fuse-alert { display: block; /* Common */ .fuse-alert-container { position: relative; display: flex; padding: 16px; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1; /* All icons */ .mat-icon { color: currentColor !important; } /* Icon */ .fuse-alert-icon { display: flex; align-items: flex-start; .fuse-alert-custom-icon, .fuse-alert-default-icon { display: none; align-items: center; justify-content: center; border-radius: 50%; &:not(:empty) { display: flex; margin-right: 12px; } } .fuse-alert-default-icon { .mat-icon { @apply icon-size-5; } } .fuse-alert-custom-icon { display: none; &:not(:empty) { display: flex; + .fuse-alert-default-icon { display: none; } } } } /* Content */ .fuse-alert-content { display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; line-height: 1; /* Title */ .fuse-alert-title { display: none; font-weight: 600; line-height: 20px; &:not(:empty) { display: block; /* Alert that comes after the title */ + .fuse-alert-message { &:not(:empty) { margin-top: 4px; } } } } /* Alert */ .fuse-alert-message { display: none; line-height: 20px; &:not(:empty) { display: block; } } } /* Dismiss button */ .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 10px; width: 32px !important; min-width: 32px !important; height: 32px !important; min-height: 32px !important; line-height: 32px !important; .mat-icon { @apply icon-size-4; } } } /* Dismissible */ &.fuse-alert-dismissible { .fuse-alert-container { .fuse-alert-content { margin-right: 32px; } } } &:not(.fuse-alert-dismissible) { .fuse-alert-container { .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { display: none !important; } } } /* Border */ &.fuse-alert-appearance-border { .fuse-alert-container { position: relative; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 6px; @apply shadow-md bg-card; .fuse-alert-border { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 4px; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-gray-600; } } /* Primary */ &.fuse-alert-type-primary { .fuse-alert-container { .fuse-alert-border { @apply bg-primary; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-primary; } .dark & { @apply bg-gray-700; .fuse-alert-border { @apply bg-primary-400; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-primary-400; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-gray-300; } code { @apply bg-gray-400 text-gray-800; } } } } /* Accent */ &.fuse-alert-type-accent { .fuse-alert-container { .fuse-alert-border { @apply bg-accent; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-accent; } .dark & { @apply bg-gray-700; .fuse-alert-border { @apply bg-accent-400; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-accent-400; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-gray-300; } code { @apply bg-gray-400 text-gray-800; } } } } /* Warn */ &.fuse-alert-type-warn { .fuse-alert-container { .fuse-alert-border { @apply bg-warn; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-warn; } .dark & { @apply bg-gray-700; .fuse-alert-border { @apply bg-warn-400; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-warn-400; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-gray-300; } code { @apply bg-gray-400 text-gray-800; } } } } /* Basic */ &.fuse-alert-type-basic { .fuse-alert-container { .fuse-alert-border { @apply bg-gray-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-gray-600; } .dark & { @apply bg-gray-700; .fuse-alert-border { @apply bg-gray-400; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-gray-400; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-gray-300; } code { @apply bg-gray-400 text-gray-800; } } } } /* Info */ &.fuse-alert-type-info { .fuse-alert-container { .fuse-alert-border { @apply bg-blue-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-blue-700; } .dark & { @apply bg-gray-700; .fuse-alert-border { @apply bg-blue-400; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-blue-400; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-gray-300; } code { @apply bg-gray-400 text-gray-800; } } } } /* Success */ &.fuse-alert-type-success { .fuse-alert-container { .fuse-alert-border { @apply bg-green-500; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-green-500; } .dark & { @apply bg-gray-700; .fuse-alert-border { @apply bg-green-400; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-green-400; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-gray-300; } code { @apply bg-gray-400 text-gray-800; } } } } /* Warning */ &.fuse-alert-type-warning { .fuse-alert-container { .fuse-alert-border { @apply bg-amber-500; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-amber-500; } .dark & { @apply bg-gray-700; .fuse-alert-border { @apply bg-amber-400; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-amber-400; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-gray-300; } code { @apply bg-gray-400 text-gray-800; } } } } /* Error */ &.fuse-alert-type-error { .fuse-alert-container { .fuse-alert-border { @apply bg-red-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-red-700; } .dark & { @apply bg-gray-700; .fuse-alert-border { @apply bg-red-400; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-red-400; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-gray-300; } code { @apply bg-gray-400 text-gray-800; } } } } } /* Fill */ &.fuse-alert-appearance-fill { .fuse-alert-container { border-radius: 6px; .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-white; } } /* Primary */ &.fuse-alert-type-primary { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-primary-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-primary-100; } code { @apply text-primary-800 bg-primary-200; } } } /* Accent */ &.fuse-alert-type-accent { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-accent-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-accent-100; } code { @apply text-accent-800 bg-accent-200; } } } /* Warn */ &.fuse-alert-type-warn { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-warn-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-warn-100; } code { @apply text-warn-800 bg-warn-200; } } } /* Basic */ &.fuse-alert-type-basic { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-gray-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-gray-100; } code { @apply bg-gray-200 text-gray-800; } } } /* Info */ &.fuse-alert-type-info { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-blue-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-blue-100; } code { @apply bg-blue-200 text-blue-800; } } } /* Success */ &.fuse-alert-type-success { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-green-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-green-100; } code { @apply bg-green-200 text-gray-800; } } } /* Warning */ &.fuse-alert-type-warning { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-amber-500; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-amber-100; } code { @apply bg-amber-200 text-amber-800; } } } /* Error */ &.fuse-alert-type-error { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-red-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-red-100; } code { @apply bg-red-200 text-red-800; } } } } /* Outline */ &.fuse-alert-appearance-outline { .fuse-alert-container { border-radius: 6px; } /* Primary */ &.fuse-alert-type-primary { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-primary-50 ring-1 ring-primary-400 ring-inset; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-primary-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-primary-900; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-primary-700; } code { @apply text-primary-800 bg-primary-200; } .dark & { @apply bg-primary-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-primary-200; } } } } /* Accent */ &.fuse-alert-type-accent { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-accent-100 ring-1 ring-accent-400 ring-inset; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-accent-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-accent-900; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-accent-700; } code { @apply text-accent-800 bg-accent-200; } .dark & { @apply bg-accent-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-accent-200; } } } } /* Warn */ &.fuse-alert-type-warn { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-warn-50 ring-1 ring-warn-400 ring-inset; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-warn-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-warn-900; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-warn-700; } code { @apply text-warn-800 bg-warn-200; } .dark & { @apply bg-warn-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-warn-200; } } } } /* Basic */ &.fuse-alert-type-basic { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-gray-100 ring-1 ring-gray-400 ring-inset; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-gray-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-gray-900; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-gray-700; } code { @apply bg-gray-200 text-gray-800; } .dark & { @apply bg-gray-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-gray-200; } } } } /* Info */ &.fuse-alert-type-info { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-blue-50 ring-1 ring-blue-400 ring-inset; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-blue-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-blue-900; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-blue-700; } code { @apply bg-blue-200 text-blue-800; } .dark & { @apply bg-blue-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-blue-200; } } } } /* Success */ &.fuse-alert-type-success { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-green-50 ring-1 ring-green-400 ring-inset; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-green-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-green-900; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-green-700; } code { @apply bg-green-200 text-green-800; } .dark & { @apply bg-green-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-green-200; } } } } /* Warning */ &.fuse-alert-type-warning { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-amber-50 ring-1 ring-amber-400 ring-inset; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-amber-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-amber-900; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-amber-700; } code { @apply bg-amber-200 text-amber-800; } .dark & { @apply bg-amber-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-amber-200; } } } } /* Error */ &.fuse-alert-type-error { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-red-50 ring-1 ring-red-400 ring-inset; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-red-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-red-900; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-red-700; } code { @apply bg-red-200 text-red-800; } .dark & { @apply bg-red-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-red-200; } } } } } /* Soft */ &.fuse-alert-appearance-soft { .fuse-alert-container { border-radius: 6px; } /* Primary */ &.fuse-alert-type-primary { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-primary-50; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-primary-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-primary-900; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-primary-700; } code { @apply text-primary-800 bg-primary-200; } .dark & { @apply bg-primary-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-primary-200; } } } } /* Accent */ &.fuse-alert-type-accent { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-accent-100; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-accent-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-accent-900; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-accent-700; } code { @apply text-accent-800 bg-accent-200; } .dark & { @apply bg-accent-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-accent-200; } } } } /* Warn */ &.fuse-alert-type-warn { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-warn-50; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-warn-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-warn-900; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-warn-700; } code { @apply text-warn-800 bg-warn-200; } .dark & { @apply bg-warn-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-warn-200; } } } } /* Basic */ &.fuse-alert-type-basic { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-gray-100; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-gray-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-gray-900; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-gray-700; } code { @apply bg-gray-200 text-gray-800; } .dark & { @apply bg-gray-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-gray-200; } } } } /* Info */ &.fuse-alert-type-info { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-blue-50; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-blue-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-blue-900; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-blue-700; } code { @apply bg-blue-200 text-blue-800; } .dark & { @apply bg-blue-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-blue-200; } } } } /* Success */ &.fuse-alert-type-success { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-green-50; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-green-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-green-900; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-green-700; } code { @apply bg-green-200 text-green-800; } .dark & { @apply bg-green-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-green-200; } } } } /* Warning */ &.fuse-alert-type-warning { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-amber-50; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-amber-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-amber-900; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-amber-700; } code { @apply bg-amber-200 text-amber-800; } .dark & { @apply bg-amber-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-amber-200; } } } } /* Error */ &.fuse-alert-type-error { .fuse-alert-container { @apply bg-red-50; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-red-600; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-red-900; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-red-700; } code { @apply bg-red-200 text-red-800; } .dark & { @apply bg-red-600; .fuse-alert-icon { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-title, .fuse-alert-dismiss-button { @apply text-white; } .fuse-alert-message { @apply text-red-200; } } } } } }