ZoomOut", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0601': &Key{"BrightnessDown", "BrightnessDown", "", "", 216, 0, false, false},
'\u0602': &Key{"BrightnessUp", "BrightnessUp", "", "", 217, 0, false, false},
'\u0604': &Key{"Eject", "Eject", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0605': &Key{"LogOff", "LogOff", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0606': &Key{"Power", "Power", "", "", 152, 0, false, false},
'\u0608': &Key{"PrintScreen", "PrintScreen", "", "", 44, 44, false, false},
'\u060b': &Key{"WakeUp", "WakeUp", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0705': &Key{"Convert", "Convert", "", "", 28, 28, false, false},
'\u070d': &Key{"NonConvert", "NonConvert", "", "", 29, 29, false, false},
'\u0711': &Key{"Lang1", "HangulMode", "", "", 21, 21, false, false},
'\u0712': &Key{"Lang2", "HanjaMode", "", "", 25, 25, false, false},
'\u0716': &Key{"Lang4", "Hiragana", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0718': &Key{"KanaMode", "KanaMode", "", "", 21, 21, false, false},
'\u071a': &Key{"Lang3", "Katakana", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u071d': &Key{"Lang5", "ZenkakuHankaku", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0801': &Key{"F1", "F1", "", "", 112, 112, false, false},
'\u0802': &Key{"F2", "F2", "", "", 113, 113, false, false},
'\u0803': &Key{"F3", "F3", "", "", 114, 114, false, false},
'\u0804': &Key{"F4", "F4", "", "", 115, 115, false, false},
'\u0805': &Key{"F5", "F5", "", "", 116, 116, false, false},
'\u0806': &Key{"F6", "F6", "", "", 117, 117, false, false},
'\u0807': &Key{"F7", "F7", "", "", 118, 118, false, false},
'\u0808': &Key{"F8", "F8", "", "", 119, 119, false, false},
'\u0809': &Key{"F9", "F9", "", "", 120, 120, false, false},
'\u080a': &Key{"F10", "F10", "", "", 121, 121, false, false},
'\u080b': &Key{"F11", "F11", "", "", 122, 122, false, false},
'\u080c': &Key{"F12", "F12", "", "", 123, 123, false, false},
'\u080d': &Key{"F13", "F13", "", "", 124, 124, false, false},
'\u080e': &Key{"F14", "F14", "", "", 125, 125, false, false},
'\u080f': &Key{"F15", "F15", "", "", 126, 126, false, false},
'\u0810': &Key{"F16", "F16", "", "", 127, 127, false, false},
'\u0811': &Key{"F17", "F17", "", "", 128, 128, false, false},
'\u0812': &Key{"F18", "F18", "", "", 129, 129, false, false},
'\u0813': &Key{"F19", "F19", "", "", 130, 130, false, false},
'\u0814': &Key{"F20", "F20", "", "", 131, 131, false, false},
'\u0815': &Key{"F21", "F21", "", "", 132, 132, false, false},
'\u0816': &Key{"F22", "F22", "", "", 133, 133, false, false},
'\u0817': &Key{"F23", "F23", "", "", 134, 134, false, false},
'\u0818': &Key{"F24", "F24", "", "", 135, 135, false, false},
'\u0a01': &Key{"Close", "Close", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0a02': &Key{"MailForward", "MailForward", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0a03': &Key{"MailReply", "MailReply", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0a04': &Key{"MailSend", "MailSend", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0a05': &Key{"MediaPlayPause", "MediaPlayPause", "", "", 179, 179, false, false},
'\u0a07': &Key{"MediaStop", "MediaStop", "", "", 178, 178, false, false},
'\u0a08': &Key{"MediaTrackNext", "MediaTrackNext", "", "", 176, 176, false, false},
'\u0a09': &Key{"MediaTrackPrevious", "MediaTrackPrevious", "", "", 177, 177, false, false},
'\u0a0a': &Key{"New", "New", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0a0b': &Key{"Open", "Open", "", "", 43, 43, false, false},
'\u0a0c': &Key{"Print", "Print", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0a0d': &Key{"Save", "Save", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0a0e': &Key{"SpellCheck", "SpellCheck", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0a0f': &Key{"AudioVolumeDown", "AudioVolumeDown", "", "", 174, 174, false, false},
'\u0a10': &Key{"AudioVolumeUp", "AudioVolumeUp", "", "", 175, 175, false, false},
'\u0a11': &Key{"AudioVolumeMute", "AudioVolumeMute", "", "", 173, 173, false, false},
'\u0b01': &Key{"LaunchApp2", "LaunchCalculator", "", "", 183, 183, false, false},
'\u0b02': &Key{"LaunchCalendar", "LaunchCalendar", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0b03': &Key{"LaunchMail", "LaunchMail", "", "", 180, 180, false, false},
'\u0b04': &Key{"MediaSelect", "LaunchMediaPlayer", "", "", 181, 181, false, false},
'\u0b05': &Key{"LaunchMusicPlayer", "LaunchMusicPlayer", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0b06': &Key{"LaunchApp1", "LaunchMyComputer", "", "", 182, 182, false, false},
'\u0b07': &Key{"LaunchScreenSaver", "LaunchScreenSaver", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0b08': &Key{"LaunchSpreadsheet", "LaunchSpreadsheet", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0b09': &Key{"LaunchWebBrowser", "LaunchWebBrowser", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0b0c': &Key{"LaunchContacts", "LaunchContacts", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0b0d': &Key{"LaunchPhone", "LaunchPhone", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0c01': &Key{"BrowserBack", "BrowserBack", "", "", 166, 166, false, false},
'\u0c02': &Key{"BrowserFavorites", "BrowserFavorites", "", "", 171, 171, false, false},
'\u0c03': &Key{"BrowserForward", "BrowserForward", "", "", 167, 167, false, false},
'\u0c04': &Key{"BrowserHome", "BrowserHome", "", "", 172, 172, false, false},
'\u0c05': &Key{"BrowserRefresh", "BrowserRefresh", "", "", 168, 168, false, false},
'\u0c06': &Key{"BrowserSearch", "BrowserSearch", "", "", 170, 170, false, false},
'\u0c07': &Key{"BrowserStop", "BrowserStop", "", "", 169, 169, false, false},
'\u0d0a': &Key{"ChannelDown", "ChannelDown", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0d0b': &Key{"ChannelUp", "ChannelUp", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0d12': &Key{"ClosedCaptionToggle", "ClosedCaptionToggle", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0d15': &Key{"Exit", "Exit", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0d22': &Key{"Guide", "Guide", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0d25': &Key{"Info", "Info", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0d2c': &Key{"MediaFastForward", "MediaFastForward", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0d2d': &Key{"MediaLast", "MediaLast", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0d2f': &Key{"MediaPlay", "MediaPlay", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0d30': &Key{"MediaRecord", "MediaRecord", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0d31': &Key{"MediaRewind", "MediaRewind", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0d43': &Key{"Settings", "Settings", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0d4e': &Key{"ZoomToggle", "ZoomToggle", "", "", 251, 251, false, false},
'\u0e02': &Key{"AudioBassBoostToggle", "AudioBassBoostToggle", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u0f02': &Key{"SpeechInputToggle", "SpeechInputToggle", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},
'\u1001': &Key{"SelectTask", "AppSwitch", "", "", 0, 0, false, false},