This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
// +build go1.7
package router
import (
type paramsKey struct{}
// ParamsKey is the request context key under which URL params are stored.
// This is only present from go 1.7.
var ParamsKey = paramsKey{}
// Handler is an adapter which allows the usage of an http.Handler as a
// request handle. With go 1.7+, the Params will be available in the
// request context under ParamsKey.
func (r *Router) Handler(method, path string, handler http.Handler) {
r.Handle(method, path,
func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, p Params) {
ctx := req.Context()
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, ParamsKey, p)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
handler.ServeHTTP(w, req)
// ParamsFromContext pulls the URL parameters from a request context,
// or returns nil if none are present.
// This is only present from go 1.7.
func ParamsFromContext(ctx context.Context) Params {
p, _ := ctx.Value(ParamsKey).(Params)
return p
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// +build !go1.7
package router
import "net/http"
// Handler is an adapter which allows the usage of an http.Handler as a
// request handle. With go 1.7+, the Params will be available in the
// request context under ParamsKey.
func (r *Router) Handler(method, path string, handler http.Handler) {
r.Handle(method, path,
func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, _ Params) {
handler.ServeHTTP(w, req)
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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
package router
// CleanPath is the URL version of path.Clean, it returns a canonical URL path
// for p, eliminating . and .. elements.
// The following rules are applied iteratively until no further processing can
// be done:
// 1. Replace multiple slashes with a single slash.
// 2. Eliminate each . path name element (the current directory).
// 3. Eliminate each inner .. path name element (the parent directory)
// along with the non-.. element that precedes it.
// 4. Eliminate .. elements that begin a rooted path:
// that is, replace "/.." by "/" at the beginning of a path.
// If the result of this process is an empty string, "/" is returned
func CleanPath(p string) string {
// Turn empty string into "/"
if p == "" {
return "/"
n := len(p)
var buf []byte
// Invariants:
// reading from path; r is index of next byte to process.
// writing to buf; w is index of next byte to write.
// path must start with '/'
r := 1
w := 1
if p[0] != '/' {
r = 0
buf = make([]byte, n+1)
buf[0] = '/'
trailing := n > 2 && p[n-1] == '/'
// A bit more clunky without a 'lazybuf' like the path package, but the loop
// gets completely inlined (bufApp). So in contrast to the path package this
// loop has no expensive function calls (except 1x make)
for r < n {
switch {
case p[r] == '/':
// empty path element, trailing slash is added after the end
case p[r] == '.' && r+1 == n:
trailing = true
case p[r] == '.' && p[r+1] == '/':
// . element
case p[r] == '.' && p[r+1] == '.' && (r+2 == n || p[r+2] == '/'):
// .. element: remove to last /
r += 2
if w > 1 {
// can backtrack
if buf == nil {
for w > 1 && p[w] != '/' {
} else {
for w > 1 && buf[w] != '/' {
// real path element.
// add slash if needed
if w > 1 {
bufApp(&buf, p, w, '/')
// copy element
for r < n && p[r] != '/' {
bufApp(&buf, p, w, p[r])
// re-append trailing slash
if trailing && w > 1 {
bufApp(&buf, p, w, '/')
if buf == nil {
return p[:w]
return string(buf[:w])
// internal helper to lazily create a buffer if necessary
func bufApp(buf *[]byte, s string, w int, c byte) {
if *buf == nil {
if s[w] == c {
*buf = make([]byte, len(s))
copy(*buf, s[:w])
(*buf)[w] = c
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
// Package httprouter is a trie based high performance HTTP request router.
// A trivial example is:
// package main
// import (
// "fmt"
// ""
// "net/http"
// "log"
// )
// func Index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
// fmt.Fprint(w, "Welcome!\n")
// }
// func Hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
// fmt.Fprintf(w, "hello, %s!\n", ps.ByName("name"))
// }
// func main() {
// router := httprouter.New()
// router.GET("/", Index)
// router.GET("/hello/:name", Hello)
// log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router))
// }
// The router matches incoming requests by the request method and the path.
// If a handle is registered for this path and method, the router delegates the
// request to that function.
// For the methods GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE shortcut functions exist to
// register handles, for all other methods router.Handle can be used.
// The registered path, against which the router matches incoming requests, can
// contain two types of parameters:
// Syntax Type
// :name named parameter
// *name catch-all parameter
// Named parameters are dynamic path segments. They match anything until the
// next '/' or the path end:
// Path: /blog/:category/:post
// Requests:
// /blog/go/request-routers match: category="go", post="request-routers"
// /blog/go/request-routers/ no match, but the router would redirect
// /blog/go/ no match
// /blog/go/request-routers/comments no match
// Catch-all parameters match anything until the path end, including the
// directory index (the '/' before the catch-all). Since they match anything
// until the end, catch-all parameters must always be the final path element.
// Path: /files/*filepath
// Requests:
// /files/ match: filepath="/"
// /files/LICENSE match: filepath="/LICENSE"
// /files/templates/article.html match: filepath="/templates/article.html"
// /files no match, but the router would redirect
// The value of parameters is saved as a slice of the Param struct, consisting
// each of a key and a value. The slice is passed to the Handle func as a third
// parameter.
// There are two ways to retrieve the value of a parameter:
// // by the name of the parameter
// user := ps.ByName("user") // defined by :user or *user
// // by the index of the parameter. This way you can also get the name (key)
// thirdKey := ps[2].Key // the name of the 3rd parameter
// thirdValue := ps[2].Value // the value of the 3rd parameter
package router
import (
// Handle is a function that can be registered to a route to handle HTTP
// requests. Like http.HandlerFunc, but has a third parameter for the values of
// wildcards (variables).
type Handle func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, Params)
// Param is a single URL parameter, consisting of a key and a value.
type Param struct {
Key string
Value string
// Params is a Param-slice, as returned by the router.
// The slice is ordered, the first URL parameter is also the first slice value.
// It is therefore safe to read values by the index.
type Params []Param
// ByName returns the value of the first Param which key matches the given name.
// If no matching Param is found, an empty string is returned.
func (ps Params) ByName(name string) string {
for i := range ps {
if ps[i].Key == name {
return ps[i].Value
return ""
// Router is a http.Handler which can be used to dispatch requests to different
// handler functions via configurable routes
type Router struct {
trees map[string]*node
// Enables automatic redirection if the current route can't be matched but a
// handler for the path with (without) the trailing slash exists.
// For example if /foo/ is requested but a route only exists for /foo, the
// client is redirected to /foo with http status code 301 for GET requests
// and 307 for all other request methods.
RedirectTrailingSlash bool
// If enabled, the router tries to fix the current request path, if no
// handle is registered for it.
// First superfluous path elements like ../ or // are removed.
// Afterwards the router does a case-insensitive lookup of the cleaned path.
// If a handle can be found for this route, the router makes a redirection
// to the corrected path with status code 301 for GET requests and 307 for
// all other request methods.
// For example /FOO and /..//Foo could be redirected to /foo.
// RedirectTrailingSlash is independent of this option.
RedirectFixedPath bool
// If enabled, the router checks if another method is allowed for the
// current route, if the current request can not be routed.
// If this is the case, the request is answered with 'Method Not Allowed'
// and HTTP status code 405.
// If no other Method is allowed, the request is delegated to the NotFound
// handler.
HandleMethodNotAllowed bool
// If enabled, the router automatically replies to OPTIONS requests.
// Custom OPTIONS handlers take priority over automatic replies.
HandleOPTIONS bool
// Configurable http.Handler which is called when no matching route is
// found. If it is not set, http.NotFound is used.
NotFound http.Handler
// Configurable http.Handler which is called when a request
// cannot be routed and HandleMethodNotAllowed is true.
// If it is not set, http.Error with http.StatusMethodNotAllowed is used.
// The "Allow" header with allowed request methods is set before the handler
// is called.
MethodNotAllowed http.Handler
// Function to handle panics recovered from http handlers.
// It should be used to generate a error page and return the http error code
// 500 (Internal Server Error).
// The handler can be used to keep your server from crashing because of
// unrecovered panics.
PanicHandler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, interface{})
// Make sure the Router conforms with the http.Handler interface
var _ http.Handler = New()
// New returns a new initialized Router.
// Path auto-correction, including trailing slashes, is enabled by default.
func New() *Router {
return &Router{
RedirectTrailingSlash: true,
RedirectFixedPath: true,
HandleMethodNotAllowed: true,
HandleOPTIONS: true,
// GET is a shortcut for router.Handle("GET", path, handle)
func (r *Router) GET(path string, handle Handle) {
r.Handle("GET", path, handle)
// HEAD is a shortcut for router.Handle("HEAD", path, handle)
func (r *Router) HEAD(path string, handle Handle) {
r.Handle("HEAD", path, handle)
// OPTIONS is a shortcut for router.Handle("OPTIONS", path, handle)
func (r *Router) OPTIONS(path string, handle Handle) {
r.Handle("OPTIONS", path, handle)
// POST is a shortcut for router.Handle("POST", path, handle)
func (r *Router) POST(path string, handle Handle) {
r.Handle("POST", path, handle)
// PUT is a shortcut for router.Handle("PUT", path, handle)
func (r *Router) PUT(path string, handle Handle) {
r.Handle("PUT", path, handle)
// PATCH is a shortcut for router.Handle("PATCH", path, handle)
func (r *Router) PATCH(path string, handle Handle) {
r.Handle("PATCH", path, handle)
// DELETE is a shortcut for router.Handle("DELETE", path, handle)
func (r *Router) DELETE(path string, handle Handle) {
r.Handle("DELETE", path, handle)
// Handle registers a new request handle with the given path and method.
// For GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests the respective shortcut
// functions can be used.
// This function is intended for bulk loading and to allow the usage of less
// frequently used, non-standardized or custom methods (e.g. for internal
// communication with a proxy).
func (r *Router) Handle(method, path string, handle Handle) {
if path[0] != '/' {
panic("path must begin with '/' in path '" + path + "'")
if r.trees == nil {
r.trees = make(map[string]*node)
root := r.trees[method]
if root == nil {
root = new(node)
r.trees[method] = root
root.addRoute(path, handle)
// HandlerFunc is an adapter which allows the usage of an http.HandlerFunc as a
// request handle.
func (r *Router) HandlerFunc(method, path string, handler http.HandlerFunc) {
r.Handler(method, path, handler)
// ServeFiles serves files from the given file system root.
// The path must end with "/*filepath", files are then served from the local
// path /defined/root/dir/*filepath.
// For example if root is "/etc" and *filepath is "passwd", the local file
// "/etc/passwd" would be served.
// Internally a http.FileServer is used, therefore http.NotFound is used instead
// of the Router's NotFound handler.
// To use the operating system's file system implementation,
// use http.Dir:
// router.ServeFiles("/src/*filepath", http.Dir("/var/www"))
func (r *Router) ServeFiles(path string, root http.FileSystem) {
if len(path) < 10 || path[len(path)-10:] != "/*filepath" {
panic("path must end with /*filepath in path '" + path + "'")
fileServer := http.FileServer(root)
r.GET(path, func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps Params) {
req.URL.Path = ps.ByName("filepath")
fileServer.ServeHTTP(w, req)
func (r *Router) recv(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if rcv := recover(); rcv != nil {
r.PanicHandler(w, req, rcv)
// Lookup allows the manual lookup of a method + path combo.
// This is e.g. useful to build a framework around this router.
// If the path was found, it returns the handle function and the path parameter
// values. Otherwise the third return value indicates whether a redirection to
// the same path with an extra / without the trailing slash should be performed.
func (r *Router) Lookup(method, path string) (Handle, Params, bool) {
if root := r.trees[method]; root != nil {
return root.getValue(path)
return nil, nil, false
func (r *Router) allowed(path, reqMethod string) (allow string) {
if path == "*" { // server-wide
for method := range r.trees {
if method == "OPTIONS" {
// add request method to list of allowed methods
if len(allow) == 0 {
allow = method
} else {
allow += ", " + method
} else { // specific path
for method := range r.trees {
// Skip the requested method - we already tried this one
if method == reqMethod || method == "OPTIONS" {
handle, _, _ := r.trees[method].getValue(path)
if handle != nil {
// add request method to list of allowed methods
if len(allow) == 0 {
allow = method
} else {
allow += ", " + method
if len(allow) > 0 {
allow += ", OPTIONS"
// ServeHTTP makes the router implement the http.Handler interface.
func (r *Router) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if r.PanicHandler != nil {
defer r.recv(w, req)
path := req.URL.Path
if root := r.trees[req.Method]; root != nil {
if handle, ps, tsr := root.getValue(path); handle != nil {
handle(w, req, ps)
} else if req.Method != "CONNECT" && path != "/" {
code := 301 // Permanent redirect, request with GET method
if req.Method != "GET" {
// Temporary redirect, request with same method
// As of Go 1.3, Go does not support status code 308.
code = 307
if tsr && r.RedirectTrailingSlash {
if len(path) > 1 && path[len(path)-1] == '/' {
req.URL.Path = path[:len(path)-1]
} else {
req.URL.Path = path + "/"
http.Redirect(w, req, req.URL.String(), code)
// Try to fix the request path
if r.RedirectFixedPath {
fixedPath, found := root.findCaseInsensitivePath(
if found {
req.URL.Path = string(fixedPath)
http.Redirect(w, req, req.URL.String(), code)
if req.Method == "OPTIONS" {
// Handle OPTIONS requests
if r.HandleOPTIONS {
if allow := r.allowed(path, req.Method); len(allow) > 0 {
w.Header().Set("Allow", allow)
} else {
// Handle 405
if r.HandleMethodNotAllowed {
if allow := r.allowed(path, req.Method); len(allow) > 0 {
w.Header().Set("Allow", allow)
if r.MethodNotAllowed != nil {
r.MethodNotAllowed.ServeHTTP(w, req)
} else {
// Handle 404
if r.NotFound != nil {
r.NotFound.ServeHTTP(w, req)
} else {
http.NotFound(w, req)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
package router
import (
func min(a, b int) int {
if a <= b {
return a
return b
func countParams(path string) uint8 {
var n uint
for i := 0; i < len(path); i++ {
if path[i] != ':' && path[i] != '*' {
if n >= 255 {
return 255
return uint8(n)
type nodeType uint8
const (
static nodeType = iota // default
type node struct {
path string
wildChild bool
nType nodeType
maxParams uint8
indices string
children []*node
handle Handle
priority uint32
// increments priority of the given child and reorders if necessary
func (n *node) incrementChildPrio(pos int) int {
prio := n.children[pos].priority
// adjust position (move to front)
newPos := pos
for newPos > 0 && n.children[newPos-1].priority < prio {
// swap node positions
n.children[newPos-1], n.children[newPos] = n.children[newPos], n.children[newPos-1]
// build new index char string
if newPos != pos {
n.indices = n.indices[:newPos] + // unchanged prefix, might be empty
n.indices[pos:pos+1] + // the index char we move
n.indices[newPos:pos] + n.indices[pos+1:] // rest without char at 'pos'
return newPos
// addRoute adds a node with the given handle to the path.
// Not concurrency-safe!
func (n *node) addRoute(path string, handle Handle) {
fullPath := path
numParams := countParams(path)
// non-empty tree
if len(n.path) > 0 || len(n.children) > 0 {
for {
// Update maxParams of the current node
if numParams > n.maxParams {
n.maxParams = numParams
// Find the longest common prefix.
// This also implies that the common prefix contains no ':' or '*'
// since the existing key can't contain those chars.
i := 0
max := min(len(path), len(n.path))
for i < max && path[i] == n.path[i] {
// Split edge
if i < len(n.path) {
child := node{
path: n.path[i:],
wildChild: n.wildChild,
nType: static,
indices: n.indices,
children: n.children,
handle: n.handle,
priority: n.priority - 1,
// Update maxParams (max of all children)
for i := range child.children {
if child.children[i].maxParams > child.maxParams {
child.maxParams = child.children[i].maxParams
n.children = []*node{&child}
// []byte for proper unicode char conversion, see #65
n.indices = string([]byte{n.path[i]})
n.path = path[:i]
n.handle = nil
n.wildChild = false
// Make new node a child of this node
if i < len(path) {
path = path[i:]
if n.wildChild {
n = n.children[0]
// Update maxParams of the child node
if numParams > n.maxParams {
n.maxParams = numParams
// Check if the wildcard matches
if len(path) >= len(n.path) && n.path == path[:len(n.path)] &&
// Check for longer wildcard, e.g. :name and :names
(len(n.path) >= len(path) || path[len(n.path)] == '/') {
continue walk
} else {
// Wildcard conflict
var pathSeg string
if n.nType == catchAll {
pathSeg = path
} else {
pathSeg = strings.SplitN(path, "/", 2)[0]
prefix := fullPath[:strings.Index(fullPath, pathSeg)] + n.path
panic("'" + pathSeg +
"' in new path '" + fullPath +
"' conflicts with existing wildcard '" + n.path +
"' in existing prefix '" + prefix +
c := path[0]
// slash after param
if n.nType == param && c == '/' && len(n.children) == 1 {
n = n.children[0]
continue walk
// Check if a child with the next path byte exists
for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
if c == n.indices[i] {
i = n.incrementChildPrio(i)
n = n.children[i]
continue walk
// Otherwise insert it
if c != ':' && c != '*' {
// []byte for proper unicode char conversion, see #65
n.indices += string([]byte{c})
child := &node{
maxParams: numParams,
n.children = append(n.children, child)
n.incrementChildPrio(len(n.indices) - 1)
n = child
n.insertChild(numParams, path, fullPath, handle)
} else if i == len(path) { // Make node a (in-path) leaf
if n.handle != nil {
panic("a handle is already registered for path '" + fullPath + "'")
n.handle = handle
} else { // Empty tree
n.insertChild(numParams, path, fullPath, handle)
n.nType = root
func (n *node) insertChild(numParams uint8, path, fullPath string, handle Handle) {
var offset int // already handled bytes of the path
// find prefix until first wildcard (beginning with ':'' or '*'')
for i, max := 0, len(path); numParams > 0; i++ {
c := path[i]
if c != ':' && c != '*' {
// find wildcard end (either '/' or path end)
end := i + 1
for end < max && path[end] != '/' {
switch path[end] {
// the wildcard name must not contain ':' and '*'
case ':', '*':
panic("only one wildcard per path segment is allowed, has: '" +
path[i:] + "' in path '" + fullPath + "'")
// check if this Node existing children which would be
// unreachable if we insert the wildcard here
if len(n.children) > 0 {
panic("wildcard route '" + path[i:end] +
"' conflicts with existing children in path '" + fullPath + "'")
// check if the wildcard has a name
if end-i < 2 {
panic("wildcards must be named with a non-empty name in path '" + fullPath + "'")
if c == ':' { // param
// split path at the beginning of the wildcard
if i > 0 {
n.path = path[offset:i]
offset = i
child := &node{
nType: param,
maxParams: numParams,
n.children = []*node{child}
n.wildChild = true
n = child
// if the path doesn't end with the wildcard, then there
// will be another non-wildcard subpath starting with '/'
if end < max {
n.path = path[offset:end]
offset = end
child := &node{
maxParams: numParams,
priority: 1,
n.children = []*node{child}
n = child
} else { // catchAll
if end != max || numParams > 1 {
panic("catch-all routes are only allowed at the end of the path in path '" + fullPath + "'")
if len(n.path) > 0 && n.path[len(n.path)-1] == '/' {
panic("catch-all conflicts with existing handle for the path segment root in path '" + fullPath + "'")
// currently fixed width 1 for '/'
if path[i] != '/' {
panic("no / before catch-all in path '" + fullPath + "'")
n.path = path[offset:i]
// first node: catchAll node with empty path
child := &node{
wildChild: true,
nType: catchAll,
maxParams: 1,
n.children = []*node{child}
n.indices = string(path[i])
n = child
// second node: node holding the variable
child = &node{
path: path[i:],
nType: catchAll,
maxParams: 1,
handle: handle,
priority: 1,
n.children = []*node{child}
// insert remaining path part and handle to the leaf
n.path = path[offset:]
n.handle = handle
// Returns the handle registered with the given path (key). The values of
// wildcards are saved to a map.
// If no handle can be found, a TSR (trailing slash redirect) recommendation is
// made if a handle exists with an extra (without the) trailing slash for the
// given path.
func (n *node) getValue(path string) (handle Handle, p Params, tsr bool) {
walk: // outer loop for walking the tree
for {
if len(path) > len(n.path) {
if path[:len(n.path)] == n.path {
path = path[len(n.path):]
// If this node does not have a wildcard (param or catchAll)
// child, we can just look up the next child node and continue
// to walk down the tree
if !n.wildChild {
c := path[0]
for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
if c == n.indices[i] {
n = n.children[i]
continue walk
// Nothing found.
// We can recommend to redirect to the same URL without a
// trailing slash if a leaf exists for that path.
tsr = (path == "/" && n.handle != nil)
// handle wildcard child
n = n.children[0]
switch n.nType {
case param:
// find param end (either '/' or path end)
end := 0
for end < len(path) && path[end] != '/' {
// save param value
if p == nil {
// lazy allocation
p = make(Params, 0, n.maxParams)
i := len(p)
p = p[:i+1] // expand slice within preallocated capacity
p[i].Key = n.path[1:]
p[i].Value = path[:end]
// we need to go deeper!
if end < len(path) {
if len(n.children) > 0 {
path = path[end:]
n = n.children[0]
continue walk
// ... but we can't
tsr = (len(path) == end+1)
if handle = n.handle; handle != nil {
} else if len(n.children) == 1 {
// No handle found. Check if a handle for this path + a
// trailing slash exists for TSR recommendation
n = n.children[0]
tsr = (n.path == "/" && n.handle != nil)
case catchAll:
// save param value
if p == nil {
// lazy allocation
p = make(Params, 0, n.maxParams)
i := len(p)
p = p[:i+1] // expand slice within preallocated capacity
p[i].Key = n.path[2:]
p[i].Value = path
handle = n.handle
panic("invalid node type")
} else if path == n.path {
// We should have reached the node containing the handle.
// Check if this node has a handle registered.
if handle = n.handle; handle != nil {
if path == "/" && n.wildChild && n.nType != root {
tsr = true
// No handle found. Check if a handle for this path + a
// trailing slash exists for trailing slash recommendation
for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
if n.indices[i] == '/' {
n = n.children[i]
tsr = (len(n.path) == 1 && n.handle != nil) ||
(n.nType == catchAll && n.children[0].handle != nil)
// Nothing found. We can recommend to redirect to the same URL with an
// extra trailing slash if a leaf exists for that path
tsr = (path == "/") ||
(len(n.path) == len(path)+1 && n.path[len(path)] == '/' &&
path == n.path[:len(n.path)-1] && n.handle != nil)
// Makes a case-insensitive lookup of the given path and tries to find a handler.
// It can optionally also fix trailing slashes.
// It returns the case-corrected path and a bool indicating whether the lookup
// was successful.
func (n *node) findCaseInsensitivePath(path string, fixTrailingSlash bool) (ciPath []byte, found bool) {
return n.findCaseInsensitivePathRec(
make([]byte, 0, len(path)+1), // preallocate enough memory for new path
[4]byte{}, // empty rune buffer
// shift bytes in array by n bytes left
func shiftNRuneBytes(rb [4]byte, n int) [4]byte {
switch n {
case 0:
return rb
case 1:
return [4]byte{rb[1], rb[2], rb[3], 0}
case 2:
return [4]byte{rb[2], rb[3]}
case 3:
return [4]byte{rb[3]}
return [4]byte{}
// recursive case-insensitive lookup function used by n.findCaseInsensitivePath
func (n *node) findCaseInsensitivePathRec(path, loPath string, ciPath []byte, rb [4]byte, fixTrailingSlash bool) ([]byte, bool) {
loNPath := strings.ToLower(n.path)
walk: // outer loop for walking the tree
for len(loPath) >= len(loNPath) && (len(loNPath) == 0 || loPath[1:len(loNPath)] == loNPath[1:]) {
// add common path to result
ciPath = append(ciPath, n.path...)
if path = path[len(n.path):]; len(path) > 0 {
loOld := loPath
loPath = loPath[len(loNPath):]
// If this node does not have a wildcard (param or catchAll) child,
// we can just look up the next child node and continue to walk down
// the tree
if !n.wildChild {
// skip rune bytes already processed
rb = shiftNRuneBytes(rb, len(loNPath))
if rb[0] != 0 {
// old rune not finished
for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
if n.indices[i] == rb[0] {
// continue with child node
n = n.children[i]
loNPath = strings.ToLower(n.path)
continue walk
} else {
// process a new rune
var rv rune
// find rune start
// runes are up to 4 byte long,
// -4 would definitely be another rune
var off int
for max := min(len(loNPath), 3); off < max; off++ {
if i := len(loNPath) - off; utf8.RuneStart(loOld[i]) {
// read rune from cached lowercase path
rv, _ = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(loOld[i:])
// calculate lowercase bytes of current rune
utf8.EncodeRune(rb[:], rv)
// skipp already processed bytes
rb = shiftNRuneBytes(rb, off)
for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
// lowercase matches
if n.indices[i] == rb[0] {
// must use a recursive approach since both the
// uppercase byte and the lowercase byte might exist
// as an index
if out, found := n.children[i].findCaseInsensitivePathRec(
path, loPath, ciPath, rb, fixTrailingSlash,
); found {
return out, true
// same for uppercase rune, if it differs
if up := unicode.ToUpper(rv); up != rv {
utf8.EncodeRune(rb[:], up)
rb = shiftNRuneBytes(rb, off)
for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
// uppercase matches
if n.indices[i] == rb[0] {
// continue with child node
n = n.children[i]
loNPath = strings.ToLower(n.path)
continue walk
// Nothing found. We can recommend to redirect to the same URL
// without a trailing slash if a leaf exists for that path
return ciPath, (fixTrailingSlash && path == "/" && n.handle != nil)
n = n.children[0]
switch n.nType {
case param:
// find param end (either '/' or path end)
k := 0
for k < len(path) && path[k] != '/' {
// add param value to case insensitive path
ciPath = append(ciPath, path[:k]...)
// we need to go deeper!
if k < len(path) {
if len(n.children) > 0 {
// continue with child node
n = n.children[0]
loNPath = strings.ToLower(n.path)
loPath = loPath[k:]
path = path[k:]
// ... but we can't
if fixTrailingSlash && len(path) == k+1 {
return ciPath, true
return ciPath, false
if n.handle != nil {
return ciPath, true
} else if fixTrailingSlash && len(n.children) == 1 {
// No handle found. Check if a handle for this path + a
// trailing slash exists
n = n.children[0]
if n.path == "/" && n.handle != nil {
return append(ciPath, '/'), true
return ciPath, false
case catchAll:
return append(ciPath, path...), true
panic("invalid node type")
} else {
// We should have reached the node containing the handle.
// Check if this node has a handle registered.
if n.handle != nil {
return ciPath, true
// No handle found.
// Try to fix the path by adding a trailing slash
if fixTrailingSlash {
for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
if n.indices[i] == '/' {
n = n.children[i]
if (len(n.path) == 1 && n.handle != nil) ||
(n.nType == catchAll && n.children[0].handle != nil) {
return append(ciPath, '/'), true
return ciPath, false
return ciPath, false
// Nothing found.
// Try to fix the path by adding / removing a trailing slash
if fixTrailingSlash {
if path == "/" {
return ciPath, true
if len(loPath)+1 == len(loNPath) && loNPath[len(loPath)] == '/' &&
loPath[1:] == loNPath[1:len(loPath)] && n.handle != nil {
return append(ciPath, n.path...), true
return ciPath, false
@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
package server
package socket
import (
type ClientConnHandler interface {
GetReconnectInterval() time.Duration
GetReconnectTryTime() int
type ClientConnHandlers struct {
ReconnectInterval time.Duration
ReconnectTryTime int
@ -31,11 +34,11 @@ func (cch *ClientConnHandlers) Validate() error {
if cch.ReconnectInterval <= 0 {
cch.ReconnectInterval = DefaultReconnectInterval
cch.ReconnectInterval = server.DefaultReconnectInterval
if cch.ReconnectTryTime <= 0 {
cch.ReconnectTryTime = DefaultReconnectTryTime
cch.ReconnectTryTime = server.DefaultReconnectTryTime
return nil
@ -8,12 +8,11 @@ import (
type Client struct {
Name string
@ -17,14 +17,13 @@ import (
var errMalformedURL = errors.New("malformed ws or wss URL")
type Client struct {
Name string
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ func (s *Server) httpHandler(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
if servlet = s.ServerHandler.(ServerHandler).Servlet(s.ctx, ctx); nil == servlet {
if servlet = s.ServerHandler.Servlet(s.ctx, ctx); nil == servlet {
s.onError(ctx, fasthttp.StatusInternalServerError, err)
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
package fasthttp
import (
@ -53,8 +51,6 @@ func (sh *ServerHandlers) Destroy(serverCtx server.ServerCtx) {
func (sh *ServerHandlers) OnError(serverCtx server.ServerCtx, ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx, status int, reason error) {
ctx.Response.Header.Set("Sec-Websocket-Version", "13")
ctx.Error(http.StatusText(status), status)
func (sh *ServerHandlers) RegisterServlet(path string, servlet Servlet) {
@ -7,11 +7,13 @@ import (
type ServerHandler interface {
type ServerHandlers struct {
func (sh *ServerHandlers) Validate() error {
@ -21,6 +23,9 @@ func (sh *ServerHandlers) Validate() error {
if err := sh.ConnectionHandlers.Validate(); nil != err {
return err
if err := sh.ReadWriteHandlers.Validate(); nil != err {
return err
return nil
Reference in New Issue
Block a user